NHKニュースで学ぶ現代英語 2023年5月勉強分②


【 語彙・表現 】
・put aside ~:~を脇に置く、(何かの問題などを一時的に)棚上げする、忘れる
 ※put aside (one’s) differences:相違点(意見の違い)を脇に置く
 ex) Taiwan is putting aside tensions with Beijing to treat a seriously ill panda.

・allow in ~:~が入ることを許す、受け入れる
 ex) Taiwan has allowed in Chinese vets who may be able to help.

 ex) The 18-year-old male panda, Tuan Tuan, is one of a pair gifted by Beijing in 2008.

・diagnose A with B:A(人)をB(病名など)であると診断する
・brain tumor:脳腫瘍
 ex) The Taipei Zoo says he became unwell in August and was diagnosed with a possible brain tumor.

・Sichuan Province:中国の四川省 [ˌsɪˈtʃwɑn]
・offer to ~:~することを申し出る、提案する
 ex) A panda conservation and research center in Sichuan Province offered to send experts.

・provide advice:助言を行う
 ex) The experts arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday. Zoo officials say the two vets will stay for a week and provide advice on Tuan Tuan’s care.

・attract attention:注目を浴びる
・a sliver of light:一筋の光
 ※sliverは「(ガラスや木材などの)細長い一片、切片、少量・僅か(な何か)」や「(光などの)一筋」を意味する。e.g. a sliver of hope:いちるの望み
 ex) The unusually quick approval by Taiwanese authorities has attracted much attention, with one newspaper calling it a sliver of light in the currently strained relations.


【 語彙・表現 】
・nursing-care provider:介護事業者
・go out of business:倒産する
 ※= go under(水に沈むイメージ), go bankrupt
・at a record pace:記録的なペースで
 ex) A survey shows that nursing-care providers in Japan are going out of business at a record pace this year.

 ※e.g. lingering snow:なかなか消えない雪
・be blamed for ~:~の原因とされる
 ex) Lingering effects from the pandemic and rising costs are blamed for the industry’s ongoing troubles.

・in the A months through B:B(時期)までのAヶ月間
・for the first time since ~:~以来初めて
 ex) Tokyo Shoko Research says the number of failures in the nine months through September reached 100 for the first time since 2000.

・be on course to ~:~するコースに乗っている → このままいくと~する
・all-time high:全ての期間での最高 → 史上最高記録
 ex) The full-year total is on course to top the all-time high of 118 in 2020.

・residential nursing home:有料老人ホーム
 ex) Thirty-six offered home-visit care, and 10 were residential nursing homes.

・be attributed to ~:~の原因として考えられる
・the height of ~:~の真っただ中
refrain from ~:~を差し控える
 ex) The record numbers are attributed to labor shortages and lower revenues during the height of the pandemic, when people refrained from seeking care.

【 豆知識: 原因を表す表現】
基本:be caused by ~
 ex) Sunburn is caused by exposure UV light.

良く使われる:be due to ~
 ex) The city’s surging population is due to a large amount of affordable housing.

固い表現:stem from ~
 ex) Innovation stems from creativity and collaboration.

ニュース内の表現:be attributed to ~
 ex) The record numbers are attributed to labor shortages and lower revenues.


【 語彙・表現 】
・obstacle:障害(物)、邪魔をするもの [ɑ́bstəkl]
・language barrier:言葉の壁
 ex) Visitors to Japan often say one of the biggest obstacles to navigating the country is the language barrier.

・smooth the way:(ある目的を果たしやすくするために)障害を取り除く、地ならしをする(慣用表現)
 ex) But increasingly, they’re finding that technology is smoothing the way.

 ※= transparent。なお句動詞のsee through:見抜く、正体を見破る e.g. see through a plot:策略を見抜く
・maintain eye contact:目と目を合わせ続ける、視線を交わし続ける
・gesture:身ぶり手ぶり、しぐさ ※豆知識参照
 ex) The see-through screen allows users to maintain eye contact and observe physical gestures.

 ※原因や理由を表すdue to ~「~が原因で、~のせいで」とは異なる点に注意
・go on sale:発売される
 ex) It’s due to go on sale in June.

 ex) With the pandemic subsiding, the number of people coming to Japan is going to rise.

