NHKニュースで学ぶ現代英語 2023年8月勉強分③

宮崎駿監督 謎の新作を公開

【 語彙・表現 】
・did not know what to expect:「期待すべきことを知らなかった」→ 「何が起こるか予期できなかった」
 ex) Anime fans who flocked to see the latest work of renowned director Miyazaki Hayao did not know what to expect.

 ex) The film opened in Japan on Friday, shrouded in mystery.

・come out of retirement:引退を撤回する、現役に復帰する
 ex) Miyazaki came out of retirement to direct “Kimitachi wa Do Ikiru ka,” or “How Do You Live?” – his first work in a decade.

・its production took him about seven years:「それの制作に彼はおよそ7年かかった」
・original screenplay:(既存の原作によらない)独自の脚本、オリジナル脚本脚本
 ex) Its production took him about seven years, including writing the movie’s original screenplay.

・moviegoer:映画を見に行く人、映画ファン [múːvigouər]
 ※ e.g. a profound sigh:深いため息
 ex) (Moviegoer) “The story was profound. I want to think about it again myself.”

 ※e.g. spoiler alert:ネタバレ注意、spoiler-free:ネタバレを含まない記事や投稿など
 ex) “It was good I could watch the movie without seeing any spoilers on the internet.”

・blank slate:白紙の状態
 ※cf. conceptions:思考、観念
 ex) The studio says it wants each audience member to be a blank slate, viewing the film with no preconceptions.

G20エネルギー相会合 共同声明まとまらず

【 語彙・表現 】
wrap up:(仕事や会議などを)終える、まとめる、締めくくる
 ex) Energy ministers from the Group of 20 economies have wrapped up a meeting in India, failing to issue a joint statement.

 ex) Their talks came as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is increasing concerns over the stable supply of energy.

 ex) European nations sought quicker action to end global dependence on fossil fuels and called for the expanded use of renewable energy sources.

・developing country:途上国
 ※cf. developed country:先進国
・thermal power generation:火力発電
  ※e.g. hydroelectric power generation:水力発電、nuclear power generation:原子力発電
 ex) Developing countries that rely on thermal power generation, as well as oil-producing nations, opposed the measure.

condemn:厳しく非難する、とがめる、糾弾する [kəndém]
 ex) Most of the participants condemned growing energy and food insecurity caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

draw up:(文書などを)作成する
 ex) It was the second year in a row that the G20 members have failed to draw up a joint statement.

 ex) After the meeting, host nation India released a summary of items that the participants were able to agree on.

 ※接頭辞de-「非(脱)~、~を除去(分離)する」+carbonization「炭化」。cf. deforestation:森林伐採、decaffeinate:カフェインを抜く [dikǽfinèit]
simultaneously:同時に [sàiməltéiniəsli]
 ※e.g. simultaneous interpretation:同時通訳
・take into consideration ~:~を考慮に入れる
 ex) The document says energy security and decarbonization need to be advanced simultaneously through various pathways, taking into consideration the situation in each country.

【 豆知識:「連続して」「次々」の様々な語彙 】
in a row:連続して
 ex) It was the second year in a row that the G20 members have failed to draw up a joint statement.

 ex) The documents are numbered consecutively. 「その文書は連続した番号(連番)になっている。」

one after another:相次いで、続々と
 ex) Troubles came one after another.  「トラブルが次々に起こった。」

 ex) Taro was ranked number one for three straight years.  「タロウは3年連続で1位にランクされた。」

北海道 新雪からマイクロプラスチック

【 語彙・表現 】
 ex) Researchers in Japan say they’ve found microplastics in snow across much of the northern prefecture Hokkaido, including at a World Natural Heritage site.

associate professor:大学の准教授
・fresh snow:新雪 ※豆知識参照
 ex) A team led by an associate professor at Hokkaido’s Kitami Institute of Technology studied samples of fresh snow from eight spots in the prefecture.

 ※e.g. detect cancer:がんを見つける、detect an odor:あるにおいに気付く
 ex) It detected microplastics at all the locations, including at the World Natural Heritage site of Shiretoko.

・measure ~:(寸法・長さ・高さ・幅などが)~メートル(センチ・ミリ)ある、測定される
 ※e.g. The tree measures 80 centimeters in diameter、The earthquake measured 5 on Japan’s seismic intensity scale.「震度5と測定された」
 ex) They say the particles were mainly made of polyethylene and measured 0.06 millimeters or less.

・accumulate:積もる、堆積する、たまる [əkjúːmjulèit]
 ※e.g. snow accumulation:積雪
 ex) The team believes microplastics floating in the atmosphere got mixed with snow and accumulated across wide areas.

・bits of ~:~の破片
・ecosystem:生態系 [ékousìstim]
 ex) Bits of plastic that are 5 millimeters or smaller threaten marine ecosystems because fish and other creatures can easily swallow them.

