eステーション 文法とチャンク <仕事編②>



I work overtime.

【 バリエーション文】
・Last night / my co-worker and I worked overtime.

・Last night / my co-worker and I worked overtime. / We just made the last train.
 ※make the last train:終電に間に合う

・Last night / my co-worker and I worked overtime, / because we hadn’t finished the sales report analysis. / We just made the last train.
 ※analysis:分析、解析 [ənǽləsis] (音声では “a" にアクセントがあった)

・Last night / my co-worker and I worked overtime, / because we hadn’t finished the sales report analysis / which we were supposed to submit for today’s meeting. / We just made the last train.

I don’t work overtime because I would like to spend my time freely after 5.


I get a new job.

【 バリエーション文】
I got a new job / at a foreign-affiliated company in April.

・I had an interview in January, / and got a new job / at a foreign-affiliated company in April.

・I had an interview in January, / and got a new job / at a foreign-affiliated company in April, / so I was really busy.

・I had an interview in January, / and got a new job / at a foreign-affiliated company in April. / I was really busy / with the handover.

・I had an interview in January, / and got a new job / at a foreign-affiliated company in April. / I was really busy / with the handover / and farewell parties / and welcome parties.

Finally, I was able to get a new job at a company that I had always wanted to join.


My hard disk crashes.

【 バリエーション文】
・Today / my hard disk suddenly crashed.

・Today / my hard disk suddenly crashed, / so I tried to restore the data.
 ※restore ~:~を元の状態に戻す、復元する

・Today / my hard disk suddenly crashed. / I tried to restore the data, / but I wasn’t able to.

・Today / my hard disk suddenly crashed. / I tried to restore the data, / but I wasn’t able to, / so I lost a lot of important data.

・Today / my hard disk suddenly crashed. / I tried to restore the data, / but I wasn’t able to. / I was really upset / about losing a lot of important data.

I always back up the important data in preparation when my hard disk suddenly crashes.


I hand over my responsibilities.
※hand over:引き渡す、譲渡する

【 バリエーション文】
I’m handing over my responsibilities / to my replacement.

I’m handing over my responsibilities / to my replacement, / because I’m being transferred to a new section.

I’m handing over my responsibilities / to my replacement, / because I’m being transferred to a new section. / Today I went to a client’s office.

I’m handing over my responsibilities / to my replacement, / because I’m being transferred to a new section. / Today I went to a client’s office / to inform them about the handover.

I’m handing over my responsibilities / to my replacement, / because I’m being transferred to a new section. / Today I went to a client’s office / with my replacement / to inform them about the handover.

I don’t like handing over my responsibilities because everyone requires the perfect handover.


Taxes are deducted from my salary.
※deduct ~:~を差し引く、控除する

【 バリエーション文】
・Local taxes are deducted from my salary.
 ※local tax:地方税

・Local taxes and social insurance costs are deducted from my salary.

・Local taxes and social insurance costs, / like the welfare pension / and unemployment insurance, / are deducted from my salary.
 ※welfare:(経済的な)安泰、(政府による)生活保護 [wélfὲər]
 ※welfare pension:厚生年金

・Local taxes and social insurance costs, / like the welfare pension, / unemployment insurance, / health insurance / and nursing care insurance, / are deducted from my salary.
 ※nursing care:看護、介護

・Local taxes and social insurance costs, / like the welfare pension, / unemployment insurance, / health insurance / and nursing care insurance, / are deducted from my salary. / In the end, / I take home about 250,000 yen.
 ※take home ~:手取りは~だ、手元に残るのは~だ
 (音声ファイルでは “about" がない)

When I was an employee at a company, I didn’t notice how much taxes and insurance I was deducted from my salary every month.

パーティの幹事をやらされる ※eステーションのサイトに音声ファイルが無い

I’m put in charge of a party.
※in charge of ~:~を担当して
※put in charge of ~:~を任される

【 バリエーション文】
I was put in charge of a farewell party.

I was suddenly put in charge of a farewell party.

I was suddenly put in charge of a farewell party / for a retiring section chief.
 ※section chief:課長

I was suddenly put in charge of a farewell party / for a retiring section chief. / It was tough work, / because there were a lot of things to do.

I was suddenly put in charge of a farewell party / for a retiring section chief. / It was tough work, / because there were a lot of things to do / — deciding the restaurant, /working out the date and time, /and arranging the flowers, / cards and so on.
 ※work out ~:~(計画など)を調整する

I’m terrible at arranging events, so please don’t put me in charge of any parties.