・out there:(漠然と)世の中、世間(カジュアルな表現)
 ex) We’d like to get more of our displays out there so they don’t struggle with the language barrier.

・tie-up / tieup:提携
・hail:(タクシーを)呼び止める、拾う、注意を引くために呼ぶ [héil]
・taxi-hailing app:タクシーを呼ぶアプリ
 ※ride-hailing app「配車サービスアプリ」という言い方もあり、昨今は世界中で利用されている。
・get around:移動する、あちこち動き回る
 ex) A tie-up between Japanese taxi-hailing app Go and firms from China is making it a lot easier for Chinese visitors to get around.

【 豆知識:"gestures" と “physical gestures" の違い 】
physical gestures:ジェスチャー、身振り手振り
“physical" を付けないと体の動きを伴わない「意思表示」も含む。

ついにで “body language" との違いを個人的に調べてみたが、"body language" の方が、言葉通り、言語として相手に伝える要素が強い、ということのようだった。

東京高裁 袴田巌さんの再審認める

【 語彙・表現 】
・high court:高等裁判所
・(be) convicted of ~:~で有罪になる
 ※cf. (be) acquitted of ~:~で無罪になる
 ex) We start in Tokyo, where the high court is ordering a retrial for a man convicted of killing a family nearly six decades ago.

 ex) It says investigators likely fabricated key evidence.

・death row:死刑囚を入れておく部屋
・death row prisoner:死刑囚
 ex) Amnesty International calls Hakamada Iwao the world’s longest-serving death row prisoner.

 ex) He pleaded innocent and requested a retrial.

・district court:地方裁判所
・in detention:拘束、拘留、留置
 ex) A district court granted that in 2014, and he was released after nearly 50 years in detention.

 ex) Prosecutors appealed, and the Tokyo High Court eventually cancelled the retrial.

・change course:方向を転じる、方針を変える
・the Supreme Court:最高裁判所 [supríːm]
 ex) It has now changed course after the Supreme Court forced it to reconsider.

 ex) The main point of contention was the color of bloodstains on clothes that allegedly belonged to Hakamada.

・fermented soybean paste:(豆)みそ
 ex) The clothes were found in a tank of fermented soybean paste more than one year after his arrest.

 ex) Investigators said the stains were dark red, but Hakamada’s lawyers argued they should have faded.

・find merit in ~:~に価値を見いだす、~の利点を見つける
 ex) The high court found merit in that argument.

国際刑事裁判所 プーチン大統領に逮捕状

【 語彙・表現 】
・International Criminal Court:国際刑事裁判所(ICC)
arrest warrant:逮捕令状、逮捕状
・~ appears unlikely:~は実現しそうもない
 ex) The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin, but a legal expert says the warrant’s execution appears unlikely.

・suspect A of B:AにBの疑いを持つ
 ※cf. on suspicion of ~:~の疑いで eg. He was arrested on suspicion of tax evasion.「彼は脱税の疑いで逮捕された」
・occupied areas:占領された地域
 ex) Putin is suspected of conducting the unlawful deportation and transfer of children to Russia from occupied areas of Ukraine.

・The Hague:ハーグ(オランダの都市) → ICCの本部があるのでICC [héig]
 ex) Speaking at The Hague on Friday, the ICC president says children have special protection under international law.

 ex) The judges have reviewed the information and evidence submitted by the prosecutor and determined that there are credible allegations against these persons for the alleged crimes.

・senior official:高官
・presidential office:大統領府
 ex) The ICC also issued a warrant for a senior official in the Russian presidential office in charge of children’s rights.

・recognize:(「法的事柄を承認する」という意味の)認める ※豆知識参照
・jurisdiction:管轄権、裁判権 [dʒùrisdíkʃən]
・hand over:引き渡す
 ※cf. (名)handover:引き渡し、譲渡
・have an impact (on ~):(~に)影響を及ぼす
 ex) As Russia does not recognize the court’s jurisdiction, a former ICC judge says it’s impossible to imagine Moscow handing over Putin to the court, but the arrest warrant will have an impact.

【 豆知識:「認める」の語彙の使い分け 】

・「間違いを認める」という意味の「認める」 → admit
・「許可する」という意味の「認める」 → approve
・「法的事柄を承認する」という意味の「認める」 → recognize