多読 34:Around the World in Eighty Days -Foxton Readers ver.- (Level:2)



以前初めて読んでとても気に入った「Around the World in Eighty Days(80日間世界一周)」なのだが、eステーションの中に、この同じ話が2種類の出版社シリーズで入っていた。
初めて読んだときは、ココにも書いた通り、読み慣れているHappy Readers版の方を選んで読んだのだが、せっかくなのでFoxton Readersのゴージャス挿絵版の方も読んでみたくなった。

ここ数冊のFoxton Readersの本は、前に気付いた通りどれも書き直した著者が「C .S. Woolley」という人で、この人の書き方が気に入らないのは事実。
今度の「Around the World in Eighty Days」のFoxton版も、やっぱりこの人が書き直しをしていた。
この出版社って、Mr. Woolleyしか居ないのかね・・・。

でもHappy Readers版と比較してみるのも面白い。

[シリーズ] Foxton Readers
[出版社] Foxton Books

[著者] Jules Verne
[総語数] 5485語

知らない or あやふやな単語

・gymnastics:体操 [dʒimnǽstiks]
  ex) l I was a professor of gymnastics.

・valat:従者 [væléi]
  ex) I came to England to be a valet.

・get on well with ~:~と気が合う
  ex) I’ll get on well with him.” thought Passepanout.

・willingly:喜んで、進んで [wíliŋli]
  ex) I’ll willingly risk upon it.

・steward:執事 [stjúːərd]
  ex) The steward wrote down the bet.

・start for ~:~に向けて出発する
  ex) We start for Dover and Calais in ten minutes.

  ex) Passepanout packed a carpet-bag with all their clothes.

・bound:表紙を付けた [báund]
  ex) He had a red-bound copy of Bradshaw’s Continental Railway Steam Transit and General Guide.

・in notes:札で
  ex) He put twenty thousand pounds in notes in the bag.

・~ of honour:信義を重んじる~
  ex) We’ll trust your word, as a gentleman of honour,” said Ralph politely.

・commissioner:署長 [kəmíʃənər]
  ex) One evening, the commissioner of police was sitting in his office at 9 o’clock.

・on one’s walk:散歩中に
  ex) He met Detective Fix on his walks.

・diplomatic:外交上の [dìpləmǽtik]
  ex) “Are you sure this trip is not a cover? Perhaps for a diplomatic mission?” asked Mr. Fix.

consul:領事 [kɑ́nsəl]
  ex) Mr. Fogg went to the consul’s ofice.

・disembark:下船する [dəsembɑ́rk]
  ex) The passengers of the Mongolia disembarked at 4:30 p.m. The train to Calcutta let at 8:00 pm.

・alter:修正する [ɔ́ltər]
  ex) . He didn’t alter his watch.

・glade:林間の空き地、低湿地 [gléid]
  ex) The train stopped at eight o’clock, in the middle of a glade.

・procession:行列、行進 [prəséʃə]
  ex) “There’s a procession coming. It must not see us,” their guide said.

・drag:引きずる [drǽg]
  ex) The guards dragged her.

・palanquin:(人を運ぶための)カゴ [pæ̀lənkíːn]
  ex) At the back there was a palanquin with a body inside it.

・drug:薬を飲ませる [drʌ́g]
  ex) The woman was drugged.

・pyre:まきの山 [páiər]
  ex) . They brought her out and put her on the funeral pyre.

・bail:保釈金 [béil]
  ex) Mr. Fog paid £1000 bail for each of them and they got on the ship for Hong Kong.

・opium:アヘン [óupiəm]
・opium den:アヘン窟
  ex) Passepartout woke up in an opium den.

・sort out:解決する
・extradition:〔犯罪(容疑)者の管轄国への〕送還、引き渡し [èkstrədíʃən]
  ex) Mr. Fix had to sort out an extradition.

・streamer:吹き流し [stríːmər]
  ex) Some people were carrying signs and streamers.

hurrahフレー(掛け声) [hərɑ́]
・hurrah for ~:~に万歳
  ex) “Hurrah for Mandiboy!” It was a political meeting.

・get in the way:邪魔になる、障害になる
  ex) A man tried to hit Mr. Fogg but Mr. Fix got in the way.

・windbag:よくしゃべる [wíndbæ̀g]
  ex) He said. “There’s nothing to worry about. He’s a windbag.”

  ex) Mr. Fogg and Colonel Proctor each had a six-barrelled gun.

savage:獰猛な、狂暴な [sǽvidʒ]
  ex) They listened for the whistle. Instead, they heard savage cries outside.

・huddle:身を寄せ合う [hʌ́dl]
  ex) They huddled together to keep wann.

・hull:船体 [hʌ́l]
  ex) “And I will still have the iron hull and the engine. Do you agree?” asked the captain.

・keel:〔船や飛行船の〕竜骨 [kíːl]
・truck:台車 [trʌ́k]
  ex) “Certainly, from the keel to the truck of the masts — all the wood, that is,” replied the captain.

・bunk:寝台 [bʌ́ŋk]
  ex) “Very well. Then, let’s pull down and burn all the interior seats, bunks, and frames,” said Mr. Fogg.

・choose one’s moment:ふさわしい時期を選ぶ
  ex) MI. Fix chose his moment.

・surge:感情の高まり、動揺 [sə́ːrdʒ]
  ex) Mr. Fogg felt a surge of hope.

・resemblance:類似、類似点 [rizémbləns]
  ex) “Sir,” he stammered, “sir – forgive me – most – unfortunate resemblance – they arrested the robber three days ago – you are free!”

・customs house:〔主に港の〕税関
  ex) Mr. Fogg, Aouda, and Passepartout let the Customs House and went to the train station.

・ruined:台無しになった [rúːind]
  ex) He was ruined because of a stupid detective.

・put ~ in order:~を順序立てて整理する
  ex) Mr. Fogg had to put his affairs in order.

・by all that is holiest:神にかけて
  ex) “Yes, by all that is holiest, I love you, and I am entirely yours!”

  ex) Mr F ogg sent Passepartout to find a vicar to arrange the wedding for the next day.

・eastward:東に向かって [íːstwərd]
  ex) They had gained a day by travelling eastwards around the world.




単語単位での細かい違いも少しあり、例えば最後に結婚式を執り行ってもらうためにPassepartoutが会いに行く「牧師」が、Happy版だと “reverend"、Foxton版だと “vicar"。

Mr. FoggもPassepartoutも若くてすごいハンサムになっちゃった!別人!!