NHKニュースで学ぶ現代英語 2023年9月勉強分①
フェデラーさん NYでテニス教室
【 語彙・表現 】
・to one’s name:自身のもの(所有や実績)として
※e.g. She has several prize-winning paintings to her name.「彼女には賞を取った絵画がいくつもある」、The entrepreneur has more than 50 patents to his name.「その起業家は自身のものとして50件以上の特許を持っている」
ex) Tennis legend Roger Federer retired last year with a total of 20 Grand Slam titles to his name.
・splash ~:(動)(液体を)~にはねかける、~を目立つように施す(主に受け身)
※e.g. He splashed his face with water.「彼は水でバシャバシャと顔を洗った」
ex) The event was held in collaboration with an artist named KAWS, whose designs were splashed over the court.
・serve up:提示する、提供する
ex) The children even got a chance to serve up the champion some questions, and they received some powerful returns.
・put in:つぎ込む、(お金や労力を)費やす
ex) “You can’t make every shot. So you gotta accept that. But what you can put in is the best effort.”
・take part in ~:~に参加する
ex) He will take part in more events to celebrate the collaboration of tennis and art and to encourage the young people that he calls “our future.”
【 豆知識:スポーツ用語を使った表現 】
・make a shot「ショットを決める、得点する」(自分が狙った場所にボールを打つ、蹴る、シュートする)
・pitch a question「質問を投げかける」
・field a question「質問をさばく」
・the ball is in your court「あなた次第」
・make a basket「得点する」
・score a goal「得点する」
※日本語で「シュートを決める」という言い方でも、英語ではmake a shootとは言わない。
【 語彙・表現 】
・property developer:不動産開発業者
・file for ~ with A:A(裁判所、公的機関など)に~を申請する、申し立てる
・bankruptcy protection:破産(法に基づく)保護
ex) The struggling Chinese property developer Evergrande Group filed for bankruptcy protection on Thursday with a New York court.
・in default:債務不履行(の状態)
ex) The real estate giant was first declared in default in 2021, after Beijing tightened the rules on the property sector.
・net loss:純損失
※cf. net profit:純利益
ex) In July, Evergrande reported a net loss of almost 15 billion dollars for 2022.
ex) If its filing is approved by the court, the company’s assets will be protected in the United States.
ex) Evergrande is the world’s most indebted property developer but is expected to seek ways to rebuild its businesses.
・debt restructuring:債務再編
ex) Evergrande issued a statement explaining that the application was what it called a “normal procedure” for offshore debt restructuring.
・woes:苦痛、悲哀、悩み(の種)、苦難 [wóuz]
※通例複数形。financial woes:財政難
ex) Many real estate-related companies in China face mounting woes amid the sector’s prolonged downturn.
【 語彙・表現 】
・turn to ~:~に取り掛かる、~を始める
・prowess:優れた能力、卓越した手腕 [práuəs]
・land-based aquaculture:陸上養殖
ex) Japanese telecommunications firms are bringing their technology prowess to land-based aquaculture.
・joint venture:合弁企業、共同出資会社(2つ以上の企業が特定の事業の遂行を目的に共同で設立する会社)
・engage in ~:~に携わる
・land-based farming:陸上養殖
ex) NTT has launched a joint venture with a startup from Kyoto University to engage in land-based farming.
・breed improvement technology:品種改良技術
・growth rate:成長速度
ex) NTT Green & Food says it will use breed improvement technology for fish to speed up their growth rate and increase their edible portions.
・genome editing:ゲノム編集(生物の遺伝情報を書き換える技術)
・algae:(algaの複数形)海藻(類) [ǽldʒiː]
ex) It also says it will use genome editing technology to engineer algae, the basis of fish and shellfish feed.
・carbon dioxide:二酸化炭素
ex) The process will allow the algae to store more carbon dioxide.
ex) Telecom giant SoftBank has launched a research project to farm sturgeon, along with partners including Hokkaido University.
