NHKニュースで学ぶ現代英語 2022年6月勉強分④


・home electric / electronic appliance / home appliance:家電製品、電化製品
 ex) A home electric appliance store in Tokyo says many models cannot be procured from wholesalers.

・keep ~ in stock:~の在庫を確保する
 ex) The store is trying to order from suppliers earlier than usual and keep 100 units in stock.

・beat ~ to it:~の先を越す、Aに先んじる
 ex) Manufacturers are advising people to test their air conditioners now to beat a possible rush to replace or repair units when temperatures start to soar.

英語でエアコン(air conditioner) は略してACと呼ぶが、「air con(エアコン)」とは言わない。
 ex) air-conditioned bus:エアコンの効いたバス

※アメリカでは建物全体を冷やす「central air conditioning」が一般的 by トムさん

「ドライブ・マイ・カー」 アカデミー賞で快挙

・Now, on to ~:「さて続いては~のニュース(話題)です」というニュースの冒頭で使われる定型表現
 ※Now, (we are moving) on to ~ が略されたもの
・pick up:(賞などを)獲得する
・Oscar:オスカー像 → アカデミー賞自体を指す
 ※イベントとしてのアカデミー賞を意味する場合には “the Oscars"
・feature film:長編映画
・the Oscar for best international feature film:アカデミー賞の国際長編映画賞
 ex) Now, on to Hollywood, where the Japanese film “Drive My Car” has picked up the Oscar for best international feature film.

 ※+-directed film:その名前の人物「によって監督された映画」
・short story:短編小説
 ※長編小説:novel / long written story
 ex) The Hamaguchi Ryusuke-directed film is based on a short story by author Murakami Haruki.

・stage director:演出家
・grapple with ~:(難題など)~に立ち向かう、~に取り組む
 ex) It’s about a stage director grappling with the death of his wife, and his interaction with a woman assigned to be his driver.

・Cannes:カンヌ [kˈæn]
 ex) It won for best screenplay at last year’s Cannes Film Festival and a Golden Globe for best picture in the non-English language category.

シャープ AI家電の販売拡大へ

・smart home appliances / smart devices / smart home devices:スマート家電
 ex) They say they’re planning to more than double the share of sales they make from smart home appliances.
 ex) Designers at Sharp have already developed several of the smart devices, which are equipped with artificial intelligence and connected to the net.
 ex) Sharp executives say smart home devices now account for around 30 percent of their total appliance sales in Japan.

・account for ~:~の割合を占める
 ex) Sharp executives say smart home devices now account for around 30 percent of their total appliance sales in Japan.

 ex) They’re aiming to get that figure up to more than 70 percent by fiscal 2024.

日常的な話し言葉なら “a cabbage"
他、 “a head of cabbage"「キャベツ1玉(ひとたま)」、two heads of cabbage「キャベツ2玉」という数え方もある。


 ※一部の国の議会:diet 、アメリカの議会:Congress、イギリスの議会:Parliament
・enactは:(法律などを)制定する、成立させる [enǽkt]
・penal:刑罰の、刑法の [pínəl]
・penal code:刑法
 ex) Japan’s Diet has enacted legislation to revise the Penal Code by toughening penalties for online insults.

・the Upper House:参議院
 ※"the House of Councillors"ともいう。衆議院:the House of Representatives / the Lower House
・ruling:権力の座にある → 与党の
・ruling coalition:連立与党 [kòuəlíʃən]
 ex) The Upper House passed the legislation on Monday with majority support from the ruling coalition and other parties.

 ex) Under the revised law, online insulting will be punishable by imprisonment for up to one year or a fine of up to 300,000 yen, about 2,200 dollars.

 ex) Current penalties for insults do not include prison.

 ex) Kimura Kyoko, the mother of late Japanese reality show star and pro wrestler Kimura Hana, welcomed the revision.

 ex) Her 22-year-old daughter killed herself in 2020. She’d been the target of malicious attacks on social media for her conduct on a reality show.

夏の風物詩 多くの地域で3年ぶり復活

・hiatus:中断、休止、空白 [haiéitəs]
 ex) An NHK poll suggests roughly two-thirds of the biggest events will return after a roughly three-year hiatus.

・take over:祭り一色に染める
・ancient capita:いにしえの都、古都
 ex) The centuries-old Gion Festival is also back. The month-long event takes over the well-known district in the ancient capital of Kyoto.

 ex) Some festivals had a tentative return last year.

・on a ~ scale:~な規模で、~なスケールで
 ex) the Sendai Tanabata star festival can expect to see things on a much grander scale.

・not all ~:「全てが~というわけではない」という部分否定
 ex) Still, it’s not all back to normal.

 ex) the Awa Odori dance festival
 ex) the Sendai Tanabata star festival
 ex) the Nebuta Matsuri lantern float festival
