英語で鑑賞 Just Add Magic : Season2(Part2)-4 Just Add Time

英語字幕での不明点 ネタバレ注意

・ – Keep your eyes shut, no peeking. - They’re shut, we promise.

・ – Ta-da! You surprised? - You could say that.
 You could say that.:そうとも言えるね、そうかもしれないね

・- Mom found this abandoned in Lavender Heights. It’s a classic, and the city was just gonna junk it. - So I offered to take it off their hands.
 take it off one’s hands:譲り受ける

・Thanks, Grandma, that’s a great idea. But I think we need to clear out the bad juju first.
 bad juju:悪い運気やネガティブなエネルギー

・- Oh, that’s coming in a different package. This one’s personal, it’s for me. - Oh, sorry. Honest mistake.
 honest mistake:うっかりミス

・In 1995, R.J. White was the AV Club trainee, and the football team’s equipment manager.
 AV club:オーディオビジュアル技術を学び、映画制作、ビデオ編集、音響技術などに取り組むクラブ

・He looks dorky.

・- Guys. In the ’90s, they had a student-produced morning show. “Good Morning Lavender Heights." - Does it look as lame as Rockbury A.M., and it’s student exposés?

・- All we have to do is look through old episodes of “Good Morning Lavender Heights" until we find it. - It’s kind of a long shot.
 long shot:見込みは低いものの成功すれば大きな成果が得られるもの

・Haven’t used it in a while, but it should do the trick.
 do the trick:うまくいく、目的を達成する

・Girls, someone is out there using dangerous magic.
 out there:世の中に

・- I’m really sorry I had to cancel the last few. Save your apologizing for after I hear your Bach’s Variation 1.
 Bach:バッハ [bάːk]  variation:変奏曲

・I’m dreading telling Miss Silvers. We have such a good time together, I– I think she loves the lessons as much as I do.

・We’re doing some research, and we have to watch some old tapes. Hey, can you help us hook it up to this old TV?
 hook up:接続する

・Next thing you’ll be telling me 8 tracks are coming back. (3人の「?」な顔を見て)And that’s my cue to leave.
 That’s my cue to ~:~する合図だ

・(インタビュー)Today’s top story: How come the lunchroom’s hot dogs aren’t hot? So what’s the deal with the cold dogs?
 what’s the deal with ~?:~はどうなっているの?、~はどういうこと?

・(インタビュー)- What do you think of the principal’s proposal to ban pajama pants? - Bogus, man. These pants rock.

・Yep. Tape’s stuck in there. Back in the day, this used to happen all the time, but I think I can fix it.
 back in the day:ずっと昔

・- How long will it take? - Well, I’ve got a conference call, then I’ll have to find my torque screwdriver, take off the back cover.

・And I got a text from Piper. She wants help running lines.
 run lines:台詞を覚える、台詞の練習をする

・I wouldn’t mind making a little extra money at Mama P’s.
 wouldn’t mind ~ing:~するのも悪くない
 make a little extra money:ちょっとした余分なお金を稼ぐ、副業する

・Hi, Kelly. This is my friend Piper from the play. Piper, this is Kelly, from my whole life.
 from one’s whole life:人生全体 → 長い付き合い → 昔からの親友

・- Darbie, I know you’re having the grilled cheese. - Actually, I’d like a hummus and cucumber sandwich.

・- Great job, Kelly. Your hustle got things under control. - My feet are killing me. How long have I been working?
 get things under control:物事をうまく管理する、状況を制御する
 My feet are killing me.:足が痛くて死にそうだ

・No one can remember their blocking. Actors don’t know whether to cross downstage or upstage. Doesn’t matter if you can’t project to the cheap seats.
 downstage:舞台の前方  upstage:舞台の奥
 project :声をしっかりと届かせる
 cheap seats:安い席=劇場の後ろの方の座席=舞台から遠く音が届きにくい席

・She unlocks the prop locker, so I can rehearse with the actual murder weapon. Spoiler alert.
 spoiler alert:ネタばれ注意

・I’m so lost. Can someone fill me in?
 fill in:情報を補う、詳細を教える

・I’m not the same irresponsible, klutzy Darbie I used to be. I mean, I still do have an overdue library book, but I am getting better.
 klutzy:不器用な  overdue:延滞した

・I’m sure I said tablespoon, but you put in a teaspoon because you were just Darby being Darby again.
 人 being 人:その人らしい行動をしている、その人だから仕方がない

・ – Are you sure? - Yeah, I’m positive.

・(リポート)As prom season approaches, the to do list for students grows by the day. Rent the tux, make dinner reservations・・・

・- People were really into the flannel in the ’90s. - And combat boots.
 combat boots:戦闘靴

・- (リポーター)So far, juniors have raised more money than the last two combined. - (高校生のRJ)Fourth and fifth period every day this week.

・I’ve seen her somewhere, I just can’t place where.
 can’t place where:どこだったか思い出せない

・- Wait, mango bars as in Magnetic Mango Bars? - And Bitter Truth Truffles? - Not to mention Single-Serving Cinnamon Brownie Bites.
 A as in B:A、すなわちB
 not to mention ~:~は言うまでもなく


感想など  ネタバレ注意


Speed Up Spinach Soufflé:スピードアップ・ほうれん草スフレ

chime(チャイム)とtime(タイム)とthyme(タイム)を掛けていたけれど、ついでにchive(チャイブ)も掛けて、「Speed Up Chive Soufflé」にしちゃえば良かったのにと思った。


最後の方で、高校時代のRJたちが作っているお菓子の名前を3人が挙げてくれたお陰で、Season1の第5話で分からなかったレシピの名前が「Magnetic Mango Bar(魅惑のマンゴーバー)」だと判明した!
