NHKニュースで学ぶ現代英語 2023年4月勉強分②

中立の北欧2国 NATO加盟を検討

【 語彙・表現 】
 ex) Leaders in Finland and Sweden have chosen to keep their countries non-aligned since World War II.

・prompt A to ~:Aを~することへ促す
 ex) But what they’ve seen in Ukraine has prompted them to reconsider.

 ex) Finland and Sweden are partners with the alliance, but not part of it.

・landscape:景色、風景、見晴らし →(物事の)情勢、状況
・security landscape:安全保障情勢
・secure ~:~を確保する
 ex) The change in the security landscape makes it necessary to analyze how we best secure peace for Finland and in our region in the future.

・share a border:国境を接する
 ex) Finns and Russians share a border.

・members of parliament:国会議員
・whether to ~:~するかどうか
 ex) Marin says members of parliament will debate and decide “within weeks” whether to apply for NATO membership.

・think through:(問題などを)よく考える、慎重に検討する
 ※= think over
 ex) We have to really think through what is best for Sweden and our security and our peace in this new situation.

・Swede:スウェーデン人 [swíːd]
 ex) Many Swedes aren’t convinced.

・there’s no other way to A than B:AするのにB以外の方法はない
 ex) Andersson and Marin agree there’s no other way to have such security guarantees “than under NATO’s deterrence.”

【 豆知識:国の名と〇〇人 】


日産 EVのF1チームを買収へ

【 語彙・表現 】
 ex) Japan’s Nissan Motor has acquired a French race team that participates in the Formula E championship, known as “F1 for electric vehicles.”

・take full ownership of ~:~社を完全子会社化する、~の完全な所有権を取得する
 ※ = acquire 100% ownership of ~
 ex) Nissan said Tuesday it has taken full ownership of the e.dams team.

・the first A to ~:初めて~したA、Aとして初めて~した人
・take part in ~:~に参加する
 ex) They have been partners since 2018, when Nissan became the first Japanese carmaker to take part in Formula E.

・electrify:電気を通す、電動化する ※豆知識参照
 ex) The company says it’s strengthening collaboration with the team to help it achieve its strategy of electrifying all new vehicle offerings by early next decade in key markets.

・differentiate:差別化する [dìfərnʃièit]
・in terms of ~:~の観点でいえば、~の点では
・ride comfort:乗り心地
 ex) All EVs feature quiet, smooth acceleration, making it difficult for automakers to differentiate their models in terms of ride comfort and handling.

・expertise:(専門的な)知識・技能 [èkspərtíːz]
 ex) Nissan said it aims to transfer its expertise and technology from the racetrack to the development of better EVs for customers.

【 豆知識:形容詞+fyで「~化する」 】



【 語彙・表現 】
・leading:率いる → 主要な
 ex) Leading economic institutes in Germany are warning that Europe’s biggest economy would experience a deep recession if it stops importing natural gas from Russia.

・Ifo Institute (for Economic Research):IFO経済研究所
 ex) The joint forecast comes from the Ifo Institute and four other research bodies.

・a total of ~:合計~の
 ※ = in total ex. 220 billion euros in total
・in case ~:もし~(完結した文)の場合には
 ex) They say Germany’s economy would lose a total of 220 billion euros, or roughly 240 billion dollars, by the end of next year in case the gas supplies are shut off.

・(be) equivalent to ~:~に相当する
・gross ~:総~
・gross domestic product:国内総生産、GDP
 ex) The loss is equivalent to more than 6.5 percent of Germany’s annual gross domestic product.

・embargo:禁輸 [embɑ́rgou]
・as part of ~:~の一環として
 ex) German officials have been discussing a possible embargo of Russian gas as part of tougher sanctions against Moscow.

 ※「(病気に)かかる」という意味もある。ex. contract COVID-19:新型コロナウイルス感染症にかかる
 ex) The institutes also believe that German GDP will grow only by 1.9 percent this year and contract by 2.2 percent in 2023.

