NHKニュースで学ぶ現代英語 2023年7月勉強分③


【 語彙・表現 】
 ex) The Japanese government is planning to accelerate a push to cut down and replace cedar trees.

address ~:(問題などに)取り組む、対処する
 ex) Hay fever is a cause of suffering for many citizens and a social problem that has not been addressed effectively.

 ※ほかの名詞のあとに置いてフレーズを作る。e.g. white blood (cell) count:白血球数、head count:人数、頭数、cholesterol count:コレステロール値、body count:(戦争などでの)死者数
・cut ~ in half:~を半分に減らす
 ex) The goal is to cut the pollen count in half over 30 years.

 ex) The goal is to cut the pollen count in half over 30 years. The strategy calls for a roughly 20-percent reduction in artificially planted cedar forests over a decade.

 ex) That translates to 70,000 hectares a year, 40 percent higher than the current number.

 ex) The cleared forests are to be planted with other species or a strain of cedar that produces less pollen.

・sapling:苗木 [sǽpliŋ]
 ex) The government wants more than 90 percent of cedar saplings to be low-pollen types in 10 years.

【 豆知識:花粉症の表し方 】
一般的に「花粉症」で使われる “hay fever" の由来
実際の日本人の花粉症とは違うが、すっかり定着し辞書にもそう載っているので、「花粉症」をhay feverと言っても支障はない。

「花粉症」は、より正確には、pollen allergies「花粉による各種のアレルギー」という言い方ができる。一般的にはあまり使わないが、医学的にはallergic rhinitis「アレルギー性鼻炎」などの名称もある。

・"I’m allergic to pollen."
・"I have pollen allergy."



【 語彙・表現 】
・trade blame:非難の応酬をする、責任をなすりつけ合う
・scramble to ~:大急ぎで~する、~しようと奔走する、苦労して~しようとする
・humanitarian aid:人道支援 [hjuː・mæ̀n・i・tέər・i・ən]
 ex) Kyiv and Moscow have traded blame as officials on both sides scramble to provide humanitarian aid.

・hydroelectric:水力発電の [hàidrouilktrik]
 ex) Russian troops have occupied the hydroelectric dam on the Dnipro River since last year.

・blow up:吹き飛ばす、爆破する
 ex) “It was mined. It was mined by the Russian occupiers. They blew it up.”

 ※e.g. go on the offensive:攻勢に出る
 ex) “In order to prevent a Russian offensive in this sector, the Kyiv regime committed an act of sabotage, effectively a terrorist attack.”

・under evacuation order:避難命令が出されて
 ex) Meanwhile, the operators say stopping the water is impossible, which could mean thousands of residents under evacuation order may not know when they can go home.

【 豆知識:"water" に関する知識 】

 ex) I fell into the water yesterday.、「水に落ちた」

the watersと複数形になると「海域、水域」
 ex) the territorial waters of Japan:日本の領海

 "Still waters run deep."「流れの静かな川は水が深い」→「穏やかな人は、たくさんのことを知っていたり、情熱を秘めたりしている」

男性の育休取得率 大きく上昇

【 語彙・表現 】
・child care leave:育児休暇、育児休業
 ex) A survey by Japan’s biggest business organization shows that nearly half of eligible male workers took child care leave last year.

・(percentage) points:パーセントで表された2つの値の差を表す単位
the year before:前年
 ex) That’s up 18 percentage points from the year before.

・a month or longer:1ヶ月以上
参考:豆知識:年齢を含める表現と含めない表現、豆知識:“more than" はその数字を含まない 、豆知識:数字的に「超える」か否かの表現
 ex) Nearly 60 percent of respondents stayed at home for a month or longer.

・legal revision:法改正
・come into force:効力を持ち始める、発効する、施行する
・paternity leave:男性育児休業
 ※cf. maternity leave:産前産後休業(産休)
 ex) A legal revision that came into force in October 2022 gives male workers up to four weeks of paternity leave.

・take time off:休みを取る
 ※e.g. take some time off this afternoon「午後に休憩する」、take five days off「5日間の休みを取る」
 ex) Before then, relatively few men took time off after the birth of their children.

・one in three ~:~の3人中1人
 ※= one out of three ~
 ex) Only about one in three men who took leave at those companies stayed at home for a month or longer.

【 豆知識:"conduct" の様々な意味 】

 ex) Judy conducted a school tour. 「学校の中を案内した」

 ex) The research was conducted by a specialist group. 「その研究は専門家グループによって行われた。」

 ex) Jack conducted himself well at school. 「学校で立派に振る舞った」


【 語彙・表現 】
・conveyor-belt sushi:回転ずし [kənvéiər]
 ex) The operator of a major Japanese conveyor-belt sushi chain is suing a customer for damages after he posted a prank video on social media.

・file a lawsuit with ~:~(裁判所)に提訴する
 ※cf. file a lawsuit against ~:~に対して訴えを起こす
・district court:地方裁判所
 ex) Akindo Sushiro filed the lawsuit with the Osaka District Court.

・seek ~ in damages:~(金額)の損害賠償を求める
 ex) It’s seeking more than 67 million yen, or about 480,000 dollars, in damages.

・share price:株価
 ex) Akindo Sushiro says the video led to a significant drop in customers nationwide and a sharp decline in the share price of its parent company.

・suffer (a) loss:損害を被る
 ex) It says it suffered a loss of about 115 million dollars as a result.

 ※e.g. The clutter in the room offended my eyes.「その部屋の散乱物が目に不快感を与えた(目障りだった)」
 ※e.g. quality control:品質管理
・hygienic:衛生的な [haidʒénik]
 ex) The company says the prank offended many of its customers and damaged their trust in its hygienic controls.

“In today’s social media-dominated world, the wilder the video you post, the more views it gets, and the more clout — influence, in other words — you gain."

アマゾンで墜落40日 子ども4人救出

【 語彙・表現 】
 ※伝統的に映画のフィルムの長さをfoot(feet)で表していた、+ age「状態」
・rescue worker:救助隊員
 ※e.g. asphalt jungle:アスファルトジャングル、concrete jungle:コンクリートジャングル(アスファルトやコンクリで覆われた大都会の危険な側面に注目した比喩)
 ex) Dramatic footage has emerged of rescue workers uniting with four missing children in the Amazon jungle after a search of about 40 days.

・(be) found alive:生きた状態で発見される
 ※cf. (be) found dead:死亡状態で発見される
 ex) They were found alive on Friday at the end of a joint search launched last month by the Colombian military and local indigenous people.

what appeared to be ~:~であるように見えたもの、~と思われたもの
 ex) But the children were believed to be alive, as searchers found discarded pieces of fruit with what appeared to be human bite marks in the area.

・exemplary:模範的な、模範となる、称賛すべき、見習うべき立派な [egzémpləri]
 ex) He said the children’s survival was great and exemplary.

【 豆知識:forestとwoodsのイメージ 】