Native Camp スピーキング 1-16 Why? Questions


“Why?" Questions

【EX Why must we exercise?:サンプル回答】
We have to exercise to stay healthy. Exercise is good for our mental and physical health. Those two are closely related. In fact, if either one is not right, the other will follow.

先生は優しいので「大丈夫よ、Don’t worry」と慰めてくれた。

【Q1 Why do we have to study?:サンプル回答】
We have to study to finish a degree.
We need to learn how things are done, how to deal with different situations we’ll most likely to encounter in life.
We need to study because we want to achieve our goals on life.

【Q2 Why do we have to work every day?:サンプル回答】
We have to work every day to earn a living.
We need to save money for ourselves and our future.

earn a living:生計を立てる、生活費を稼ぐ

【Q3 Why do we need friends?:サンプル回答】
We need friends to give us a good advice when we need it most.
We need friends we can count on. We need friends to comfort us during our darkest times.
We need friends to fill our lives with color.

comfort ~:~を慰める、安心させる

【Q4 Why should we get a good rest?:サンプル回答】
We need to get a good rest, so we can work well the next day.
We need enough sleep, so our brain could function well, and we can accomplish tasks on time.
We need a good rest to give time for our body to recharge and repair the body’s damaged tissues.


【Q5 Why do you/people study English?:サンプル回答】
People study English because they need to communicate with people from other countries for business and for international studies.
Studying English will make someone globally competitive.

globally competitive:世界的に競争力のある

【Q6 Why are people so hooked on SNS and smartphones?:サンプル回答】
People are so hooked on SNS and smartphones because it eases their boredom and it allows them to communicate with their friends and loved ones who live outside their country. It also allows people to stay updated on what’s happening around them and the world every day.

be hooked on ~:~に夢中である

最近覚えたての"thumbs up" を使ういい機会だった。

【Q7 Why are some people too fond of taking selfies?:サンプル回答】
People are too fond of taking selfies, maybe because they want to make memories with their friends and loved ones. They want to show how happy they are at a certain time of their lives.

be fond of ~:~が好き


【Q8 Why do many people want to become rich and famous?:サンプル回答】
Many people want to become rich and famous because they want to have a high status in society. Some people desire to use fame to help other people or to make their loved ones proud of their achievements.



【Q9 Why do some people like/hate natto?:サンプル回答】
Some people like natto because it has a good taste. Some people hate it because it has a bad smell.

粘り気について言おうとした瞬間、"stinky" と “sticky" のどっちなのか混乱し、両方混ざったような新しい語彙(?)を言ってしまった。


【Q10 Why do people want to live in a big city?:サンプル回答】
People want to live in a big city because they want to enjoy the things a big city has to offer. For example, restaurants that serve the best dishes in town, shopping malls, entertainment, big universities and most especially, jobs.


