NHKニュースで学ぶ現代英語 2022年8月勉強分②

バイデン大統領 記者会主催の夕食会出席

corps:団体 [kɔ́r]
 ※"ps" も発音すると「死体」に聞こえるので注意。
・press corps:記者団
 ex) U.S. President Joe Biden has attended the annual dinner for the Washington press corps.

 ex) It was the first presidential appearance at the event in six years.

・deliver a speech:スピーチや演説を行う
 ex) Biden delivered a humorous speech at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner on Saturday.

・be in attendance:出席している、来場する
 ex) About 2,500 people were in attendance.

・open (a speech):スピーチを始める
・make light of ~:~について冗談を言う、(重要なことを)重要でないように扱う
 ※"time lag" や “jet lag" の “lag" と同じ
・approval rating/rate:支持率
 ex) He opened by making light of his lagging approval ratings.

・dig:(ひじなどによる)突っつき、こづき → 嫌味、皮肉、当てつけ
・take a dig at ~:~について嫌味や皮肉を言う、毒舌を吐く
 ex) Biden also took a dig at his predecessor, Donald Trump.

・followed by ~:続いて~がある
 ex) We had a horrible plague, followed by two years of COVID.”

・incumbent:現職の [inkʌ́mbənt]
 ex) The incumbent president usually attends the dinner.

 ex) Former President Trump had an especially frosty relationship with much of the media and chose not to go.

米FRB ゼロ金利解除

・central banker:中央銀行のメンバー
・see:目の当たりにする → 経験する
・prices for ~ climb:~の価格が上昇する
 ex) U.S. central bankers have seen prices for rent, for groceries, for clothes climb higher and higher.

・tame:飼いならす、手なづける → 抑制する、管理下に置く
 ex) They’ve decided it’s time to tame inflation and to raise rates.

・against the backdrop of ~:~を背景にして
 ex) The economy is very strong, and against the backdrop of an extremely tight labor market and high inflation, the committee anticipates that ongoing increases in the target range for the federal funds rate will be appropriate.

・by a quarter of a percentage point:1%ポイントの4分の1の差で → 0.25ポイントの差で
・the first ~ since ・・・:・・・以来初めての~
 ex) Powell and other policymakers are raising their key interest rate by a quarter of a percentage point, the first increase since 2018.

・things they need:彼らが必要な物 → 生活必需品
 ex) Powell says that imposes “significant hardship” on consumers, especially those who struggle to pay more for the things they need.

<豆知識:"raise" と “rise" の違い>
raise ~:~を上げる [réiz]
 ex) Powell and other policymakers are raising their key interest rate.
 ex) raise awareness:意識を高める
 ex) raise concern:心配が生まれる

rise:上がる、増える [ráiz]
 ex) They’ve seen it rise to 7.9 percent.
 ex) Gas prices are rising. (ガソリンの値段は上がっている)
 ex) The sun rises in the east. (太陽は東から昇る)
 ex) rise from the ashes:廃墟から立ち上がる

ロシア 日本との平和条約交渉を中断

・be ~ing:~しつつある(今起きていることを伝えるときだけでなく、間近に予定されていることを伝えるときなどに使う用法)
・in response to ~:~に応じて、~に対応して
・sanction:制裁、制裁措置 [sǽŋkʃən]
 ex) Russia’s foreign ministry says it is suspending peace treaty talks with Japan in response to sanctions imposed by Tokyo over the invasion of Ukraine.

・bilateral:双方の、2国間の [bailǽtərəl]
・explicitly:はっきりと、あからさまに [iksplísətli]
 ex) The ministry says in a statement that it is impossible to discuss bilateral relations with a state that holds an explicitly unfriendly position.

・withdraw from ~:~から引きあげる、撤退する
・dialogue with ~:~との対話
 ※dialogue on ~:~についての対話
 ex) Russia is also withdrawing from dialogue with Japan on joint economic activities on four islands.

 ex) Russia controls the islands. Japan claims them, which it calls the Northern Territories.

・inherent:もともと備わっている、本来的に備わっている [inhíərənt]
 ex) The Japanese government maintains the islands are an inherent part of Japan’s territory.

・rest with ~:(責任などが)~にある
 ex) The ministry says all responsibility for harming bilateral cooperation and the interests of Japan rests with Tokyo.

赤字が続く地方鉄道の在り方 見直しへ

・government panel of experts:政府の検討会、専門家会議
・call for ~:~を求める
 ex) A government panel of experts has called for a wholesale review of Japan’s loss-making railway lines.

 ※viableはvia「生命」+able「可能な」から成る。"via" を含む単語にはほかにも、vitamin, vital, vivid など。
 ex) The shrinking population and a drop in train usage amid the pandemic mean that some regional services are no longer viable.

 ※"suggest" より強い提案
・consultative body:諮問機関
・make up:構成する
 ex) The transport ministry panel proposed on Monday the formation of consultative bodies made up of the authorities, railway operators, and other stakeholders.

・replace A with B:AをBと交換する、AをBで置き換える
 ex) They would discuss new options for unprofitable lines, including replacing them with bus services.

・the daily average of passengers per kilomete:輸送密度(鉄道事業には1キロあたり1日に平均何人を運んだかを示す指標)
・fall below ~:~を下回る
 ex) The experts suggest that consultations on lines in the Japan Railway group should start if the daily average of passengers per kilometer falls below 1,000.

・threshold:(判定などの)基準値、境界値 [θréʃhould]
 ex) They also defined some exemptions to the threshold.

・enable A to ~:Aが~することを可能にする
 ex) That would enable operators to focus on daily services.

米連邦最高裁 初の黒人女性判事誕生へ

・the Supreme Court:(連邦)最高裁判所 [supríːm]
 ex) In a historic vote, the U.S. Senate has confirmed Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court.

・swear in ~:(誰かに)宣誓させてそのポストに就任させる → (受身形で)宣誓して就任する
 ex) Jackson will be formally sworn in this summer.

・reflect ~:~を反映する
 ex) We’ve taken another step toward making our highest court reflect the diversity of America.

・divisive:対立させる、二分する [diváisiv]
・gun control:銃規制
 ex) The nine justices of the Supreme Court make final decisions on socially divisive issues, such as abortion, gun control, and same-sex marriage.

 ex) Currently, there are six conservatives and three liberals.

 ex) She will succeed retiring Justice Stephen Breyer, who is also a liberal.

 ex) The ideological balance on the court is expected to remain unchanged.


The U.S. Senate has confirmed Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court."

・the U.S. Senate:アメリカの議会上院(文脈がはっきりしているときは短くthe Senate)
・the U.S House of Representatives:アメリカの議会下院(短くthe House)


“The nine justices of the Supreme Court make final decisions on socially divisive issues."
