Native Camp トピックトーク19 Environmental problems


・carbon dioxide:二酸化炭素、炭酸ガス [daiɑ́ksàid]
 ex) Many people are worried about carbon dioxide.

・【greenhouse gas】 cause(s) 《global warming》:【温室効果ガス】は《地球温暖化》の原因となる/を引き起こす
 ex) It says greenhouse gas could cause global warming.

・ (natural) resources:資源
 ex) Japan doesn’t have enough natural resources.

・polar ice:極氷、極冠 ※備考”きょくかん”とは、惑星や自然衛星の氷に覆われた高緯度地域を指す。
 ex) The polar ice has been melting year by year.

・Eventually, ~:結局は,ついに(は)、 やがて(は)~ ※文頭に置く
 ex) Eventually, the island has gone due to global warming.

・destroy ~:~を破壊する
 ex) We need to stop destroying the environment on Earth.

・environmental disaster:環境災害
 ex) A number of people have been suffering from various environmental disasters.

 ex) Deforesting leads to environmental disasters.

・prevent (soil pollution):〈土壌汚染を〉防ぐ
 ex) The government has ignored trying to prevent soil pollution.

・reduce (power consumption):〈消費電力を〉削減する
 ex) We can reduce power consumption if need.


・【greenhouse gas】 cause(s) 《global warming》:【温室効果ガス】は《地球温暖化》の原因となる/を引き起こす
 ex) It says greenhouse gas could cause global warming.
  → “They say" が良い(研究者、専門家等色々な人々が話す内容の場合)

・Eventually, ~:結局は,ついに(は)、 やがて(は)~ ※文頭に置く
 ex) Eventually, the island has gone due to global warming.
  → “will be gone/disappeared" (Eventuallyは未来について語るから)

・destroy ~:~を破壊する
 ex) We need to stop destroying the environment on Earth.
  → 環境をdestroyするのはしっくりこないとのこと。使うなら" harming" / “polluting" など。
    “destroy" については後ろが “forests" はok

・prevent (soil pollution):〈土壌汚染を〉防ぐ
 ex) The government has ignored trying to prevent soil pollution.
  → これだと誰かがやっているのを政府が止めるように聞こえてへん。
   "The government has ignored the efforts to prevent the soil pollution." ならok

・reduce (power consumption):〈消費電力を〉削減する
 ex) We can reduce power consumption if need.
  → “if needed"

・those smokes looks so polluted -> the smoke is polluting
・they are releasing pollutants
 ※pollutant:汚染物質 [pəlúːtənt]

・気温が上がる:the temerature rise


