多読 36:The Invisible Man (Level:3)


読みたいリストに今入っている本では、Level3の本の最後の1冊「The Invisible Man(透明人間)」で、これもまたH.G.ウェルズの作品だった。


[シリーズ] Happy Readers
[出版社] Happy House

[著者] Herbert George Wells
[総語数] 8377語

知らない or あやふやな単語

・brim:(帽子の)つば [brím]
・brimmed hat:つば付き帽
  ex) A stranger dressed in a wide-brimmed hat and very long coat got off a train at Bramblehurst.

stumble:よろめく、つまづく [stʌ́mbl]
  ex) The people in the inn saw a dark figure stumble in.

bulky:分厚い、かさばった [bʌ́lki]
  ex) The strange man had large bulky bandages around his head.

・take a good look at ~:~をよく観察する
  ex) “You should take a good look at them in the morning,” warned Teddy.

・cut it out:〔望ましくないことを〕やめる
  ex) “Cut it out now all of you," snapped Mrs. Hall.

・mind one’s own business:他人の私事に干渉しない[口出ししない・構わない]、いらぬおせっかいをしない
  ex) “You’ll all mind your own business."

・good grief:これは大変、これは驚いた
  ex) “Good grief!” exclaimed Mrs. Hall. “How many boxes and bags does he have?"

・startle ~:~をびっくりさせる [stɑ́rtl]
  ex) He was about to speak when he saw the most startling thing.

・socket:関節部のへこみ [sɑ́kit]
  ex) However, he wasn’t wearing his glasses, and his eye sockets were empty.

・tantrum:かんしゃくの爆発 [tǽntrəm]
  ex) He was usually quiet, but there was the occasional tantrum when he smashed furniture and his equipment.

・propose ~:~を提案する [prəpóuz]
  ex) Mr. Hall proposed that they get rid of the stranger.

・stomp:踏み鳴らす、踏みつける [stɑmp]
  ex) There was a loud sound of stomping, some laughter and then the door was quickly flung open.

・eerie:不気味な、薄気味悪い [íri]
  ex) The eerie sound of the stranger’s laughter could be heard behind him.

・poker:火かき棒 [póukər]
  ex) He got up, took a poker from the fireplace and crept out into the hallway.

・sneeze:くしゃみをする [sníːz]
  ex) He heard the sound of sneezing downstairs.

・be dumb founded :あぜんとする、驚いて物が言えない
  ex) Both of them were completely dumb-founded.

・ burglary:押し込み強盗、侵入窃盗 [bə́ːrgləri]
  ex) It was not long after the burglary when the Halls got up and found that the front door of their inn was unlocked.

・ rubbery:ゴムのような、男性のある [rʌ́bəri]
  ex) He put a small rubbery thing in her hand.

・tear off ~:~を引きはがす
  ex) Then the man tore off his glasses and everything on his face.

・tramp:放浪者 [træmp]
  ex) Just outside of Iping, a tramp, Thomas Marvel, sat looking at two pairs of shoes, trying to decide which pair to wear.

・intently:夢中で、熱心に [inténtli]
  ex) He was studying the boots intently when a voice behind him said, “Both of them are very ugly.”

・stutter:言葉に詰まりながら言う [stʌ́tər]
  ex) .“Alright I…won’t betray you," he stuttered.

・commotion:騒動、騒音 [kəmóuʃən]
  ex) Other people had come to see what the commotion was about.

・portray:言葉で描写[表現]する [pɔrtréi]
・capitalist class:資本家階級
  ex) In this novel, Wells invents a time machine and portrays the natural evolution of the capitalist class structure.

・industrialization:産業化、工業化 [indʌ̀striələzéiʃən]
  ex) process of industrialization was creating great changes in society.

・civilization:文明、文明化 [sìvələzéiʃən]
・descend:降下する、落ちぶれる [disénd]
  ex) Others saw human civilization descending into terrible ruin as the rich took advantage of the poor.

・microscope:顕微鏡 [máikrəskòup]
  ex) In this town, Dr. Arthur Kemp, was looking through a microscope in his study.

・up close:すぐ近くで
  ex) But the people who saw Marvel up close did not think he was crazy.

・desert ~:~を去る、後にする [dizə́ːrt]
  ex) Everyone panicked and deserted the streets.

・regular:常連、常連客 [régjulər]
・brew:コーヒー、ビール [brúː]
  ex) The regulars were enjoying their regular brew when Marvel came crashing through the door.

・thump:激しくたたく [θʌ́mp]
  ex) No sooner had they bolted the door when a powerful thumping was heard on the door.

・nowhere:実在しない場所、どこだか分からない場所 [nóuhwὲər]
  ex) From nowhere, something dragged Marvel out from his hiding place.‘

・prank:いたずら、悪ふざけ [prǽŋk]
  ex) “No one.” she told him. “It must have been a prank."

