NHKラジオ英会話2022:go, come


~ 例文 ~
“I really have to go."
“She has gone to the supermarket."
“We all have to go sometime."(みんないつかは亡くなる)
“You have to go."(辞めてもらわなければならない)
“The portrait goes on the wall, and the desk by the window."
“I don’t want to go into too much detail."(あまりにも細かな内容に立ち入りたくない)
 ※go into detail:細かな内容に立ち入る、詳しく述べる

~ 出ていく → なくなる ~
It’s ok, the pain will go soon.
The battery is gone.
Easy come, easy go.(簡単に手に入るものは簡単に出ていく)


~ 例文 ~
“It goes like this…"
“How’s it going?"
“How does that song go?"(あの歌はどのように進むのでしょうか?)
“This’s not a formal party, so anything goes as far as cloth is concerned."
 ※as far as ~ is concerned:~については、~に関する限り
“The guy comes up to me and goes, “I hate you.""(その男が近付いてきて言うのです)
 ※come up to ~:~に近付いてくる

~ 進行を感じる ~
Then he goes, “I’ll be back."(それから彼は「私は戻ってくる」と言うんだ)
As the saying goes,(諺にもある通り)

~ 行動や物語の一連の流れ → 進行を表す ~
He went like this with his thumb.
The stories goes that.(物語は~のように進みます)}

~ 妨げられずに進行する様子 ~
Anything goes.



~ 例文 ~
“Nothing comes to mind."
“The time has come for me to make a decision."(決断するべき時が来た)

~ 人以外にも使われる ~
I hope good luck comes your way.
 ※come one’s way:Aのところにやってくる
but luck / harm / rainy season + come

~ 受け取られる、売られる ~
come as a surprise(驚かされる)
come cheap
come in three sizes

~ ある状況に至る ~
come to like(~になる)
come to understand
come to know
come to a conclusion
come to end

~ 順序関係、重要度も表す ~
Your speech comes after lunch.
family comes before work
Shibuya comes before Ebisu. It’s just one stop.



~ 例文 ~
“I’ll come and pick you up at the station."
“Dinner’s ready." → “Ok, I’m coming."
“What time can you come to the restaurant?" → “I can come about six. Is that OK?"
“I’ve locked myself out of the house." → “OK. I’ll come right away."
“Hey, hurry up! You’ll be late for school." → “Ok, I’m going."


【go:悪い変化 come:良い変化】
※go→あるべき場所から離れる動き come→そうした場所に近付く動き ⇒ go:悪い変化 come:良い変化
~ 例文 ~
“Our love’s gone sour."(私たちの関係はだめになった)
 ※go sour:ダメになる(sour:酸っぱくなる → だめになる)

~ go:あるべき状態・元の状態から逸脱していく変化が感じられる ~
go wrong(まずいことになる)/ bad / mad / berserk(暴れだす)/ grey / bald / rotten

~ come:望んだあるべき状態に近づく動きを表す ~
come good / right(上手くいく)
come into blossom(花が咲く)
May your dreams come true.
Come on.(しっかしりろ、どうした)



“Well, it’s not a baby grand like yours, but thank you."
baby grand:小型グランドピアノ

“I think Amy wants to hear another piece by Debussy."

“I think I’ve outgrown this hobby."
outgrow ~:~を卒業する、脱却する

“I know you’ve been cheating on me."
cheat on ~:浮気をする

“Don’t rush things. I’ll change! I’ll behave better from now on!"
rush ~:〔~を〕大急ぎで運ぶ

“I’m worried about my hair loss. Lots of people go bald."
hair loss:抜け毛

“In life, things can go wrong. But be patient. Everything will come good in the end."

“I’ll drive you to the station."
“The camera is on now. Just be yourself and relax."
“It’s a combination of classical and rock."
“It’s kind of a different style for your band. Do you have a title for it?"


“The guy comes up to me and goes, “I hate you.""

“I know you’ve been cheating on me."


“I’d love to, but I really have to go. It’s getting late."
変化を表すgetが進行形のため、文全体をオーバーラップして「現在の状況 it = lateになってきている」

“We’re going to have a farewell party for Yuriko, aren’t we?"
送別会がもう決まっていてそれに向かって進んでいるからbe going to 意図を表す

“I just remembered, I’m returning from a business trip around five on that day."
・be going to:単に「つもり」

“I know you’ve been cheating on me."
have been ~ing:今に迫ってくる+いきいきを描写

“It’s time we said goodbye forever."

“And what am I going to do alone?"
be going to:現在の状況がどういう未来に繋がっているのか、というニュアンスを表す
