レアジョブ Weekly News Article(インドネシアのジュラシックパーク)


Indonesia building “Jurassic Park”

  ex) Wow, that’s a one-of-a-kind dress. Did Annie make it herself?

  ex) Please be quiet and don’t disturb the sleeping baby.

  ex) Thank you for your concern, but don’t worry. I’m okay.

  ex) I wrote everyone’s names on the bottles to ensure that they won’t get mixed up.
    mix up:混同する

  ex) Some snakes are dangerous because they have venom.

go viral:〔インターネットや口コミで情報が〕急速に広まる[拡散する・伝播する]、バズる
  ex) People have started to call a new Indonesian tourism project “Jurassic Park” after a shocking photo of it went viral online.

・in the wild:野生で、野放しにされて
  ex) Komodo National Park is the only place in the world where Komodo dragons live in the wild.

・Why do you think people were so shocked by the photo of a Komodo dragon blocking a truck?
 → 分からない(私には・・・)

・Do you think it’s a good idea to build a tourism spot in Komodo National Park?
 → せっかく自然の場所なのに作るのはどうだろう。映画みたいだ

・The Indonesian government said that it’ll send a team to the park to ensure the Komodo dragons are not in any danger. Do you think the Komodo dragons will still be disturbed?
 → 人の手が加われば何かしら生態系に影響を与えると思う

・In your opinion, is animal tourism a good thing (ex. taking selfies with sloths in Costa Rica, feeding crocodiles in Australia)?
 ※sloth:ナマケモノ [slɔθ]
 → 思わない。自然は自然のままで・・・。動物園にも基本的に反対。

・Do you think international tourism will fully return in 2022?
 → 中国と日本以外は結構戻るのでは・・・。

・How important is tourism for your country?
 → 日本経済はすっかり衰退しインバウンドに頼らないとやっていけなくなったので、もちろんとても重要


“The Japanese economy has completely declined and we can’t do without relying on inbound."


