Native Camp スピーキング 1-12 When? Questions


“When?" Questions

【Example When do you feel happy?:サンプル回答】
I feel happy when someone gives me a present, and vice versa.
I feel happy when someone praises me. I feel happy when I can help someone in need.
But I feel happiest of all when I finish something by myself.

vice versa:逆に、反対に [vάɪs(i)vˈɚːsə]
praise ~:~を褒める、称賛する
in need:困窮している、困っている

【Q1 When were you born?:サンプル回答】
I was born on January 1, 2000.

※ “st" とか “th" 等は付けても付けなくてもよいとのこと。

【Q2 When do you feel depressed?:サンプル回答】
I feel depressed when everything seems to go the wrong way or when work seems to have no end and projects seem to fail.
I feel depressed when I have a bad argument with my partner and when I feel left behind.
I feel depressed when friends seem to turn their backs on me when I needed them most.

get in a fight with ~
got in an argue with ~
have a fight

【Q3 When did you take your last vacation?:サンプル回答】
The last time I took my summer vacation was in April 2014. I went to a beautiful, untouched island with pristine waters and fine white sand. I spent a wonderful time on that island. Sometimes what we need is a just alone time in order to temporarily forget work and stress!

pristine:元の状態の、新品同様の、汚れていない [prístiːn]

【Q4 When did you start learning English?:サンプル回答】
I started learning English when I was in grade school. My teacher taught me how to read English words and phrases.
She is very patient with me. She always lifts/boosts my mood whenever I find it hard to pronounce or read a word/phrase.

be in grade school:小学生である
lift someone’s mood:(人)の気分を高める
boost ~:~を強化する、増加する

【Q5 When do you feel like giving up on learning English?:サンプル回答】
I feel like giving up on learning English when grammar rules become too difficult to understand and when things get too technical.

give up on ~:~を見限る、~に見切りをつける

【Q6 When do you usually eat out with your family?:サンプル回答】
I usually eat out with my family during special occasions, like during birthdays and anniversaries.
We always make a reservation at a good restaurant and enjoy good food.

【Q7 When are you under a lot of stress?:サンプル回答】
I am under a lot of stress when my boss gives me tons of tasks to finish, when he scolds me for little things that aren’t really worth the time, and when he pressures to finish a task.

scold someone for ~:~のことで人を叱る
pressures to ~:~という圧力をかける

【Q8 When do you feel bored?:サンプル回答】
I feel bored when I am doing the same tasks every day, so I can’t enjoy doing it.
I feel I keep doing the same routine at work.

【Q9 When do you go to watch a movie?:サンプル回答】
I usually watch a movie when I finish my work early.
Sometimes, I watch a movie when a new one catches my attention or when it has an interesting plot.


【Q10 When was the last time you had so much fun?:サンプル回答】
The last time I had so much fun was during my twentieth birthday.
My mom and dad surprised me when they invited friends I haven’t seen for a very long time.
We had lots of fun at the party. We talked about the good old days and the fun memories we had.

good old days:古き良き時代


しかし、私が「sample answerを下さい」と言ったが “sample" が何回言っても通じなかった!!
“s" が苦手なのは自分でも分かっているけれど、当然先生だから日本人発音に慣れているはずだし、教材上頻繁にこの単語が出てくるというのに、全く分かってもらえなかったとは・・・・実にショック。。。
数か月前の、地元の土産物屋で “post card" が全く分かってもらえなかったのと同様、超~やる気をなくした!

なので、その後続きの設問を次の日に初のブルガリア・V先生と始め、最初のQ5が「英語勉強のやる気を失くすのはどんな時か」という設問なので、「この “sample” 事件のように、単純なワードでも発音が通じなかった時」と言った。

1個1個の回答で、いつものようにもっとアレコレとコメントを付けようとしたけれど、サクサクタイプの先生なのであまり口が挟めずすぐにsample回答の提示 → ハイ次の設問、という流れだった。

sample [sˈæmpl]・・・・。
“s" もだけど、 “æ" も悪かったのかなぁ。
いや、[mpl] かなぁ・・・ハァ。