Native Camp文法

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【今日のフレーズ】 No matter when I go, it's closed.   ...

Native Camp文法

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【今日のフレーズ】 They're rebuilding it since it's ge ...

Native Camp文法

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【今日のフレーズ】 Would you mind closing the door?  W ...

Native Camp文法

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【今日のフレーズ】 I will respond if I have time for i ...

Native Camp文法

【今日のフレーズ】 We enjoyed ourselves at the shoppin ...

Native Camp文法

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【今日のフレーズ】 I was so nervous that I don't remem ...

Native Camp文法

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【今日のフレーズ】  I wish I were an astronaut.  I wis ...

Native Camp文法

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【今日のフレーズ】  If I won the lottery, I'd buy a pr ...

Native Camp文法

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【今日のフレーズ】  If it's a nice day, I will go hunt ...

Native Camp文法

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【今日のフレーズ】  It showed up when I tried to insta ...

Native Camp文法

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【今日のフレーズ】  I didn't do well. Neither did I.   ...

Native Camp文法

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【今日のフレーズ】 He throws the ball more accurately ...

Native Camp文法

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【今日のフレーズ】  Jason is not as cruel as Freddy.   ...

Native Camp文法

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【今日のフレーズ】 He wasn't able to receive any visit ...

Native Camp文法

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【今日のフレーズ】  I may go, I may not.  They might f ...