

今月のテーマ「Rights and Wrongs Around India」


ソフトに伝える:(youではなく) we can’t ~
“We can’t be late."
“We can’t talk on the phone in the temple."
“We can’t talk in the Yoga studio."
“We can’t wear shorts." ※半ズボン:shorts

「勝手に」:without permission
“We can’t take pictures without permission."
“We can’t post that picture on social media without permission."

「~は禁止だと思う」:I don’t think we can ~
“I don’t think we can wear T-shirts. Do you have a collared shirt?" ※襟付きの:collared
“I don’t think we can chew gum here."



ルールについて:(Iではなく) we need
※"have to", “must" より “need to" の方がソフトな言い方になる
“Do we need to bring our passports?"
“We need to put our shoes in the shoe locker." ※靴箱:shoe locker, shoe closet
“Is my daughter wearing right/proper clothing." ※きちんとした:right / proper

I think we need to wait here." ※確信の強い「たぶん」の場合はmaybeよりthink

“Just wear a long-sleeved shirt." ※長袖シャツ:long-sleeved shirt



「(マナー的に)~しても大丈夫ですか」:Is it okay if ~
※May/Can I ~はお願いする場面で使う
Is it okay if I leave now?"
“It might be okay."
“Is it okay if I go get a drinks?"
“It might not be okay."

「~した方がいいかもしれない」:might wanna ~
※mush/have to/shouldはきつい印象になるかもしれない
“You might wanna stay in line."
“You might wanna fix your collar." ※襟を直す:fix a collar

怒る、怒られる:get mad at
“Why did she get mad at you?"
“The Yoga instructor got mad at me."
“If you play music here, people might get mad at you."

“Why is that mother disciplining her child?" [dísəplin]



“We don’t wear our bathing suits here. We wear our birthday suits." ※水着:bathing suit 裸:birthday suit
“We take a shower first." 「最初に体を洗います」 ※この場合wash our bodyではない!



作法:the proper way
“Do you know the proper way to use chopsticks in Japan?" ※作法:the proper way(the right wayでもいいが
“Do you know the proper way to eat in India?"
“What’s the proper way to eat this dish?"

~することになっている:be supposed to
“We are supposed to use our right hands."

~しないことになっている:be not supposed to
“We are not supposed to carry our shoes with our right hands."
“We are now supposed to point at people." ※指を指す:point at ~

“Are you right-handed, or left-handed?" ※右利き:right-handed 左利き:left-handed
“In most of India, people use their right hands for clean things."
“And people use their left hands for unclean things, like shoes."



ここに置く・入れるなど共通でgo here/there
“Suitcases go here." 「スーツケースはここに置きます」
“Suitcases don’t go there."

“Where do strollers go?" ※ベビーカー:stroller
“Actually, they don’t go there. They go here."

“Do plastic bottles go in this garbage can?" 「ペットボトルはこのごみ箱に入れますか」※ゴミ箱:garbage can
“Plastic bottles don’t go there. They go here." ※ペットボトル:plastic bottle

“Do umbrellas go here?"
“First, wet umbrellas go in this bag. Then, we bring our umbrellas with us."



見せながら"like this"
“In India, we bow like this."
“Yes, like that. Great job." 「はい、そんな感じです。さすがです」
“We sit like this. If that’s not comfortable, we can sit like this." (正座と足を崩す説明)
“We make a gesture for okay, like this. And we make a gesture for not okay, like this."



“Did everyone wash their hands?"
“Did everyone sanitize their hands?"
“Did everyone turn off their phones?"

“We wait for everyone, and then we eat." 「皆が揃ってからいただきます」
“We try not to overeat." 「食べ過ぎないようにしています」 ※食べ過ぎる:overeat
Let’s begin.“ 「いただきましょう」



合っている・ぴったりの:the right 〇〇
“Is this the right place?"
“Is this the right way?" / “Am I doing this right?"
“She is the right person for our son."
“My daughter met Mr. right." ※運命の男性:Mr. right



“Oh, that’s my phone. Excuse me for a minute/moment." 「(電話の音で)あ、電話です。ちょっと失礼します」
“I’ll be right back."
I’m back. I’m sorry about that." ※sorryの後ろにabout thatを付ける方が誠実さが増す
My apologies.“ 「すみませんでした」 ※I apologize.よりエレガントな表現 [əpɑ́lədʒiz]
