NHKニュースで学ぶ現代英語 2023年7月勉強分①

模型の見本市 開催

【 語彙・表現 】
・it’s all about ~:~が全てだ、全ては~だ、~一色だ、肝心なのは~だ
 ex) In the central Japanese city of Shizuoka right now, it’s all about plastic models.

・ware:製品、商品 ※豆知識参照
 ex) Around 100 domestic makers of models and related products are displaying their wares at the Shizuoka Hobby Show.

account for ~:全体の~パーセントを占める
・by value:金額で
 ※cf. by volume:重量で、数量で
 ex) Shizuoka Prefecture accounts for about 90 percent of the plastic models shipped in Japan by value.

・based on ~:~をモチーフにした
・warlord:その地域を軍事力で支配している人物 [wɔ́ːlɔ̀ːd]
・samurai warlord:戦国武将
 ex) Another is a Gundam robot based on a famous samurai warlord.

・keep ~ away:~を近づけない
 ex) Foreign buyers are there for the first time in four years, as they were kept away by the pandemic.

・place an order:注文する、発注する
 ex) We’ve already placed our orders. So, yeah, we’re very excited about all the new releases.

【 豆知識:"wear" が付く語彙 】

・lacquerware:漆器 [lǽkəwὲə]

G7 各国首脳ら原爆資料館を訪問

【 語彙・表現 】
wrap up:締めくくる、まとめる、終わりにする
 ex) Leaders of the Group of Seven nations have wrapped up day one of their summit in Hiroshima.

 ex) They’re pushing new measures to weaken Russia’s ability to wage war in Ukraine.

 ※cf. devastate:壊滅させる、荒廃させる [dévəstèit]
 ex) A museum there details the devastation of the city caused by the 1945 atomic bombing.

 ex) The leaders repeated their support for Ukraine will not waver.

・the Indo-Pacific:(経済・安全保障・地理的な)インド太平洋地域
 ex) The leaders discussed the situation in the Indo-Pacific, including China.

 ※cf. armament:武装化
・nuclear disarmament:核軍縮、核兵器廃絶
・proliferation:拡散 [prəlìferiʃən]
 ex) They also talked about nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.

ゼレンスキー氏 “バフムトかつての広島に似る”

【 語彙・表現 】
・deliver a speech:演説を行う
 ※「届ける、配達する、納品する」のdeliverの例:deliver on a promise「(約束を)実行する、果たす」、deliver a baby「赤ちゃんを出産する」
 ex) Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivered a speech in Hiroshima after attending the G7 summit.

・burn ~ to the ground:~を焼き尽くす、全焼させる、焼失させる
・artillery:砲撃 [ɑrtíləri]
 ex) Though the enemy is not using nuclear weapons, our cities that have been burned to the ground by Russian bombs and artillery look similar to what Hiroshima looked like in photos after the atomic bombing.

・refer to ~:~に言及する、~を引き合いに出す
 ex) Zelenskyy was referring to photos at a museum in Hiroshima Peace Park.

・along with ~:~とともに、~と一緒に
 ※e.g. commemorate ~ with a moment of silence:黙とうをささげて~を追悼する
 ex) Along with Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio, he commemorated the victims of the atomic bombing.

・Japan Self-Defense Forces:自衛隊
 ex) The two leaders then held one-on-one talks. Kishida promised additional aid for Ukraine, including around 100 trucks from the Japan Self-Defense Forces.


【 語彙・表現 】
・recognize A for ~:~の功績を認めてAを高く評価する、たたえる
grant an award to ~:~に賞を贈る
 ex) An award created to recognize up-and-coming Japanese female researchers was just granted to Harvard’s Ichikawa Saki for her innovative work in the study of medicines.

 ※cf. pay tribute to ~:~に敬意を表する、tributeは「貢ぎ物、ささげ物」や「哀悼の意」もある。
・laureate:受賞者、名誉を受けた人 [lɔ́riit]
 ※ラテン語のlaureatus(crowned with laurel「頭に月桂冠を与えられた」)から。古代ギリシャでは、名誉のしるしとして競技の優勝者に月桂冠を与えた。
 ex) It’s a tribute to the first female Nobel laureate from Poland.

・take home:持ち帰る、家に持って帰る → (賞やメダルなどを)獲得する
 ex) Ichikawa took home the top prize at a ceremony in Tokyo on Tuesday.

“a well-known study says that women made up about 40 percent of U.S. researchers in the years 2011 to 2015."
make up:構成する

“I can say that our department epitomizes Japanese academia."
epitomize ~:~の典型である [ipítəmàiz]
academia:学問の環境 [æ̀kədíːmiə]

“Have you ever faced difficulties as a female scholar?"

終盤国会 与野党の攻防激化も

【 語彙・表現 】
 ex) (見出し)FACE-OFF IN DIET

ruling coalition:連立与党、与党連立(政権)
 ※"rulling coalition" は「連立与党」「連立政権」「与党連合」など複数の意味があり、文脈によって判断する。
 ex) Japan’s ruling coalition is rushing to enact key legislation before the current session of the Diet ends in less than a month.

Liberal Democratic Party:自民党
・junior coalition partner:ここでは連立与党の中心である自民党に比べ「少数党」である公明党
 ex) The Liberal Democratic Party and its junior coalition partner, Komeito, have a number of bills they are pushing through.

・defense spending:防衛支出、防衛費
 ex) They include raising the level of defense spending by more than 50 percent over five years.

・look to ~:~を目指す
 ex) The ruling parties are also looking to amend immigration rules to allow for the deportation of asylum-seekers who’ve applied for refugee status three or more times.

・grill:焼く、あぶる → ~について厳しく尋問する、(問題などについて)追及する
 ex) The opposition bloc is set to grill the government over its plan to raise taxes to boost defense spending and secure funds for addressing Japan’s falling birthrate.

・dissolve:(任期の途中で)議会を解散する [dizɔ́lv]
・snap:急な、抜き打ちの [snǽp]
・snap election:任期満了を待たずに予定より早く行われる選挙、(衆議院の解散による)解散・総選挙
diplomatic:外交上の [dìpləmǽtik]
 ex) Meanwhile, speculation is rising among lawmakers Prime Minister Kishida could decide to dissolve the Lower House for a snap election after his recent diplomatic successes, including the G7 summit.