Native Camp トピックトーク27 Euthanasia


・euthanasia, mercy killing:安楽死 [jùːθənéiʒə]
 ex) In Japan, euthanasia isn’t admitted by law.

・lawful (euthanasia):合法的な(安楽死)
 ex) A lot of people are longing for lawful euthanasia.

・legalize (mercy killing):(安楽死)を法律化する [lígəlàiz]
 ex) I’d like to live in a country that has legalized mercy killing.

・terminal stage patient:終末期患者
 ex) We should make terminal stage patients’ wishes come true.

・bedridden~:寝たきりの~ [bédrìdən]
 ex) I’m always walking a lot so that I won’t be bedridden in the future.

・artificial alimentation, artificial nutrition:人工栄養 [æ̀ləmentéiʃən]
 ex) Please don’t give me artificial nutrition if I become a terminal stage patient.

・life-sustaining treatment:延命治療
 ex) I absolutely refuse life-sustaining treatment.

・incurable (illness):不治の(病) [inkjúrəbəl]
 ex) Please make sure to let me know if I get an incurable illness.

・financial burden:経済的な負担
 ex) I require mercy killing in order not to make my husband have a financial burden.

・care for (a sick person):(病気の人)を介護する
 ex) It’s so hard to care for a sick person that we should consider mercy killing.


・euthanasia, mercy killing:安楽死 [jùːθənéiʒə]
 Though unpopular, euthanasia is quietly practiced.

・lawful (euthanasia):合法的な(安楽死)
 Although available, lawful euthanasia is considered as the last option.

・legalize (mercy killing):(安楽死)を法律化する [lígəlàiz]
 Many are against legalizing euthanasia.

・terminal stage patient:終末期患者
 Relatives of terminal stage patients had to consider mercy killing as an option.

・bedridden~:寝たきりの~ [bédrìdən]
 Old and bedridden patients are given the choice of a merciful release.

・artificial alimentation, artificial nutrition:人工栄養 [æ̀ləmentéiʃən]
 Patients that are seriously ill are provided artificial alimentation.

・life-sustaining treatment:延命治療
 It is the family’s painful choice to stop life-sustaining treatment of the patient.

・incurable (illness):不治の(病) [inkjúrəbəl]
 People with incurable diseases spend most of their time with their loved ones.

・financial burden:経済的な負担
 Long-term ill health is a huge financial burden to the family.

・care for (a sick person):(病気の人)を介護する
 ex) It’s so hard to care for a sick person that we should consider mercy killing.
 → “take care" の方が良いということなので、"Taking care for a sick person is so hard that ・・・"
 People who usually care for the sick get sick themselves.


今日はキャンペーンでセルビアの J 先生を初めて取った。