【 豆知識:様々な「雪」の表現 】
・新雪:fresh snow
・初雪:first snow
・粉雪:powder snow
・大雪:heavy snow
・小雪:light snow
・みぞれ:sleet [slit]
・あられ:graupel [gráupəl] / soft hail

【 豆知識:明日香先生とTomさんのディスカッションより 】
“Sometimes, I find it difficult to interpret language for natural phenomena, as people understand words and phrases based on their own actual experiences."
 natural phenomena:自然現象

“One key to good translation is to put your target audience first and avoid leaving readers puzzled or frustrated by unfamiliar concepts."
 put ~ first:~を最優先に考える
 concept:理解、把握 ※下記参照

“Seidensticker thought it couldn’t convey the layers of meaning, such as the sense of impermanence and the elegance of the title."
 impermanence:非永続性、非永久性 [impə́ːrmənəns]

“Rather than trying to force complex nuances into the English title, which can be risky and affect people’s perceptions of the work, he took a simple approach that brought the focus to the story itself."
 perception:感じ方 ※下記参照

“Albert Einstein once said that everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
 "Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.":アインシュタインの名言「ものごとはできるかぎりシンプルにすべきだ。しかし、シンプルすぎてもいけない。」

【 “cept" の語源 】


・except, exception
・incept(取り入れる), inception
・concept, conception(理解)
・percept, perception(感じ取る)

【 豆知識:言いたいことを分かりやすく言い直す時の表現 】
・「どういうことかというと・・・」:what I mean by this is ・・・
・「私が言いたいことは・・・」:what I want to say is ・・・
・「私が言おうとすることは・・・」:what I am trying to say is ・・・


【 語彙・表現 】
・import control:輸入規制
 ex) Japan has expressed concerns to China over the possible implementation of import controls on its seafood.

・in response to ~:~に対応して、反応して
・dilute:(物理的に濃度を)薄める [dilút]
 ex) Beijing has suggested it may take the measure in response to Japanese plans to release treated and diluted water from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant into the ocean.

・blanket:一面に覆うもの、覆い → 総括的な、全面的な、一斉の
 ※e.g. a blanket ban:全面的な禁止
・radiation screening:放射線検査
 ex) Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno Hirokazu said blanket radiation screenings by China would go against the global trend of easing or lifting restrictions on Japanese foods.

・diplomatic channel:外交ルート [dìpləmǽtik tʃǽnl]
 ex) Matsuno added that Japan has urged Beijing to address the situation properly through diplomatic channels.

・International Atomic Energy Agency:国際原子力機関(IAEA)
(be) consistent with ~:~と一致している、合致している
 ex) Japan says a report by the International Atomic Energy Agency shows that discharging the water into the ocean would be consistent with international safety standards.

 ex) Officials in Beijing say they may still implement the import controls.

hold up:(何かの進行などを)妨げる、遅らせる、足止めを食わせる
・customs inspections:税関検査
 ex) Some Japanese seafood products are currently being held up for unusually long customs inspections in China.

【 豆知識:音の脱落(語尾をはっきり発音しない)をした方が自然に聞こえる 】

Japan has urged Beijing ・・・"

の urged は、ニュースでは urge(/d/が無い)に聞こえる。

文法的にhas urgedが正しいので、このような音の脱落がある時は文法知識でその消えた音を補うようにする。

【 豆知識:"blanket" のイメージから派生するフレーズ 】
throw a wet blanket on ~:(計画やパーティーなどに)水を差す
 ex) His comments threw a wet blanket on the celebration.  「彼のコメントは祝い事に水を差した。」

a wet blanket:ケチをつける人やこと、場をしらけさせる人やこと
 ex) Don’t be such a wet blanket! 「そんなに場をしらけさせないで!」

大谷の球宴使用ヘルメット 高値で落札

【 語彙・表現 】
fetch:取ってくる → (ある金額を)取ってくる →(ある値段で)売れる、落札される

make one’s mark:名を上げる、成功を収める、出世する
 ex) Japanese baseball star Ohtani Shohei has made his mark on the U.S. major leagues, with records in hitting, pitching, and even with his paycheck.

 ※e.g. Beatles memorabilia:ビートルズの記念品
 ex) Now he’s proving his worth on the market for memorabilia.

・up for grabs:何かがつかむだけで取れるように置いてある →(競争などで)誰もが勝利に手が届きうる、(賞、仕事、機会などが)誰にでも獲得するチャンスがある、誰でも手に入れられる
 ※選挙のニュースでは、「(議席が)争われている」としてよく使われる。e.g. A total of 120 seats are up for grabs in the election.「その選挙では合計120議席が争われている」
 ex) One of the items up for grabs was a batting helmet worn by Ohtani in the game.

・winning bid:落札価格
・whopping:とてつもなく大きな、べらぼうな [wɔ́piŋ]
 ※e.g. a whopping lie:大うそ
 ex) The winning bid was a whopping 98,000 dollars.

・eclipse:(太陽や月の)食 →(対象物に)影を落とす、(より大きなものが登場して光などを)遮る、輝きを失わせる、暗くする → 上回る、しのぐ、影を薄くする
 ex) That eclipsed the amount of the second-place item, a helmet worn by Los Angeles Dodgers star Mookie Betts, which fetched just over 2,000 dollars.

 ex) Ohtani earned his spot on the All-Star team by getting more votes than any other player in the American League.

・ballot:投票、投票用紙 [bǽlət]
・put A on the ballot:Aに投票する
 ex) More than two-and-a-half million fans put him on their ballots.

【 豆知識:「250万」や「50万」の表現 】
“More than two-and-a-half million fans put him on their ballots."
two-and-a-half millionは、ハイフンを使わない形や、two-point-five millionのように言うこともできる。
また、「50万」を表すときはhalf a millionがよく使われますが、aの位置に注意。

【 豆知識:必ずしも過去完了を使わなくても良い】

" Ohtani earned his spot on the All-Star team by getting more votes than any other player in the American League.
 (had earnedではなく)

(今回のニュースの例で言うと、少し前に"Major League Baseball held a charity auction following its All-Star Game last week.“がある)

★ちなみに大谷サンの日本語で言う「二刀流」は英語では「two way player」とのこと。