多読 31:Around the World in Eighty Days -Happy Readers ver.- (Level:2)



最近eステーションにババッと追加されたLevel2の本の中で、自分の待機リストに「The Three Musketeers(三銃士)」と「Around the World in Eighty Days(80日間世界一周)」が入れてあり、どちらから先に読むか迷っていた。
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本当は表紙の絵が超ゴージャスな「Foxton Readers」の方で読むつもりでいた。
でもFoxtonで「Moby Dick(白鯨)」を読んだらなんだかガッカリな感じだったので、やっぱりもう一方、おなじみの「Happy Readers」の本を選んだ。


[シリーズ] Happy Readers
[出版社] Happy House

[著者] Jules Verne
[総語数] 5303語

知らない or あやふやな単語

・prominent:人目を引く、卓越した [prɑ́mənənt]
  ex) In 1872, in the city of London, many prominent gentlemen gathered at the Reform Club.

・regularity:規則性、秩序 [règjulǽrəti]
  ex) The only requirement of Fogg’s butler was perfect promptness and regularity in his work.

・Fahrenheit:カ氏 [fǽrənhàit]
  ex) Fogg fired his current butler because he had brought him his shaving water at eighty-four degrees Fahrenheit rather than eighty-six.

・tightrope walker:綱渡り芸人
  ex) He had been a singer, a horse rider, and a tightrope walker in a circus.

・monsieru:(フランス語の)~様、~さん [məsjə́ːr]
  ex) “Yes, monsieur,” Passepartout replied.

・orderly:片付いている、整頓された [ɔ́rdərli]
  ex) Passepartout inspected the house. It was perfectly clean and orderly.

・chide:叱る、たしなめる [tʃáid]
  ex) “So you think the thief will get away just because he can circle the world in three months!” chided Flanagan.

・take into account ~:~を考慮に入れる
  ex) “But that doesn’t take into account bad weather, shipwrecks, and train accidents,” said Stuart.

・play one’s hand:ゲームをする
  ex) “It’s all included,” returned Phileas Fogg, playing his hand at whist.

・absurd:不条理な、ばかげた [əbsə́ːrd]
・wager:賭ける、請け合う [wéidʒər] 
  ex) “It’s absurd! I’d be willing to wager 4,000 pounds on it!” cried Stuart.

  ex) “Around the World in 80 Days," several attempts were made to copy Phileas Fogg.

・twitch:痙攣する [twítʃ]
  ex) He was a small, nervous man, with bright eyes and eyebrows that were always twitching up and down.

・arrest warrant:逮捕令状 [ərést]
・warrant:令状 [wɔ́rənt]
・detain:〔警察官が容疑者を〕拘束する、拘留する、留置する [ditéin]
  ex) I need to keep him here until I can get the arrest warrant from London. Can you detain him?

・unnoticed:気付かれない、注目されない [ʌnnóutist]
  ex) Fix remained unnoticed at the back of the room.

・Consul:領事 [kɑ́nsəl]
  ex) Accepting Fogg’s passport, the Consul told him.

・gain time:時間を稼ぐ
  ex) On that day, Friday, October 9th, he noted his arrival in Suez and that he had neither gained nor lost any time.

・quite a ~:相当な、並外れた、なかかの
  ex) “Yes, your master sounds like quite a character.”

・soon after:~の直後に
・pagoda:仏塔 [pəgóudə]
  ex) Soon after, the Frenchman entered a beautiful pagoda at the top of Malabar Hill.

・commit:罪を犯す、悪事を働く [kəmít]
・offense:犯罪 [əféns]
  ex) Now Fogg’s servant had committed an offense on Indian land.

・mule:ラバ [mjúːl]
  ex) By this time, the other passengers were beginning to leave for Allahabad by wagon, horse, and

  ex) Fogg then hired a local Parsee man to guide them and the elephant to Allahabad.

・band of ~:~の一軍、集団
・ferocious:残忍な、どう猛な [fəróuʃəs]
  ex) They occasionally came across bands of ferocious Indians.

  ex) They could hear a chorus of human voices accompanied by brass instruments.

・procession:行列、行進 [prəséʃən]
  ex) Then the guide announced, “It’s a procession of Brahmins coming our way."

・chant:詠唱 [tʃǽnt]
  ex) Fogg could see priests in long robes surrounded by men, women, and children, who were singing a terrible and sad chant.

・stick out:突き出る、はみ出る
  ex) Behind them was a cart carrying a statue of a woman with four arms and her tongue sticking out.

・holy:神聖な、聖なる [hóuli]
  ex) A group of holy men led a beautiful young woman who looked European.

・stagger:よろめく、ふらつく [stǽgər]
・stagger along:千鳥足で歩く
  ex) She staggered along behind them.

