多読 17:The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle (Level:3)


むせび泣きながら「A Dog of Flanders(フランダースの犬)」を読んで心が沈みまくったので、やはりここはシャーロック・ホームズで気分を直すしかない。
今度のホームズは「The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle(青い紅玉)」。日本語のタイトルを全く聞いたことが無い。だから話も知らないはず。楽しみだ。


[シリーズ] Happy Readers
[出版社] Happy House

[著者] Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
[総語数] 3896語

知らない or あやふやな単語

・call in:立ち寄る、訪問する
  ex) I decided to call in on my good friend, Sherlock Holmes.

・magnifying glass:虫眼鏡、ルーペ
  ex) I also noticed a magnifying glass on the chair.

  ex) It would just be ruined otherwise.

  ex) He was out of breath, sputtering. “The goose! The goose!"

・Countess:伯爵夫人 [káuntəs]
・allegedly:申し立てによると、~したとされている [əlédʒidli]
  ex) According to the police, he allegedly stole the jewel known as the blue carbuncle from the
jewel case of the Countess of Morcar.

  ex) Homer, already being a convicted thief, is the most likely suspect.

  ex) “It just shows that the police don’t know very much, doesn’t it?" he exclaimed.

  ex) It’s quite spectacular. isn’t it? It’s what crimes are made of.

  ex) This stone is only about twenty years old but it already has a sinister history!

・drop a line:一筆書く、手紙を書く
  ex) I’ll drop a line to the Countess to say that we have it.

  ex) My guess is that he has no idea about it whatsoever.

・deerstalker hat:鳥打帽
  ex) The image of a man in a deerstalker hat who is smoking a large pipe is easily recognized by most people all over the world as Sherlock Holmes.

  ex) He is perhaps the only character in recent literature who enjoys such instant recognition.

  ex) Just as recognizable is the address where Holmes lived in London: 221b Baker Street.

  ex) This museum faithfully recreates Holmes’ apartment from books and movies.

  ex) You can sit in one of the two armchair: beside the fireplace and pretend that you are listening to Holmes’ explain some intricate mystery.

・call off:取りやめる、打ち切る
  ex) If you won’t tell us where you got them from, I’ll have to call off my bet.

・come up:〔話をしに人のところまで〕近づく、やって来る
  ex) We followed the man and came up close behind him.

・leap into the air:空中に跳び上がる
  ex) Holmes touched the man’s back which caused him to leap into the air.

  ex) Mr. Breckinridge had initially bought the goose from Mrs. Oakshou.

  ex) “Here we are!” said Holmes cheerily.

・onto ~:~に気付いて
  ex) Holmes held up the blue carbuncle. “It’s over Ryder. We are onto you.”

・find ~ on …:…に~を見つける
  ex) I was worried that the police would find the stone on me.

  ex) The one I chose was a big one with a bar on its tail.

・inquisitively:物見高く [inkwízətivli]
  ex) I looked at Holmes inquisitively.

  ex) The stone will be returned to the Countess Ryder will not testify against Homer now.



話としては残念ながらたいしたことはなく、「The Adventure of」が付いている割にたいして冒険しているようでもなかった。

