多読 33:King Arthur (Level:2)



その最後の1冊というのは、「King Arthur(アーサー王の伝説)」。


[シリーズ] Smart Readers
[出版社] Happy House

[著者] ?
[総語数] 5901語

知らない or あやふやな単語

・clearing:〔森や草地の中の〕空き地 [klíəriŋ]
  ex) “Sir Ector, my old friend!" called Merlin as he stepped out of the trees into a clearing.

・scabbard:〔刀などの〕鞘 [skǽbərd]
  ex) Kay put his sword into the leather scabbard that hung on his belt.

・hush:しっ!、静かに! [hʌ́ʃ]
  ex) “Hush." Merlin pressed a finger to his lips.

・stir:〔位置が〕わずかに動く[ずれる・揺れる] [stə́ːr]
・whimper:〔子どもが〕すすり泣く [hwímpər]
  ex) The baby stirred in Merlin’s arms and whimpered in its sleep.

・beckon:〔手ぶり・身ぶりで人に〕合図[手招き]する [békn]
  ex) “Come close and listen to my story,” said Merlin, beckoning with his finger.

・jab ~:~を激しく突き刺す [dʒǽb]
  ex) He jabbed his own sword at Arthur, forcing him to jump aside.

・halt:〔一時的な〕中止、中断、停止 [hɔlt]
  ex) Arthur suddenly pulled his horse to a halt.

・flung:〔荒々しく~を〕放り投げる [flʌŋ]
  ex) “I see no one, ” he declared, and he flung his hawk up into the sky.

・reins:〔馬具の〕手綱 [réin]
  ex) “There, I tell you!” Arthur grabbed the reins of Kay’s horse and turned it to face the stranger.

・send a chill down someone’s spine:(人の)背筋をぞっとさせる
・spine:脊椎 [spáin]
  ex) The mention of magic and danger sent a chill down Arthur’s spine.

・long to ~:~することを切望する
  ex) There was some sad news that Merlin longed to tell the boy.

・heir:継承者、世継ぎ [er]
  ex) “With no heir to the throne, anybody could become the High King,” they said.

・fiery:火のように赤い [fáiəri]
  ex) “I’m the strongest,” said a man with fiery red hair.

shepherd:羊飼い [ʃépərd]
  ex) “My mother was the king’s sister’s husband’s friend’s cousin,” said another man, a shepherd with a couple of lambs.

・metal:金属 [métəl]
  ex) The crowd gasped as letters of burning gold appeared on the metal.

・inscription:記されたもの、銘 [inskrípʃən]
  ex) “Whoever pulls this sword from this stone is the true king of all England,” Merlin announced, reading the golden inscription.

・plunge ~:~を突っ込む、押し込む [plʌ́ndʒ]
  ex) Merlin declared, striding over to a large rock that stood in the middle of the marketplace and plunging the sword right into the middle of it.

provision:蓄え、食料 [prəvíʒən]
  ex) Sir Ector ordered him to gather provisions and saddle up the horses.

・lad:少年、若者、元気の良い男 [lǽd]
  ex) “ We’re going to London, my lad! ” he announced.

・filth:ごみ、汚物 [fílθ]
  ex) It was the smell that hit him first—so many people in one place, with all their filth thrown into the streets.

・squawk:〔耳障りなやかましい〕音を立てる [skwɔk]
・shriek:金切り声を出す、悲鳴を上げる [ʃríːk]
  ex) Pigs snorted, cows mooed, chickens squawked, and children ran about, shrieking at the tops of their voices.

・jar:ぶつかる、〔ぶつかって〕揺れる [dʒɑr]
・creak:きしむ、きしる [kríːk]
  ex) Wheels jarring against the stones and leather harnesses creaking.

・amazement:驚き、驚嘆 [əméizmənt]
・in amazement:びっくりして、驚きのあまり
  ex) Arthur looked around in amazement until Kay called.

・thick:〔人や物が〕いっぱいの、うようよしている [θik]
  ex) Kay pointed towards an open field surrounded by thick crowds.

・sheet of ice:一面の氷
  ex) Arthur went cold, as though he had fallen through a sheet of ice.

・ale:エール(ホップの代わりにハーブや香辛料で苦みを付けた醸造酒) [éil]
  ex) Arthur remembered packing food and ale into the saddlebags,

・mean to ~:~するつもりである
  ex) He had meant to do it.

・pen:〔家畜の〕おり、囲い [pén]
  ex) that the pigs had escaped from their pen.

・leap off ~:~から飛び降りる
  ex) He leapt off his horse and handed the reins to a blushing girl.

・glint:きらっと光る [glínt]
  ex) As Arthur held it up, smiling, the sun glinted off some writing along the blade.

・plot:〔悪事を〕たくらむ [plɑt]
・raise an army:軍隊を招集する
  ex) They plotted against King Arthur and began to raise armies to fight against him.

・canter:〔馬が〕ゆっくりと駆ける [kǽntər]
  ex) Two white horses cantered out of the darkness.

・haste:〔目標を達成するための十分な時間がないので〕急ぐこと [héist]
  ex) “We must make haste,” he said.

・spur ~:〔馬に〕拍車を掛ける、〔馬に拍車を掛けて〕急がせる [spə́ːr]
  ex) He spurred his horse into a trot and disappeared into the darkness.

・glimmer:チラチラする光 [glímər]
  ex) He set off after the glimmer of white that was Merlin’s horse.

・wintry:冬のように寒い [wíntri]
  ex) The moon was still high, spilling its wintry light across the water.

・pull up:引っ張り上げる
  ex) A small, wooden boat was pulled up on the shore of the lake.

