NHKニュースで学ぶ現代英語 2023年5月勉強分③


【 語彙・表現 】
・go green:グリーン化する、エコ化する
 ex) Japan’s busiest international travel hub is going green.

・joint venture:(複数の会社などが共同で行う)合弁(事業)、(そのために設立された)会社
 ex) The initiative is a joint venture of Narita International Airport Corporation and Tokyo Gas.

・an array of ~:ずらりと並んだ~
 ex) They have created a firm that will install a vast array of solar panels next to runways and on building rooftops.

・in place:環境が整って
 ex) The panels are expected to cover about 200 hectares by the time they are all in place at the end of fiscal 2045.

 ex) The system will generate 180 megawatts of power.

【 豆知識:"takeaway" の意味

 ex) What are the takeaways from the meeting?   「その会議での大切なポイントは何ですか?」

ドイツ銀行の株価急落 欧州で不安再燃

【 語彙・表現 】
 ex) Global investors have spent the past two weeks worried about the health of the banking system.

・take a hit:損害・打撃を受ける
 ex) They have more reasons to be concerned. They’ve seen stocks of European banks take a heavy hit.

・Deutsche Bank:ドイツ銀行 [dɔɪtʃ]
・plunge:急落する ※豆知識参照
・at one pointは「ある時点で、一時は
 ex) Shares of Deutsche Bank plunged at one point more than 14 percent.

・spring into action:素早く行動に移る、素早い対応を取る
 ex) Officials in Washington sprang into action earlier this month after a pair of U.S. banks collapsed.

 ex) Those in Europe brokered an emergency takeover of the troubled Credit Suisse bank.

・stay the path:(困難にもかかわらず)最後までやり遂げる、諦めない
 ※ = stay the course
 ex) Central bankers in the U.S. and Europe have stayed the path on raising interest rates.

・run the risk of ~:~の危険を冒す、リスクをはらむ
・(financial) contagion:金融不安や金融危機の広まり
 ex) That runs the risk of pushing down the value of investments at some banks and seeing the contagion spread.

【 豆知識:"plunge" のイメージ 】

 ex) The temperature plunged to 2.3 degrees below zero in Yokohama yesterday. 「気温がマイナス2.3度に(急に)下がった」

 ex) Anna plunged into the pool. 「プールに飛び込んだ」

 ex) Kevin plunged into debt. 「借金をした(陥った)」

TikTokのCEO 米公聴会で証言

【 語彙・表現 】
・bite-sized:非常に小さい、短い ※豆知識参照
 ex) Millions of young people across the United States use TikTok to watch, share, and create bite-sized videos.

 ex) That reach has lawmakers worried.

 ex) That reach has lawmakers worried. They spent hours grilling TikTok’s CEO about the app’s safety and security.

 ※cf. conception:理解
 ex) Shou Zi Chew says he wants to clear the “misconceptions.”

commit to ~:~に取り組む約束をする、~する義務を自らに課す、~を誓約する
 ex) “We are committing to transparency.

 ex) We will give them access to keep us accountable for commitments that we’re making.

・what happens to ~:~に対して起こること、~に対して何が起きるか、~はどうなるか
 ex) Lawmakers are worried about what happens to the data of TikTok’s 150 million users in the U.S.

 ex) Your trackers are embedded in sites across the web. TikTok surveils us all.

Chinese Communist Party:中国共産党
・as a whole:全体として [hóul] ←「フォ」ではない
 ex) the Chinese Communist Party is able to use this as a tool to manipulate America as a whole.

【 豆知識:"bite" から派生する意味 】
 ex) have a quick bite:さっと食事を済ませる

bite-sized / bite-size:「一口サイズの」→ 「非常に小さい、短い」「食べやすい、理解しやすい」
 ex)(ニュース文)Millions of young people across the United States use TikTok to watch, share, and create bite-sized videos.  「非常に短い動画」

【 豆知識:短縮して使われる単語 】


量子コンピューター 国産初号機が稼働

【 語彙・表現 】
・put ~ online:~をオンラインの状態にする、インターネットやネットワークに繋がった状態にする
・quantum:量子 [kwɑ́ntəm]
 ex) Researchers have put Japan’s first domestically developed quantum computer online and granted access to outside users.

 ex) The team from the RIKEN institute developed the quantum computer with help from other academics and private-sector experts.

・take/get one’s name from ~:~から名前を取る、~にちなんで命名される
・quantum physics:量子物理学
 ex) The technology takes its name from quantum physics.

・area of study:研究領域、学問分野
・subatomic:(形)原子より小さい [sʌ̀bətɔ́mik]
 ex) That’s the area of study involving the subatomic particles that the computers rely on to perform their rapid calculations.

・sign an agreement:契約書・合意書に署名する
 ex) The project leaders have initially given access through a cloud server to universities and companies that have signed a joint research agreement.

・prove ~:~であることが判明する、~であることが分かる
 ex) They say the feedback could prove critical to refining the computer and accelerating the development of related software.

【 豆知識:"physical" の2つの意味 】

 ex) The police have found physical evidence linking him to the crime.  「物的証拠をつかんでいる」

 ex) I need to have a physical checkup. 「健康診断を受けなければいけない」


【 語彙・表現 】
portray:描く、表現する [pɔrtri]
 ※「演じる」という意味でも使われる。e.g. The actor portrayed Sakamoto Ryoma on TV.
 ex) A former hotel manager portrayed as a hero in the film “Hotel Rwanda” has been released from prison in the East African country.

 ex) Reuters news agency reports that U.S. government pressure helped free Paul Rusesabagina.

 ex) The Rwandan government announced Friday that it had commuted his 25-year sentence.

・high-end ~:高級の~、高性能の~
 ex) He’s known for sheltering nearly 2,000 people at a high-end hotel in the capital, Kigali, during the Rwandan genocide.

・leave A ~:Aを~という状態にする
 ex) The violence left more than 800,000 people dead.

 ex) Rusesabagina later became a vocal critic of the government.

 ex) He was sentenced to 25 years in prison in 2021 for alleged involvement in terrorism and other charges.

・U.S. secretary of state:アメリカの国務長官
 ex) U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken welcomed the move in a statement on Friday.

 ※cf. affirm:確認する、断言する、認める
・means:手段、方法 ※豆知識参照
 ex) He also reaffirmed the U.S. principle of seeking political change in Rwanda and globally through peaceful means.

【 豆知識:"means" の慣用句 】
by any means necessary:必要とあれば何としてでも、どんなことをしてでも
a means to an end:目的を達成するための手段(にすぎない)
by no means ~:決して~ない
  ex) He is by no means a good cook.「彼は決して料理上手ではない」
by all means:ぜひとも、もちろん