NHKニュースで学ぶ現代英語 2022年8月勉強分④

ロシア 国際宇宙ステーションから撤退へ

・look beyond ~:~を越えたところへ目を向ける、~の向こうにあるものを見る → ~を気にしない、見て見ぬふりをする、無視する、~の先(未来)を思い描く
・rivalry:競争や対立の関係、競争すること [ráivəlri]
・in the skies:空中で、上空で
 ex) Astronauts from Russia and the U.S. have looked beyond their rivalry for decades to operate a laboratory in the skies.

・be challenged to ~:~を困難に感じる
・hold on to ~:~にしがみつく、~を持ち続ける
 ex) But they’ve been challenged to hold on to that spirit of cooperation.

・pull out of ~:~から抜け出す、手を引く、離脱する
 ex) . And now, the Russians say they’ll pull out of the International Space Station.

・put together:組み立てる、まとめる
 ex) They spent years putting together the pieces.

・honor:(約束などを)尊重する → 履行する、守る
 ex) Without a doubt, we will honor all our obligations to our partners.

 ex) But the decision to withdraw after 2024 has been made.

 ex) NASA officials say they haven’t heard anything official from their Russian counterparts.

大谷選手 開幕戦

・kick off:(イベントや行事、会議などを)始める
 ex) Japanese baseball superstar Ohtani Shohei has kicked off his fifth season in the United States.

・lead off:(何かを先頭に立って)始める、開始する、(野球用語)先頭打者を務める、1番バッターとして出場する
 ex) It was the first time in major league history a starting pitcher also led off an opening game at the plate.

 ex) Angeles Angels faced the Houston Astros, last year’s American League champs.

 ex) He started on the mound with a strikeout in a scoreless first inning.

・ground out:内野ゴロでアウトになる
 ex) At the plate, he hit the first pitch, but grounded out.

 ※「2点」は “two runs"
・strike out:三振させる、三振に打ち取る
 ex) Ohtani allowed one run in the third inning, but he struck out all three batters in the fourth.

国内初 エネルギー消費量実質ゼロの工場

・information and communications:情報通信
 ※「通信」の時は “communications" は複数形
 ex) A Japanese information and communications technology company has fully started operating their so-called “smart factory.”

・take advantage of ~:~を活用する、利用する
・along with ~:~とあわせて、~とともに
 ex) It takes advantage of the latest digital technology along with consuming zero electricity.

 ex) Oki Electric Industry displayed the facility north of Tokyo to the media on Wednesday.

・make A B:AをBにする
・certified as ~:~として認定された
 ex) That makes it Japan’s first large-size plant certified as a net zero energy building.

・keep A ~ing:Aを~し続けさせる
 ex) Solar panels on the roof help keep the factory running.

 ex) Energy-saving features make sure the power isn’t wasted.

・air conditioning:空気を整えること、空調
 ex) It includes a system that automatically adjusts lighting and air conditioning based on operations.

・show+人+how to ~:"tell" よりも「(見せることによって)説明する、教える」に近いニュアンスがある
 ex) Projection mapping shows workers how to assemble parts.

・among other ~:数ある~の中でも特に(強調する)
 ex) The facility produces telephones and wireless communications equipment, among other products.

ゼレンスキー大統領 国会で演説

・as ~:~する中(で)、~という状況で
・aggression:(挑発によるものではない、正当な理由のない)攻撃 → ここではロシアからの侵略
 ※その行為が不当なものだったり、いわれのない侵略行為であると相手を非難したりするときには、"invasion" より “aggression" を使う
 ex) President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has asked Japanese lawmakers to support his nation as it resists Russian aggression.

・call on A to ~:Aに対し~するように要請する、求める
・embargo:出入港の禁止命令、禁輸措置 [embɑ́rgou]
 ex) He’s called on Japan to introduce a trade embargo on all Russian goods.

 ex) “You were the first in Asia who really began to put pressure on Russia to restore peace, who supported sanctions against Russia.”

・call for ~:~を要請する、要求する
 ex) He also called for urgent support to end the deadly fighting.

 ex) Zelenskyy mentioned an issue his country shares with Japan: keeping its crippled nuclear plant stable.

・take control:支配権を握る
 ex) Russian forces have attacked and taken control of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

・hazardous:危険な、有害な [hǽzərdəs]
 ex) They damaged the plant’s safety systems and created a hazardous situation for the entire world.

岸田首相 NPT再検討会議に出席

・reiterate:再び述べる、改めて述べる [riítərèit]
・free of ~:~がない
 ex) Japan’s prime minister has reiterated his commitment to lead efforts to realize a world free of nuclear arms.

・nuclear state:核保有国
 ex) Kishida Fumio is calling on all nuclear states to enhance transparency about their arsenals.

・however:(形容詞や副詞につなげる場合)どんなに~でも(= no matter how)
 ex) As a prime minister from Hiroshima, I believe that we must take every realistic measure towards a world without nuclear weapons, step by step, however difficult the path may be.

・first A to ~:~する初のA
・the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons:核拡散防止条約
 ex) Kishida is Japan’s first leader to attend the review conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons that 191 states have signed.

・what A call ~:Aが言うところの~
 ※Aの部分にweを入れると、「世間一般に言われるところの、いわゆる」、また強調するなら ex) That’s what you call teamwork!「これがチームワークというものです!」
 ex) Kishida proposes what he calls the “Hiroshima Action Plan.”

 ex) He says it will take the global community from the current harsh security environment to an ideal world without nuclear weapons.

・fissile:核分裂性の [físil]
・fissile nuclear material:核兵器用核分裂性物質(高濃縮ウランやプルトニウムなど、核兵器の材料となる物質)
 ex) He’s urging all nuclear-weapon states to disclose information on the production of fissile nuclear materials.