NHKニュースで学ぶ現代英語 2025年2月勉強分③
トランプ新大統領 就任
・executive order:大統領行政命令
Donald Trump has kicked off his second presidency with a flurry of executive orders, including pulling out of several international accords and causing sweeping changes to domestic policy.
・a flurry of ~:立て続けの~、怒とうの~、相次ぐ~ [flə́ːri]
Trump was sworn in at the Capitol Building on Monday.
・swear in:宣誓就任させる ※下記GPT参照
・be sworn in:就任の宣誓をする ※下記GPT参照
・Capitol Building:連邦議会議事堂 ※下記GPT参照
※議事堂の建物がある小高い丘のCapitol Hillをこの意味で使うこともある。
At 78 years and seven months, he’s the oldest U.S. president to ever take office.
In his inauguration speech, he said he will make the U.S. the envy of every nation.
“The golden age of America begins right now.”
He got right to work after the ceremony, signing a barrage of Day 1 executive orders.
・get to work:仕事に取りかかる
・a barrage of ~:大量の~ [bərɑ́ːʒ]
Many ran counter to the policies of the outgoing Biden administration.
・run counter to ~:~に逆行する、逆らう、背く
That includes starting the process to leave the Paris Agreement, an international accord on climate change.
He also brought in sweeping changes domestically.
・bring in:もたらす、生じさせる
One order called for ending all federal diversity, equity, and inclusion programs aimed at fighting inequality.
・diversity, equity, and inclusion:「多様性、公平性、包摂性(包括性)」→(略称DEI)
【 豆知識:新トランプ政権でニュースになりそうなキーワード 】
・地球温暖化対策の「パリ協定から離脱する」:leave the Paris Agreement
・連邦政府の「多様性・公平性・包摂性」のプログラムを終わらせる:diversity, equity, and inclusion
・『ジェンダー』ではなく『性別』という用語を使うものとする:shall use the term “sex” and not “gender”
・「不法入国外国人」の流入を軍隊を動員して止める:illegal alien
※近年はillegalと呼ばないようundocumented migrant「必要な書類を持たない移住者」などの表現が使われていた。参考:豆知識:"illegal migrant’ と “undocumented migrant" のニュアンスの違い
・「メキシコ湾」と呼ばれていた海域を「アメリカ湾」に改称する:Gulf of America
・連邦議会乱入事件の訴追者らに「恩赦を与える」:grant a pardon
:「外国歳入庁」を創設し「外国に関税と税金を課す」:External Revenue Service / tariff and tax foreign countries
“swear in" で「宣誓させる」と言う意味だが、誰が?
「swear in」は 他の権限を持つ人(または機関)が誰かに宣誓させる
今回のニュース文「Trump was sworn in at the Capitol Building on Monday.」で言うと、元は
The Chief Justice swore in Trump at the Capitol Building on Monday.「最高裁判所の裁判官が大統領に宣誓させた」
Trump was sworn in at the Capitol Building on Monday.「トランプ氏が宣誓就任した」
※アメリカでは、大統領の就任式で通常 最高裁判所長官(Chief Justice of the United States)が新大統領に宣誓をさせる役割を担う。
なぜ「Capitol Building」の「Capitol」は「Capital」ではないの?
「capitol」という単語は、古代ローマの「カピトリウム(Capitolinus Hill)」 に由来している。
カピトリウムはローマの重要な丘の一つで、神殿や政府機関があった場所 。アメリカの建国者たちは、ローマ共和国を手本にしたため、議会の建物を「Capitol」と名付けた。
<参考 混同しやすい例。
Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States.「ワシントンD.C.はアメリカの首都だ」
The President gave a speech at the Capitol.「大統領は国会議事堂で演説をした」
「At 78 years and seven months, he’s the oldest U.S. president to ever take office.」という文の「to」の文法解説
「to ever take office」 は 「the oldest U.S. president」 を修飾する 形容詞的用法の不定詞
「to + 動詞の原形」 を使うことで、「~するための」「~することが」「~する(ことになった)」という意味を表す。
He is the best person to ask.「彼は頼るのに最適な人だ」
She was the first to arrive.「彼女は最初に到着した人だった」
This is the safest way to travel.「これが最も安全な移動手段だ」
You are the last one to know.「君は最後に知る人だよ」
He is the youngest to win the award.「彼は史上最年少でその賞を受賞した」
佐々木朗希 ドジャースと契約合意
・sign with ~:~との契約にサインする、~と契約する、契約を交わす
Japanese pitching star Sasaki Roki has announced on social media he will sign with the Los Angeles Dodgers.