【 豆知識:複数形が変わった形になる単語 】
・「海藻」:単数形 alga [ǽlgə] → 複数形 algae [ǽldʒiː]
・「卒業生」:単数形 alumnus [əlʌ́mnəs] → 複数形 alumni [əlʌ́mnai]
・「刺激」:単数形 stimulus [stímjələs] → 複数形 stimuli [stímjəlài]
・「バクテリア」:単数形 bacterium [bæktíəriəm] → 複数形 bacteria [bæktíriə]
【 豆知識:新興企業の表現 】
“NTT has launched a joint venture with a startup from Kyoto University to engage in land-based farming."
日本ではスタートアップという言葉が広がる前は、このような新興企業を「ベンチャー企業」と呼んでいたが、英語でventureという単語を使って「新興企業」を表す場合は、venture-backed companyのようになる。
↑ venture capital「(ハイリターンをねらって)新興企業に投資する会社」の出資を受けた会社ということ
【 豆知識:明日香先生とTomさんのディスカッションより 】
“As I tried to understand the news, I thought the companies are very clever to utilize the expertise of enormous data which telecoms currently have. Data are vital in this information era, aren’t they?"
expertise :専門知識、専門技術
“Data is definitely the name of the game right now."
the name of the game:何より大切なこと
“No. What’s it all about?“
all about:~に関する
"What’s it all about?":それは何のこと?
“Last year, in fact, the university I went to phased out programs like Greek and Peace Studies, and created a new data science major to better fit students’ needs."
phase out:段階的に廃止する
“The current movement is all Greek to me."
be all Greek to ~:~にはちんぷんかんぷんだ
NYタイムズ AIによる学習を原則禁止に
【 語彙・表現 】
・this comes as ~:これは(~という状況の中で)起きている
ex) This comes as AI developers are collecting vast amounts of data to improve their models.
・critics say ~:批判的な意見を持つ人々は~と述べている
ex) Critics say some of this information is copyrighted and being used without permission.
・terms of service:サービスの利用規約
ex) The Times has updated its terms of service to prohibit the use of its content “for the development of any software program, including a machine learning or artificial intelligence system.”
・result in ~:(結果的に)~につながる、~をもたらす
・penalty:(法的な)刑罰 [pénəlti]
・civil or criminal penalties:民事罰あるいは刑事罰
ex) It says violations could result in civil or criminal penalties.
ex) The paper told NHK its terms of service have always banned the use of content for AI training and development.
・make the change:変更を行う
・make ~ clear:~をはっきりさせる、~を明確にする
ex) It said it made the change “simply to make that prohibition even more clear.”
【 豆知識:"content" と「コンテンツ」の違い 】
“The Times has updated its terms of service to prohibit the use of its content “for the development of any software program, including a machine learning or artificial intelligence system.”"
アルツハイマー病の新薬 承認へ
【 語彙・表現 】
・convene:(会議・会合などを)開催する、招集する [kənvíːn]
ex) A panel of experts convened by Japan’s health ministry has approved a new Alzheimer’s drug.
・efficacy:有効性 [éfikəsi]
・efficacy in ~ing:~する上での有効性
ex) The panel determined on Monday the drug has efficacy in treating Alzheimer’s and no serious safety concerns.
ex) The drug is the first-ever treatment designed to slow the progression of the disease by reducing the accumulation of amyloid beta protein in the brain.
・clinical study:臨床研究
※clinical test:臨床試験
ex) Eisai says a global clinical study found, compared with a placebo group, lecanemab reduced cognitive and functional decline by 27 percent after 18 months.
・account for ~:~の割合を占める、構成する
ex) Alzheimer’s is one of the most common causes of dementia, accounting for more than 60 percent of all cases diagnosed in elderly people here in Japan.
【 豆知識:「the+形容詞」の使い方に注意 】
the+形容詞で「(その形容詞の特性を持った)人々」を表す用法(例えば「高齢者」のことをthe elderly)がある。
(参考:Native Camp 文法中級63 単数・複数名詞 / the + 形容詞)
なので例えば「高齢者」は、elderly peopleや、older adults、older peopleという表現が好まれる傾向がある模様。
【 豆知識:省庁の名称が複数ある理由 】
今回のニュース内で厚労省(Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)を「Japan’s health ministry」と言っているように、省庁の名称は複数ある。