・clasp:しっかり握る、握りしめる [klæsp]
  ex) Its fingers clasped around a sword in a golden scabbard.

・invincible:どんなことにも打ち負けない、無敵の [invínsəbəl]
  ex) “Invincible," he murmured to himself.

・on one knee:片膝をついて
  ex) Each one bowed to Arthur on one knee.

・subject:臣民、臣下 [sʌ́bdʒikt]
  ex) Arthur accepted them all as his subjects.

・loyal:忠臣 [lɔ́iəl]
  ex) Arthur chose only the best and most loyal.

awe:畏敬(の念)、畏怖 [ɔ]
  ex) Their names were on the lips of every man, woman and child, spoken with awe and wonder.

・immense:巨大な、素晴らしい [iméns]
  ex) The immense table was brought to Camelot.

・Saxon:サクソン人 [sǽksn]

・Roman:ローマ人 [róumən]

・take part in ~:~に参加[出場]する
・joust:〔中世の騎士の〕一騎打ちの馬上やり試合 [dʒáust]
・charge ~:〔~を〕襲撃する、〔~に〕体当たりする、突撃する
・lance:槍 [læns]
  ex) They took part in jousting contests, charging at each other on horseback and trying to knock each other off with long lances.

・hold ~ captive:~を捕虜にする
  ex) They rescued young women who were held captive.

・praise:褒める、賞賛する [préiz]
  ex) King Arthur and his knights were praised across the land.

・rejoice:喜ぶ、祝う [ridʒɔ́is]
・in safe hands:安全な状態で、保護されて
  ex) All the people rejoiced that the kingdom was in safe hands.

・intensely:猛烈に、極度に [inténsli]
  ex) Mordred was intensely jealous of Arthur.

・imposter:〔他人になりすます〕詐欺師、偽物 [impɔ́stə]
  ex) This King Arthur may be an imposter!

・seek favor:恩恵を求める
  ex) “A new knight had arrived to seek the favour of the king,” he announced.

・blow about:風に吹かれる
  ex) A young man was shown in, his coal-black curls blown about by the wind.

stumble:よろめく、つまづく [stʌ́mbl]
  ex) One day, the queen stumbled and almost fell, but Sir Lancelot reached out and grabbed her hand to steady her.

・stammer:口ごもる、言葉が詰まる、つっかえる [stǽmər]
  ex) Guinevere flushed pink and stammered her thanks.

・consult:相談する、〔専門家に〕助言を求める [kənsʌ́lt]
  ex) A few days later, Arthur was in his throne room, consulting with his advisers.

・traitor:裏切者、反逆者 [tréitər]
  ex) There, ahead of him, was that traitor, Sir Lancelot, scooping Guinevere onto his home.

・urge ~ to ・・・:~に・・・を強いる、せき立てる
  ex) They urged their horses to gallop faster.

・rest ~:~を置く
  ex) Arthur rested a hand on his nephew’s shoulder.

・clatter:ガチャガチャという音 [klǽtər]
・hoof:馬のひづめ [húf]
  ex) There was a clattering of hooves in the courtyard below.

toss and turn:〔眠れなくて〕ゴロゴロと寝返りを打つ
・drift:漂う [dríft]
  ex) He tossed and turned on his bed, drifting in and out of dreams.

・stage:計画的に実施する [stéidʒ]
  ex) Sir Lancelot had staged a rescue in the middle of the night.

leap:飛び跳ねる、〔突然または素早く〕跳ぶように動く [líːp]
  ex) Arthur leapt from his bed.

・watch over ~:~を見守る
  ex) “But who will watch over the kingdom while you are gone?" asked Mordred.

・in a fury:激怒して [fjúəri]
  ex) King Arthur returned from France in a fury with his loyal knights.

・regain ~:~を取り戻す [rigéin]
  ex) When he tried to return to Camelot to regain his throne, he found the way blocked by soldiers.

・row upon row:何列にもなって
  ex) The two armies met on the battlefield, row upon row of men and horses facing one another.

・reason with ~:~に理を説く
  ex) Morgana tried to reason with him.

・in sooth:真実の [súːθ]
  ex) “Arthur, my dear brother,” she said in a soothing voice.

・dazzle:キラキラと輝く [dǽzəl]
  ex) Morgana stood apart raising something that was dazzling as it caught the light of the setting sun.

・weigh down:重みで押し下げる [wei]
  ex) His armour seemed to weigh him down.

・charge into ~:~に突入する
・tumble:転落する、落下する [tʌ́mbl]
・tumble off ~:~から転落する
  ex) he charged into Mordred, knocking him over so that Mordred’s helmet tumbled off.

・smear:染みが付く、汚れる [smíər]
  ex) His face smeared with dirt and blood.

・gap:割れ目、裂け目 [gǽp]
  ex) He stabbed his sword into the gap at the neck of Arthur’s breastplate.

・dismay:意気消沈、驚愕 [disméi]
  ex) Arthur cried out in pain and dismay.

・sickening:吐き気を催させる [síkəniŋ]
  ex) There was a sickening crack.

・topple:倒れる、つんのめる [tɑ́pəl]
  ex) He couldn’t stand up any longer and toppled into the dirt.

・crouch:うずくまる、かがむ [kráutʃ]
  ex) It was Sir Bedevere, running to Arthur’s aid and crouching at his side.

・cradle ~:~を(受け台に)載せる [kréidl]
  ex) Sir Bedevere cradled Arthur’s head in his hands.

・croak:低いしわがれ声を出す [króuk]
  ex) “You must take me to the lake,” croaked Arthur.

・salute:挨拶する、敬礼する [səlúːt]
  ex) Merlin handed Excalibur to her and she held it high for a moment, saluting the fallen king.


