多読 9:The Adventure of the Red-Headed League (Level:2)



なので今度もシャーロック・ホームズ。この「The Adventure of the Red-Headed League」は、日本語の「赤毛連盟」だよね。

[シリーズ] Smart Readers
[出版社] Happy House

[著者] Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
[総語数] 1339語

知らない or あやふやな単語

・call upon:訪問する(= call on
  ex) One day in the fall, I called upon my friend, Sherlock Holmes.

・fiery:赤々とした [fáiəri]
  ex) He was a large man with fiery red hair.

  ex) Mr. Wilson settled back in his chair to tell us his story.

・work for half wages:半額の賃金で働く
  ex) He works for half the usual wages.

・develop photographs:写真を現像する
  ex) He develops his photographs there in the dark.

・shade of:ほんの少しの
  ex) Only a certain shade of red hair would do.

  ex) Not too pale, not too dark, but fiery red like mine.

・encyclopedia:百科事典 [ensàikləpíːdiə]
  ex) I had to go to the office every day and copy out information from an encyclopedia.

  ex) Mr. Wilson handed us the cardboard notice.

  ex) It said: The Red-Headed League is dissolved. October 9, 1890.

  ex) His ears were pierced for earrings.

・leaped out:飛び出す
  ex) Suddenly, he leaped out of his chair.

  ex) He thumped on the pavement three times with his walking stick.

  ex) When we came out, Holmes said, “I believe that a serious crime is about to be committed.

・damp earth:湿った土
  ex) We went down some steps into a dark passage. It smelled of damp earth.

  ex) It was piled with boxes and crates.

  ex) At last, I saw a line of light coming from the floor as someone lifted one of the stone slabs.

  ex) When Spaulding opened the door, the knees of his trousers were wrinkled and stained.

  ex) “Thinking about them saves me from boredom," he said.



