NHKニュースで学ぶ現代英語 2024年1月勉強分③
洋上太陽光発電 国内初の実証実験
【 語彙・表現 】
・promising way:有望な方法
・renewable energy:再生可能エネルギー
ex) The method is considered a promising way to make renewable energy in a country where space on land is limited.
・carry out:(計画や指示されたことを)実行する、実施する、遂行する
・the Tokyo Metropolitan Government:東京都
ex) Sumitomo Mitsui Construction is carrying out the test, using subsidies from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
ex) The test will measure the durability of the panels, as well as the difference in power generation capacities between land and offshore facilities.
・trading house:商社
ex) Major Japanese trading house Marubeni started generating electricity at an offshore solar plant in Taiwan last December.
【 語彙・表現 】
・the mind’s eye:心の目、想像力 ※豆知識参照
・the day when we can ~:私たちが~できる日
・far off:はるかに遠い、先の
ex) The day may not be far off when we can look into other people’s minds.
ex) The researchers recorded people’s neural signals as they viewed various images of landscapes and objects.
・quantify A into B:AをBに数値化する
ex) They quantified the physical characteristics of actual images into numeric values and developed a unique program that translates neural signals into numeric values.
・convert A into B:AをBに変換する
※名詞形はconversion「変換」、形容詞形はconvertible「変換可能な」。cf. convertible (car):コンバーチブル車(屋根の有無を切り替えられる車)
ex) The program makes it possible to convert imagined images of landscapes or other objects into numbers.
【 豆知識:「見る」の語彙のニュアンスの違い 】
・look, watch:意識的に見る
【 豆知識:「心」の表現 】
ex) my heart and mind:私の心(の全体)
脳が行う記憶や想像も含むので、ニュース文の “the mind’s eye"(心の(中の)目)」には、想像している光景が映っているという意味合いになる。
⇒ mindとheartを比べると、
ex) A lot of thoughts ran through my mind. 「心(頭)の中を駆け巡った」
ex) I love my wife from the bottom of my heart. 「心の底から愛している」
羽田空港事故 脱出までの18分間
【 語彙・表現 】
・collide:衝突する [kəláid]
・passenger jet:旅客機
ex) Around 5:47 p.m., the two planes collided. The passenger jet skidded along the runway for about a kilometer.
・come to a halt:停止する
・break out:(急に)発生する、起こる
ex) When it came to a halt, the pilots were initially unaware a fire had broken out.
・left rear:左後方
ex) Five of the remaining six exits were blocked by fire, leaving only one emergency exit at the left rear of the plane.
・cabin crew:(運航乗務員以外の)全ての客室乗務員
※ここでのthe cockpitは「コックピットにいる人(操縦士や副操縦士)」を指す。
ex) The cabin crew must have permission from the cockpit to open an emergency exit.
ex) The intercom system at the rear of the plane no longer worked, making communication impossible.
・on one’s own initiative:自分の意思で、自分の決断で、自発的に
ex) The crew opened the door on their own initiative.
・the last person to+動詞の原形:~をする最後の人
※慣用的に「最も~しそうもない人」という意味で用いられることもある。e.g. She would be the last person to tell a lie.「彼女はうそをつくような人ではない」、He is the last person to admit to his shortcomings.「彼は絶対に自分の欠点を認めない」
ex) The captain was the last person to leave the plane at 6:05 p.m.,18 minutes after landing.
【 豆知識:空港と機内でのアナウンス例 】
“Dear passengers, may I have your attention, please?
NHK Airways Flight 175 to Paris is now ready for boarding.
Passengers on this flight, please proceed to Gate 45, Gate 45.
Thank you for choosing NHK Airways and enjoy your flight."
“Good evening, passengers.
Welcome aboard NHK Airways Flight 872 to Honolulu.
Our scheduled flight time was eight hours and 25 minutes, but with the
tailwind, we are expecting to land approximately 45 minutes ahead of schedule.
Please ensure your seatbelt is securely fastened.
Your safety is our top priority.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey.
Our crew is here to assist you.
Thank you for flying with us."
能登半島地震 ふるさと納税で支援広がる
【 語彙・表現 】
・hometown tax plan/system/program / hometown tax donation:「ふるさと納税」の英訳
・a rising/growing number of people ~:~する人が増えている
・hit hard by ~:~で大きな打撃を受ける
ex) A rising number of people in Japan are using a program to offset their taxes to make donations to areas of the country hit hard by the recent earthquake.
・municipality:自治体 [mjuːnìsəpǽləti]
・in exchange for ~:~と引き換えに、~の見返りに
・tax cut:税額控除
ex) The plan is called “Furusato Nozei.” It allows people to donate money to different municipalities in exchange for tax cuts and gifts.
・mediate between A and B:AとBの間を仲介する
・set up:設ける、開設する、設立する
ex) Websites mediating between donors and local governments have set up special pages.
ex) Donors have the choice of declining gifts from the municipalities they are supporting.
【 豆知識:"gift" を使った様々な表現 】
as a gift:ただでも
ex) I wouldn’t take it even as a gift. 「ただでもそのようなものはいらない。」
a gift from God / God’s gift:神からの恵み、幸運
ex) Lucy considered her talent for music as a gift from God. 「自分の音楽の才能を神からのすてきな贈り物だと考えている」
look a gift horse in the mouth:もらい物にケチをつける
ex) Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. 「もらい物にけちをつけてはいけない。」
野生動植物の違法取り引き 組織化に警戒
【 語彙・表現 】
・Interpol:インターポール(国際刑事警察機構)(正式名称International Criminal Police Organization)
・crack down on ~:~を取り締まる
・trafficking:取り引き、密売、不正な取り引き [trǽfikiŋ]
※traffic(名):(不正な)取り引き (動)(不正な)取り引きをする cf. child trafficking:児童売買、trafficker:密売人
ex) Interpol is cracking down on international trafficking of wildlife and plants, which has been growing more organized.
ex) There have been about 500 arrests in more than 130 countries.
・the inter-governmental organization:政府間組織(ここではInterpolのこと)
ex) The inter-governmental organization spent most of October working with authorities in various countries to stop illegal trade.
・Czech:チェコ [tʃék]
・golden-handed/red-handed tamarin:アカテタマリン(小型のサルの一種の)
ex) Czech authorities inspected a facility and seized eight golden-handed tamarins. The small monkeys had been smuggled from South America.
ex) An operation at an airport in Thailand found 17 endangered turtles in suitcases bound for Europe.
・organized crime:組織犯罪
ex) Interpol says 60 percent of cases were linked to organized crime groups.
・sophisticated:高度な、精緻な [səfístikèitid]
・forged:偽の、偽造した [fɔ́rdʒd]
・cryptocurrency:暗号通貨(日本では国の発行する通貨との混同を避けるため「仮想通貨」または「暗号資産」) ※豆知識参照
ex) The agency says these crimes are increasingly sophisticated, with forged certificates and cryptocurrency payments.
【 豆知識:"crypto-" の付いた単語 】