

【Tahiti】Talk The Talk In Tahiti


Do you know how ~ 〇〇 is/are? と質問することで「もしかして知っていたりしますか?」のニュアンスで、唐突な感じを減らすクッションの役割をする

How much is the buffet?
Do you know how much the buffet is?

How much are the smoothies?
→ Do you know how much the smoothies are?
This smoothie was 4 dollars.

How far is the fruit and vegetable stand from here? ※八百屋:the fruit and vegetable stand
→ Do you know how far the fruit and vegetable stand is from here?

How spicy is this dish?
→ Do you know how spicy this dish is?

上手に質問をする(where, what)


What time does the bus leave?
Do you know what time the bus leaves?

Where is the market?
Do you know where the market is?

Do you know where I can get a taxi?

Do you know where I can get the concert tickets?

Do you know where I can get a drink like that?



Which appetizers do you recommend? 
Which deserts are your most popular? ※theよりyourの方が定番の訊き方
Which activities are your most popular?
Our most popular activity is the zip-line.



Which fruits are in season now?
Pineapples are in season now.
Pumpkins aren’t in season now.
When are pumpkins in season?

It’s pretty good. 「なかなかおいしいです」


How did you like Japan? 「日本はいかがでしたか?」
Which part of Japan did you see?
When you were in Japan, did you see the cherry blossoms?
I hope you can see the cherry blossoms in my hometown someday.

How popular is Japanese food in Tahiti?
Gauguin is pretty well known in Japan.
How well known are Japanese TV show in France?


Unfortunately, I don’t speak French.
The only French that I know is 'bonjour.’

Shall I draw a portrait of you?
No thanks. Maybe some other time. ※No thank you.はきっぱりしたニュアンス


It’s better than I expected. / Yeah, it really is.
Are you visiting?
Which part of the U.K. do you call home? ※Where are you from?だと疎外感を与えてしまうのでいきなり言わない
Home for me is Tokyo, Japan.

“Where do you call home?" という表現は、直訳すると「どこをホーム(自分の家)と呼びますか?」となりますが、実際には「あなたの故郷はどこですか?」や「あなたが心の拠り所としている場所はどこですか?」といった意味で使われることが多いです。
Person A: “So, where do you call home?"
Person B: “I was born in Tokyo, but I’ve lived in New York for years, so I guess New York feels like home to me now."


Which painting do you like the best?
I’m not sure yet. / I’m still thinking about it yet.

Which country would you like to go to this summer?
I haven’t made up my mind yet. ※I haven’t decided yet.よりカジュアル
I haven’t made up my mind yet, either.

Excuse me for a minute/moment/second. 「ちょっと席を外します」
Actually, I need to go now.

Excuse Meの言い方