【 豆知識:小数点付き数字や西暦年の読み方 】


小数点以下がある数字では、「点」はpointと読むのが普通だが、and a halfと言うことがよくある。

例えば「2023」年は、2桁ずつに分けてtwenty twenty-threeと読むことが多いが、two thousand twenty-threeとも読む(これは少しあらたまって聞こえる)。

two hundred fortyでもtwo hundred and fortyでもいい(これは改まって聞こえる)

ただしandを付けると別々の数字に聞こえてしまうこともあるので、これを避けるためか、素早くtwo hundred an fortyやtwo hundred n fortyのように発音されることが多い。


【 語彙・表現 】
・chief executive:国や地域・州などの行政のトップを指す言葉、香港では「行政長官」[igzékjətiv]
 ex) John Lee Ka-chiu overwhelmingly won Sunday’s vote in the election for chief executive.

・the territory:その領土(ここでは香港)
 ※香港は、正式にはHong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China「中華人民共和国香港特別行政区」と呼ばれる。
 ex) He’s a former police officer and was the territory’s No. 2 official.

・general population:一般市民
・cast one’s ballot:票を投じる、投票する ※豆知識参照
 ex) The general population does not cast their ballots for the leader.

 ex) Lee won over 1,400 votes.

・under Beijing’s guidance:中国政府の指導の下で
 ex) Hong Kong carried out electoral reform last year under Beijing’s guidance.

・pro-China members:(ここでは)親中派の委員
 ex) Pro-China members dominate the Election Committee.

・play a key role in ~:~で中心的な役割を果たす、重要な役割を果たす
 ※play a crucial role in ~なら「~で決定的な役割を果たす」。
・crack down on ~:~に対して断固たる措置をとる、~を厳しく取り締まる、弾圧する
・media outlets:報道機関
 ex) Lee played a key role in cracking down on pro-democracy activists and media outlets.

・take office:(公職などに)就任する
 ex) Observers say the government may tighten control over public activities after he takes office on July 1.

・mark the anniversary of ~:~を記念する
 ex) The date marks the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s handover to China from British rule.

【 豆知識:"ballot" の語源 】
cast a ballot / cast (one’s) ballots はニュース英語によく出てくる表現
 ex) The general population does not cast their ballots for the leader.

ballotはイタリア語のballottaに由来し、ball(a)「ボール」+otta「小さい」→ ballotta「小さな球」

同様にballoonという単語は、ball「ボール」+ oon「大きい」=「大きな球」→「気球、風船」

沖縄県 基地問題の早期解決求める

【 語彙・表現 】
The southern prefecture of ~:南部の~県 [sʌ́ðərn]
・U.S. military bases:米軍基地
 ex) The southern prefecture of Okinawa has urged the governments of Japan and the U.S. to resolve issues related to U.S. military bases in the prefecture.

・proposal:提案 [prəpóul]
 ex) The request was among proposals released by Okinawa on Saturday.

・the central government:(ここでは)日本政府
・the goal of ~ing:~する目標
 ex) The document says the central government and prefecture shared the goal of making Okinawa “islands of peace” at the time of their return.

・status:立場 [stéitəs/stǽtəs]
・status of forces agreement:地位協定
・(ここでの)the (Japan-U.S) Status of Forces Agreement:日米地位協定
 ex) The proposals urge Tokyo and Washington to fundamentally review the Status of Forces Agreement.

corps:軍隊 [kɔ́r] ※豆知識参照
U.S. Marine Corps:アメリカ海兵隊
・the U.S. Marine Corps Futenma Air Station:沖縄県宜野湾市にあるアメリカ軍普天間基地
・relocate the U.S. Marine Corps Futenma Air Station within the prefecture:アメリカ軍普天間基地の県内(辺野古)移設
 ex) They call for a plan to relocate the U.S. Marine Corps Futenma Air Station within the prefecture to be scrapped.

・be populated:人口が密集している [pɑ́pjəlèitid]
 ex) Work is underway to move the base from an urban area to a coastal one that's less populated.

【 豆知識:"corps" の発音と集合名詞としての扱い 】
corpsはフランス語由来の単語で、pとsは発音しない(どちらもsilent letter「黙字」)。
“cor" で止める( [kɔ́r])。

スペリングの末尾にsがあるので複数形に見えるが、「1つの集団」という意味なので “s" が付いていても基本的に単数扱い