The 23-year-old had been aiming to move to a Major League Baseball club through the posting system.
・posting system:「ポスティングシステム」
In 2022, Sasaki became the youngest pitcher in Japan’s professional baseball league history to throw a perfect game.
The next year, he tied the league record for the fastest pitch by a Japanese pitcher at 165 kilometers per hour.
・tie the record for ~:~に関する記録に並ぶ
Sasaki had a career-high 10 wins last year.
※cf. record-high:史上最高の、過去最高の
After he was posted by the Chiba Lotte Marines at the end of the season, 20 MLB teams showed interest in signing him.
Multiple U.S. media outlets say Sasaki will be getting a 6.5 million-dollar signing bonus.
・signing bonus:(年棒などとは別に契約を交わした際に支払われる)契約金
The Lotte Marines is expected to receive 25 percent of that amount as the release fee.
・release fee:(ここではポスティングシステムで選手を手放す元の所属球団が移籍先の大リーグの球団から受け取る)「譲渡金」
Sasaki said in his social media post that it was a very difficult decision, but he pledged to do his best so that he could feel he made the right choice.
・pledge to ~:~することを誓う
※参考 豆知識:「約束する」の語彙
ガザ地区 停戦開始
The ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas appears to be holding, and both sides are moving forward on promises to release people from captivity.
・ceasefire/cease-fire:停戦合意 [sisfáiər]
※cease「止める」+ fire「攻撃」
Israeli authorities have reportedly freed 90 Palestinian prisoners after Hamas returned three Israeli hostages.
The three women were handed over to Israeli troops in the Gaza Strip hours after the ceasefire began on Sunday.
・strip:細長い一片、細長い土地 [stríp]
・Gaza Strip:「ガザ地区」(地中海の東の沿岸に面した細長い土地)
Hamas is expected to gradually hand over a total of 33 hostages during the six-week ceasefire period.
Meanwhile, multiple media outlets report Israel freed 90 Palestinian prisoners on Monday.
The ceasefire began after a nearly three-hour delay.
Israel and Hamas are now expected to hold talks on reconstruction as well as a permanent ceasefire.
People in the Gaza Strip have been emerging from shelters after months of bombardment.
Many are returning to piles of rubble where homes once stood, searching for anything that survived the damage.
京都の企業 レアアース使わずモーター製造
A Japanese startup has developed a motor for electric vehicles that requires no rare-earth elements.
・rare-earth element:希土類元素、レアアース元素、レアアース
The global auto industry is keen to substitute rare earths.
・substitute ~:~を置き換える
※substitute A with B:AをBと置き換える
Most of the materials are supplied by China, whose exports could be disrupted by a future trade war under Trump.
・disrupt:混乱させる、中断させる ※豆知識参照
The venture, Next Core Technologies, showed off its motor at CES, one of the world’s largest tech fairs, held earlier this month in Las Vegas.
It drew plenty of interest from visitors.
The prototype contains no terbium or dysprosium.
These elements are used in high-performance EV motors for heat resistance.
Next Core Technologies says it applied its own metal refining and processing skills to prevent overheating.
・metal refining:金属精製
・metal processing:金属加工
The Kyoto-based venture also says the motor uses far less electricity than conventional types.
【 豆知識:"rupt" を含む語彙の共通の意味 】
・bankrupt:破産させる、行き詰まらせる(bank +)
脱炭素へ 液化CO2輸送船を公開
・liquid CO2:液化二酸化炭素
A vessel to transport liquefied carbon dioxide from industrial emitters has been unveiled in Singapore.
・carbon dioxide:二酸化炭素
・industrial emitter:(工場や精油所、火力発電所など、事業活動に伴って二酸化炭素を排出する)産業界の排出事業者
The ship will contribute to the world’s first full-scale
carbon capture and storage project, or CCS, in Norway.
・contribute to ~:~に貢献する
・carbon capture and storage:工場などから排出された二酸化炭素を回収して地下深くにためる技術(略称CCS)
Japanese shipping firm Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha operates the vessel.
The 130-meter ship has two tanks with a total capacity of 7,500 cubic meters of liquid CO2.
It will transport the substance to the Norwegian facility where the CCS project is underway.
・be underway:(作業などが)進行中で、現在行われている
Norway’s Northern Lights company is managing the long-term storage of collected carbon dioxide deep underwater.
One-and-a-half million tons of CO2 taken from multiple sites will be stored at its facility annually.
“Carbon capture and storage is a key technology needed to decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors like steel, petrochemical, as well as cement.”