・Rajah:ラジャ(インドの国王、支配者) [rɑ́dʒə]
  ex) He was dressed like a king, or as they say in India, a Rajah.

・dazed:放心状態の、ぼーっとした [deizd]
  ex) As they traveled toward Allahabad, the woman, Aouda, was dazed from all the drugs.

・become conscious:正気づく、正気に戻る、意識を回復する [kɑ́nʃəs]
  ex) Once on the train to Calcutta, Aouda became conscious.

leapt:跳ぶ、飛び越える [lépt]
  ex) As Fogg leapt from the’tram he was greeted by several policemen.

・desecration:冒涜 [dèsikréiʃən]
  ex) The judge told Fogg and Passepartout that they were being charged with the desecration of a native shrine.

・bail:保釈金 [béil]
  ex) “I offer bail,” he said to the judge.

・bankroll:札束 [bǽŋkròul]
  ex) “I will pay it at once,” said Fogg, pulling the cash from his bankroll.

・sight:目に入る [sáit]
  ex) On the morning of the sixth, land was sighted.

accompany:同行する、付き添う [əkʌ́mpəni]
  ex) Fogg made a deal with Bunsby and then told Mr. Fix that he could accompany them at no expense.

・troup:一座 [trúːp]
・honorable:著名な [ɑ́nərəbəl]
・proprietor:持ち主、経営者 [prəpráiətər]
  ex) “Acrobatic Japanese Troupe The Honorable William Batulcar, Proprietor

・breakage:破損、破損額、破損個所 [bréikidʒ]
  ex) Mr. Batulcar was furious. He demanded payment for the breakage of his human pyramid.

・revelation:暴露、発覚 [rèvəléiʃən]
  ex) He felt that the time was not right for that revelation.

・deepning:深くなる、濃密になる [díːpəniŋ]
  ex) Aouda soon found her feelings toward Fogg deepning.

・brush oneself off:払いのける
  ex) Fix brushed himself off and said, “I still think he’s the bank robber."

・westward:西へ [wéstwərd]
  ex) As the Earth rotates westward, the sun seems to move west.

・train track:線路
  ex) The train track that stretched between Omaha and San Francisco included dangers such as wild beasts.

・companion:仲間、友、連れ [kəmpǽnjən]
  ex) After breakfast the next morning, Fogg and his companions watched herds of buffaloes crossing
the valley like brown waves.

・savage:獰猛な、激しい [sǽvidʒ]
  ex) Three days later, as the train passed through the Wyoming Territory, they suddenly heard savage

・Sioux:スー族 [súː]
  ex) The train was under attack by wild Sioux natives.

・stoker:機関員 [stóukər]
  ex) In the front of the train in the engine room, the engineer and the coal stoker were dead from
Sioux rifles.

・valve:バルブ、弁 [vǽlv]
  ex) He opened the steam valve and sent the train speeding forward as fast as it could go.

・detach:取り外す、切り離す [ditǽtʃ]
  ex) Holding on to the chains, he detached the engine from the train cars.

・puff:吐き出す [pʌ́f]
  ex) He saw a mid-sized ship that was puffing steam, a sign that it was ready to leave.

・pilot:操縦する [páilət]
  ex) For the next few days, Fogg piloted the ship through rough weather.

・burn up:使いつくす
  ex) He was terrified to hear that the ship had burned up all of its coal and did not have enough to reach Liverpool.

・strip:むく、はぎ取る [stríp]
  ex) As soon as Fogg had bought the Henrietta, he ordered the sailors to strip every bit of wood
from the cabin and the deck to burn for fuel.

・platform:台 [plǽtfɔ̀rm]
  ex) By the 20th, the Henrietta was now only a flat platform of iron.

・thereby:それによって、従って [ðὲərbái]
  ex) By docking at Queenstown, they could take a train to Dublin and then a fast boat to Liverpool, thereby gaining a few hours.

・out of breath:息を切らして
  ex) Mr. Fix entered. He was out of breath.

・resemblance:相似 [rizémbləns]
  ex) “Sir," he huffed, “terribly sorry. . . a most unfortunate resemblance."

・prior:事前の、前もって [práiər]
  ex) The express train to London had left 35 minutes prior, so Fogg ordered a special train to leave at three.

・comfort:心地よさ、癒し [kʌ́mfərt]
  ex) “I pity you," continued Aouda. “But two lost souls may find comfort together."

・by all that is holy:聖なるものすべてによって
  ex) When he reopened them, he said, “Yes, by all that is holy, I love you!”

・reverend:牧師 [révərənd]
  ex) Fogg asked him to go and find Reverend Samuel Wilson at the local church.

・collar:襟 [kɑ́lər]
  ex) Then Passepartout grabbed his master by the collar and threw him out the front door.




