eステーション 文法とチャンク <仕事編④>



A customer calls about a product.

【 バリエーション文】
A customer called and complained about a product.

A customer called and complained about a product. / I handled the complaint.
 ※handle a complaint:苦情を処理する

A customer called and complained about a product. / I handled the complaint / the way the manual said to.
 ※the way ~:~のとおりに(=as)

A customer called and complained about a product. / I handled the complaint / the way the manual said to, / but it seemed to me / that we needed to improve the product.

A customer called and complained about a product. / I handled the complaint / the way the manual said to, / but it seemed to me / that we needed to improve the product. / So I reported the customer’s comments.

When I was working, a customer called and complained about our service. I apologized and promised doing our best.


I make an estimate.

【 バリエーション文】
・After returning to the office, / I made an estimate.

・After returning to the office, / I calculated costs / and made an estimate.

・After returning to the office, / I calculated costs / and made the estimate / that the client had requested.

・After returning to the office, / I calculated costs / and made the estimate / that the client had requested. / Then I asked my boss for approval.

・After returning to the office, / I calculated costs / and made the estimate / that the client had requested. / Then I asked my boss for approval, / but he pointed out a problem / and I had to revise the estimate.

My client wanted to know how much cost the project would be, so I made an estimate and send it to them.


I call to make an appointment.

【 バリエーション文】
I called the client / to make an appointment.

I called the client / to make an appointment / for this week. / We looked at our schedules.

I called the client / to make an appointment / for this week. / We looked at our schedules / and tried to arrange a time.

I called the client / to make an appointment / for this week. / We looked at our schedules / and tried to arrange a time, / but there weren’t any times / that worked for both of us.

I called the client / to make an appointment / for this week. / We looked at our schedules / and tried to arrange a time, / but there weren’t any times / that worked for both of us. / We decided that I’d go to their office / next Wednesday at 2 p.m.

I have a toothache, so I called the doctor to make an appointment.


The production line stops.

【 バリエーション文】
・Last night at our factory, / the production line stopped.

・Last night at our factory, / the production line stopped / due to a mechanical problem.

・Last night at our factory, / the production line stopped / due to a mechanical problem, / and it was apparent / that the delivery would be delayed.
 ※apparent:明らかな [əpǽrənt]

・Last night at our factory, / the production line stopped / due to a mechanical problem, / and it was apparent / that the delivery would be delayed. / So I told [informed] our affiliate / about it.
 ※affiliate:支社、関係者、関係先 [əfíliət]

・Last night at our factory, / the production line stopped / due to a mechanical problem, / and it was apparent / that the delivery would be delayed. / So I told [informed] our affiliate / about the change in the delivery date.
 ※change in ~:~の変化、変更

I heard that the production line stopped at the warehouse. The delivery of my shipment would be delayed due to this problem.