

【Ireland】Cuisine Together In Ireland


Boil the water.
Put in some salt. / Put some salt in.
Next, put in some olive oil.
The water is boiling.
Let’s put in the noodles now.
Let’s take out the noodles now.
Scoop out some rice.
Put it on the nori. ※seaweedよりnoriと言った方が良い(seaweedじゃ食欲をそそらないから!)
Just don’t put on too much rice.

Just don’t overcook it.


I made stir-fried rice for lunch. ※チャーハン:stir-fried rice [stə́ːr]
I made a pumpkin pie for dessert. ※bakeよりmakeを使うのが一般的

I made an Irish dish. ※アイルランド料理:Irish dish
In Ireland, do people usually make shepherd’s pie at home?

We went to a conveyor-belt sushi restaurant. ※回転寿司:conveyor-belt sushi
They had Halloween-themed sushi.


This is called 'sashimi.’
Some people call this 'raw fish’ in English.
But raw fish is not really an appetizing phrase.
More and more people are calling it 'sashimi’ in English.

This is called 'nori.’
Nori is a kind of sea plant. ※海藻:sea plant
Some people call this 'seaweed’ in English.
But seaweed is not really an appetizing word.
Maybe 'nori’ is a more appetizing word.
More and more people are calling it 'nori’ in English.

新鮮なマグロ:fresh tuna
細かく刻んだマグロ:minced tuna


I made stir-fried vegetables. ※野菜炒め:stir-fried vegetables フライパンを使った料理はsir-fried
Dinner is ready, everyone. Help yourselves.
Help yourself to this Irish food/dish.

This seasoning goes well with this dish. 「よく合います」

Do you have a serving fork? ※取り分け用のフォーク:serving fork
Here are the serving chopsticks. ※取り箸:serving chopsticks


What dish did you bring?
I brought Yakisoba / stir-fried noodles.
This is/tastes good.
What’s in it? / What does it have in it?
It has vegetables, pork and noodles in it.
This dish doesn’t have any nuts in it.
Does it have (any) sugar in it?
It has a little vinegar in it.
You can add this seasoning if you like.
This is called 'shichimi.’
It has seven spices in it.
It’s just a little spicy. ※ピリッとする:spicy


My daughter is a picky eater. ※好き嫌いが激しい picky eater
I’m not a picky eater.
My mom is a very healthy eater. ※健康的な食生活を送る:healthy eater
My son is a messy eater. ※食べ方が汚い:messy eater

Are you a meat eater? / Do you eat meat? ※肉好き:meat eater
I’m a big meat eater. 

I’m not a big drinker. 「酒飲みというほどではありません」
I’m a coffee drinker/person.

Is regular milk okay?

I have a sweet tooth.


This Irish restaurant is charming. 「味がある、こじんまりしている」
参考 「タイムトライアル2023年度10月」店や家を訪れた時のやりとり
It’s not very well known, but the food is good.

There is a 20-minute wait (for a table). 「20分待ちです」
I like the music and the atmosphere.

This is a good table. ※席:table

Was the restaurant hard to find?
Not really. Sorry if I kept you waiting.


To start, would you like something to drink? ※最初に:to start
To start, I’ll have some orange juice.
I’ll just have some water for now.

How hungry are you?
I’m not that hungry. I’ll just have the cheese platter. ※盛り合わせ:platter
I’m pretty hungry, but I usually don’t eat that much.

Shall we order two or three dishes and share?
Excuse me, we’d like to order.

I’m so excited to try that dish. 「すごく楽しみです」
※"I can’t wait to" “I’m looking forward to"でもいいが、「すごく」の時は"so excited"が良い


Today’s specials are written on that board.
I like to order a la carte. 「おすすめです」 ※reccomendよりlikeが便利(I likeを強調した言い方をする)

How would you like your eggs?
May I have my eggs sunny-side up? ※目玉焼き:sunny-side up
※卵の焼き方の語彙は、参考 現代英語 豆知識:今回の放送全体で登場した卵料理
※「目玉焼き」の語彙の違いは、参考 2024年10月のNHK語学講座

May I have an extra plate?
I’ll have a coffee after the meal.
We might as well order the dessert.