NHKニュースで学ぶ現代英語 2023年6月勉強分③


【 語彙・表現 】
・whack:バシッ、ピシッという音 [hwǽk]
・weed whacking:(ピシッという音から)草刈り

・munch on ~:~をむしゃむしゃ食べる、もぐもぐ食べる
 ex) Before we go, let’s enjoy a soothing scene of goats munching away on weeds in the Japanese countryside.

・ruminant:反すう動物 [rúːmənənt]
・alternative to ~:~の代替物、代替手段 [ɔːltə́ːrnətiv]
 ex) It started using the ruminants 12 years ago as a cheaper alternative to burning unwanted weeds.

・carbon dioxide:二酸化炭素(CO2)[daiɑ́ksàid]
 ex) It says it’s also a good way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

・graze on ~:(家畜が草地で)~を食べる
・industrial park:工業団地
 ex) This day, the goats are grazing on knee-high grasses on the slope of an industrial park.

 ex) It’s relaxing to watch the animals grazing, and it’s also good for landscaping.

・on duty「勤務中である、当番である」
 ※cf. off duty:勤務外である、非番である e.g. on-duty police officer:勤務中の警官、off-duty nurse:非番の看護師
 ex) The owner says the goats will remain “on duty” about three days a week until winter comes.

【 豆知識:"scapegoat" の由来 】

【 豆知識:onomatopeia(オノマトペ) 】

単に「食べる」ならeat、gobbleやwolf downなら「ガツガツ食べる」を表す。

【 豆知識:"weed" の派生する意味 】
weed:雑草 → 動詞で「(雑草を)取り除く」、「(好ましくないものを)排除する」
“weed out" の形で使われることが多い。
 ex) Corruption must be weeded out.「汚職(腐敗)は排除されなければならない」

WHO 新型コロナの緊急事態宣言を終了

【 語彙・表現 】
・World Health Organization:世界保健機関(WHO)
・(be) the first to ~:~する最初の人や組織
・sound the alarm:警報を発する、警鐘を鳴らす
 ※= raise the alarm
 ex) Authorities at the World Health Organization were among the first to sound the alarm about the coronavirus.

・declare an end to ~:~の終了を宣言する
・~ of concern:懸念されている~
 ※e.g. matter of concern:懸案事項、関心事
 ex) the emergency committee met for the 15th time and recommended to me that I declare an end to the Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

・declare A B:AがBであることを宣言する
 ex) I declare COVID-19 over as a global health emergency.

・alongside ~:~と並べて、~と一緒に、~と共に
・infectious disease:感染症
 ex) Tedros says it’s time the world started managing COVID-19 alongside other infectious diseases.

・mortality rate:死亡率
 ex) He cites falling mortality rates and increased immunity but also says the virus remains a threat.

 ex) Officials say as of May 3, there have been 765 million cases and close to 7 million deaths.

【 豆知識:"into" は入り込み具合も表す 】
 ex) She is five months into her pregnancy.「彼女は妊娠5か月だ」

well intoで、ある事柄がかなり進んでいることを表す
 ex) He is well into his sixties.なら「彼は60歳を優に超えている」

【 豆知識:"pandemic" の由来
ギリシャ語のpandemosに由来する言葉で、「広く、共通の、公の」を意味するpan +「人々」を意味するdemosから

【 豆知識:"it’s time ~" は仮定法になる 】
it’s (it is) time ~:~するときだ、~しても良いときだ

it is high time ~:~すべきときがとっくに過ぎている
 ex) It’s high time you started thinking about your future. 「とっくに将来について考え始めても良い頃だ」

英 チャールズ国王の戴冠式

【 語彙・表現 】
・now to ~:次は~についてお伝えします、それでは~の話題です
 ※= turn to ~、turning now to ~
・abbey:大修道院、寺院 [ǽbi]
・Westminster Abbey「ウェストミンスター寺院
 ex) Now to the United Kingdom, where the coronation of King Charles III was held at Westminster Abbey.

 ※cf. succeed in ~:~に成功する
 ex) He succeeded his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, when she died last September.

