多読 24:Mr Snap Learns a Lesson (Level:3)


「Mr Snap Learns a Lesson」というもので、説明は「人にすぐかみつくMr. Snapと魔女の話」だそう。
きっと、この表紙にあるナイトキャップを被ったウサギがMr. Snapだな、と思った。

[シリーズ] Popular Rewards
[出版社] Award Publications Ltd

[著者] Sophie Giles
[総語数] 3686語

知らない or あやふやな単語

・fellow:やつ [félou]
  ex) Mr Snap was a bad-tempered old fellow.

・holler at ~:~に不平・不満を言う [hɑ́lər]
  ex) Mr Snap would holler at him for making a noise and disturbing him.

・rant:わめく、怒鳴り散らす [rǽnt]
・rave:たわごとをわめく [réiv]
  ex) When his dinner was a little too salty, he would rant and rave at poor Mrs Snap.

・peddle:行商する、売り歩く [pédl]
・yawp:金切り声をあげる [jɔp]
  ex) He would hastily climb onto his bicycle and peddle off at top speed with Mr Snap yawping at the top of his voice after him.

・towering:影響力の大きい [táuəriŋ]
・rage:激怒、憤怒 [réidʒ]
  ex) She kept trying to’calm Mr Snap down whenever he was in one of his towering rages.

・thunk:ズシンという音 [θʌŋk]
  ex) Suddenly a ball flew over the garden hedge and landed on his stomach with a THUNK.

・startle:ギョッとする [stɑ́rtl]
  ex) “OOF!” exclaimed Mr Snap, startled.

・jolt:驚かす、衝撃を与える [dʒoult]
  ex) The ball had jolted him awake.

  ex) He looked over the ledge and saw a little leg sticking out from behind a tree.

・stammer:口ごもる、言葉がつっかえる [stǽmər]
  ex) “I—I’m sorry, sir,” the boy stammered.

・troop:(集団で)移動する [trúːp]
  ex) The boys all trooped into the garden.

・distressed:気が動転して [distrést]
  ex) “That’s dreadful of him!” exclaimed Mrs Brown, quite distressed.

・cross with ~:~に対して不機嫌である
  ex) He got very cross with us!

・nasty:意地の悪い、扱いにくい [nǽsti]
  ex) He is the nasty old man!

・shrewd:鋭い、賢明な [ʃrúːd]
  ex) Old Damé Daisylea was a shrewd old woman.

・heart of gold:心優しい人、思いやりのある心
  ex) He’s got a heart of gold.

・be taken aback:驚く
  ex) “You want to go and see him?” Mrs Brown was taken aback.

・snooze:居眠りする [snúːz]
  ex) Mr Snap was comfortably snoozing in the shade of the apple tree.

・tummy:(幼児語)お腹 [tʌ́mi]
  ex) She stood over him and poked him in his tummy with her walking stick.

・distastefully:不愉快に [dìstéistfəli]
  ex) “You!” he exclaimed distastefully.

・drastic:思い切った、過激な [drǽstik]
  ex) He had been feeling a little guilty for doing such a drastic thing.

・all the same:それでもやはり
・reluctantly:渋々 [rilʌ́ktəntli]
  ex) But he got up all the same, and walked reluctantly to the shed.

・shoot out:飛び出していく
  ex) He opened the door, and a scared-looking Ned shot out.

・spout:ぺらぺらとしゃべる、まくしたてる [spáut]
  ex) Spouting nonsense about biting people’s heads off.

・take a sip:一口飲む
  ex) She poured tea and Mr Snap took a sip.

・force:強さ [fɔrs]
  ex) He pushed the teacup away with such force that the tea spilt all over the tablecloth and onto the floor.

・outburst:感情爆発 [áutbə̀rst]
  ex) She was quite used to these outbursts.

・agitate:動揺する [ǽdʒitèit]
  ex) “But your head isn’t there!” said Mr Snap getting quite agitated.

・scoff:あざ笑う [skɑf]
  ex) “Nonsense,” scoffed Mr Snap.

・gracious:慈悲深い [gréiʃəs]
  ex) “Goodness gracious. Where’s your head?”

・baffle:困惑させる [bǽfl]
  ex) “I can feel your head, so it’s there all right,” he said, sounding baffled.

・alarm:恐怖、驚き [əlɑ́rm]
  ex) And right in front of his eyes, to his great alarm, Dr Medivale’s head disappeared too.

・dismay:混乱する [disméi]
  ex) “Mr Snap, you’ve bitten Dr Medivale’s head off too!” cried Mrs Snap in dismay.

・disinfectant:殺菌剤 [dìsinféktənt]
  ex) He had a nose because he could smell the disinfectant in the office.

・aghast:びっくりして、がくせんとして [əgǽst]
  ex) Mr Snap was aghast.

  ex) “Why hello, Mr and Mrs Snap,” said Dame Daisylea cheerfully.

・appearance:状況 [əpíərəns]
  ex) “But what can I do?” cried Mr Snap, giving up all appearances.

・bite off:噛み切る、食いちぎる
  ex) It really did look as if he had bitten off Mrs Snap and Dr Medivale’s heads.

・nevertheless:それでもなお [nèvərðəlés]
  ex) He counted to ten nevertheless.

・paltry:つまらない、無価値の [pɔ́ltri]
  ex) And for something as paltry as borrowing sugar!





”Mr" や “Ms" 等にコンマが付かない。また、"Me and my friends were playing cricket." のようなものもある。