・devour:貪り食う [diváuər]
  ex) He brought the food back, and watched as an invisible mouth devoured it.

・turn ~ in:~を警察に通報する
  ex) “I’m such an idiot! I’ve given you the idea to turn me in."

・be capable of ~:~に成り得る、~が出来る [kéipəbəl]
  ex) Dr. Kemp thought to himself, “This man is mad and dangerous. He is capable of murder.”

・agitated :動揺した [ǽdʒitèitəd]
  ex) The invisible man seemed very agitated, so Dr. Kemp suggested, “Why don’t we have breakfast in my study?”

・transparent:透明な、透き通った [trænspérənt]
  ex) “Yes, but humans aren’t transparent like glass." interrupted Kemp.

・pigment:色素 [pígmənt]
  ex) “But how did you get the blood and other pigment to become invisible?" Kemp asked.

・puddle:水たまり [pʌ́dəl]
  ex) Where there were puddles of water or mud that I walked through, boys would cry out.

・pursuer:追跡者 [pərsúːər]
  ex) Eventually, I was able to lose my crowd of pursuers."

・desperate:必死の、捨て身の [déspərət]
  ex) “I knew I would have to do something desperate.”

・stool:背の低い足載せ台、スツール [stúːl]
  ex) “I picked up a stool and hit him on the back of his head."

・gag:猿ぐつわをかませる [gǽg]
  ex) “He fell unconscious, and then I gagged him and tied him up with a sheet."

・whisker:ほおひげ [hwískər]
  ex) “Then I took some glasses, a wig, some whiskers and all of the money from the man‘s cash register, and then I left."

・disfigure:外観を損なう [disfígjər]
  ex) “I explained to the waiter that I didn’t want to eat in public because I was disfigured."

pace:行きつ戻りつする、ゆったり歩く [péisi]
  ex) He seemed to turn and face Kemp who was pacing back and forth in front of the window.

・ formula:化学式 [fɔ́rmjələ]
  ex) “I wanted to work in peace and make a formula to make me visible again."

・commit:悪事を働く、罪などを犯す [kəmít]
・up until now:今に至るまで
  ex) “I won’t help you commit crimes like you have been doing up until now,” replied Kemp.

・catch up with ~:~に追いつく、~についていく
  ex) “When I catch up with him, he will wish he had never been born."

・pixel:画素 [píksl]
  ex) This suit, which is still being developed, is made of tiny pixels, like a computer screen that acts like clothing.

・guarantee ~:~が確かだと保障する [gæ̀rəntíː]
  ex) It is the best way to guarantee invisibility without going blind!

・let out ~:~を外に出す
  ex) He let out a laugh that made him seem completely crazy.

・be determined:決心している
  ex) Kemp was determined to not let Griffin know some men had entered his house.

・cut off:人の話を遮る
  ex) Griffin cut him off again.

・yank:グイッと引っ張る [jǽŋk]
  ex) Griffin managed to yank it open a little.

・wedge:無理やり押し込む、割り込ませる [wédʒ]
  ex) Griffin wedged his body between the door and the door frame.

・in a flash:すぐに
  ex) In a flash, the dressing gown had Kemp pinned to the floor at the top of the stairs.

・dig into ~:~に押し付ける
・belly:腹 [béli]
  ex) He felt sharp fingernails digging into his throat and then a sharp pain in his belly as the invisible man drove his knee into the man’s stomach.

・quite a few:相当数
  ex) It took quite a few minutes for the men to settle their nerves.

  ex) “That man is insane. He has lost all of his sense of reasoning."

・reign:統治 [réin]
  ex) “I will start a reign of terror."

・ execution:処刑 [èksəkjúːʃən]
  ex) “This rein of terror will begin with the execution of Dr. Kemp."

・bait:罠の餌 [béit]
  ex) “We will catch him even if I am the bait!"

・rip:もぎ取る [ríp]
  ex) He felt the gun being ripped out of his hand.

・midair:空中の [mìdέə]
  ex) He looked above him and saw the gun floating in midair.

・deliberately:わざと [dilíbərətli]
  ex) He deliberately walked over a road that had broken glass all over it.

・slam into ~:~にぶつかる
  ex) Kemp was trying to get Griffin’s fingers away from his neck, when a shovel swung through the air and slammed into something soft.

・go limp:だらんとさせる
  ex) The fingers loosened on his throat. and he felt the body of Griff in go limp on his own.

・willingly:喜んで、進んで [wíliŋli]
  ex) He willingly tells the story of the invisible man.

・outsmart ~:~の裏をかく [àutsmɑ́ːt]
  ex) He tells his guests how he outsmarted the police who wanted to take the money in his pockets away from him.

・ occasion:時、好機 [əkéiʒən]
  ex) Kemp and Colonel Adye, who recovered from his gunshot, questioned Marvel about the books on many occasions.