・Archbishop of Canterbury「カンタベリー大主教」は、イギリス国教会の最高位の聖職者
・St. Edward’s Crown:聖エドワードの王冠
・monarch:君主、国王、女王 [mɑ́nərk]
 ex) The Archbishop of Canterbury placed the historic St. Edward’s Crown on the monarch’s head during the coronation ceremony on Saturday.

・God save the King:「神よ王を守りたまえ」、国王万歳」
 ※“God Save the King”はイギリスで事実上の国歌として歌われている曲の題名でもある。

・head of state:元首、国家元首
the Commonwealth:イギリス連邦、英連邦
 ex) King Charles swore that as head of state he will rule the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries according to their laws.

・Queen Camilla:カミラ王妃
 ※カミラ王妃については、これまで「国王の配偶者」を意味するqueen consortという称号が使われていたが、戴冠式に伴ってqueenという称号が使われることになった。
 ex) Charles’ wife, Queen Camilla, was also crowned there.

・more than 1,000-year-old:1000年を越える歴史を持つ
・monarchy:君主制、君主制国家 [mɑ́nərki]
 ex) The more than 1,000-year-old ceremony took place amid skepticism, particularly among the young, about the role and relevance of the monarchy.

【 明日香先生とTomさんのディスカッションより 】
“tabloids were always running headlines about the family, and girls at my junior high were obsessed with Prince William."
・run headlines:見出しを掲載する
・be obsessed with ~:~に夢中である

“However, others are really skeptical

“I suppose the exposure that everything surrounding the royal family gets probably makes people more sensitive and opinionated about it."


【 語彙・表現 】
・wrap up:(成功裏に)終える
・summit:山などの「頂上」→ そこから国のトップ同士による「首脳会談」
 ※cf. summit diplomacy:首脳外交
 ex) Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol have wrapped up their summit in Seoul.

・deepen ~:~を深める
 ex) The people of our two countries are deepening their understanding of each other.

・carry on:(ほかの人が始めたことなどを)継続する、継承する
・predecessor:前任者 [prédəsèsər]
 ex) I believe it is my duty as the prime minister of Japan to carry on the efforts made by our predecessors who overcame difficult times and cooperate with President Yoon and South Korea towards the future.

・settle ~:~を解決する
・wartime labor issue:(ここでは)徴用工問題
 ex) Kishida also referred to the South Korean government’s plan to settle a wartime labor issue.

 ex) The Japanese prime minister said he feels heartbroken that many Korean people experienced suffering and sadness under the harsh environment at that time.

アイヌの人たちの遺骨 豪博物館から返還

【 語彙・表現 】
indigenous:先住の、土着の [indídʒənəs]
 ※cf. indigenous people:先住民
・repatriate:自分の国へ戻す、返還する、送還する [rìːpéitrièit]
 ex) Remains of Japan’s indigenous Ainu people, which were kept in Australian museums, have been repatriated after more than a century.

・(be) taken from ~:~から持ち出される、~から取られる
・early 20th century:20世紀初頭
 ex) They were taken from their homelands in the early 20th century for research.

・academic:(名)学者、研究者 [æ̀kədémik]
 ※e.g. industry peer:同業他社、peer pressure:(仲間からの)同調圧力
 ex) The remains had been held in Melbourne and the capital, Canberra, after Japanese academics gave them to their Australian peers between 1911 and 1936.

 ※e.g. then U.S. President Jimmy Carter:当時のアメリカ大統領ジミー・カーター
・Sakhalin:サハリン、樺太 [sǽkəliːn]
 ex) They were originally taken from the northern prefecture of Hokkaido and the then Japanese territory of Karafuto, now the Russian island of Sakhalin.

 ex) Japanese scholars collected Ainu remains, sometimes dug from their graves, and hundreds are believed to still be in collections around the world.

・ancestral:先祖の [ænséstrəl]
・hand ~ back:~を(手渡しで)返す
 ex) On Saturday, four sets of ancestral remains were handed back to a delegation of Ainu people.

・announce one’s intention to ~:(人が)~する意思・意向を表明する
 ex) The Australian government announced in 2017 its intention to send back the remains.

・years of ~:何年にもわたる~
 ex) It took years of negotiations to make the plan a reality.