レアジョブ Weekly News Article(TV番組がチェスのファンを増やす)


Popular TV series attracts new chess fans

・consult with ~:~の意見を聞く、相談をする
  ex) I told Harry to consult with a doctor if his headache continues for more than a day.

・impress ~ with 〇〇:〇〇で~に良い印象を与える
  ex) Jolene impressed her teacher with her perfect score on the test.

・ accurate:正確な
  ex) The singer was unhappy because the movie about her life wasn’t very accurate.

  ex) The Queen’s Gambit, a chess-themed Netflix TV series, is greatly increasing people’s interest in the classic game.

・increase in sales:売り上げ増加
  ex) Game manufacturer Goliath Games have also reported increases in their chess set sales.

  ex) The show’s creators consulted with chess experts to make the story realistic.

・Do you think that chess will continue to be popular for a long time, or will people soon lose interest in it?
 → この話、最近はあまり聞かない気が・・・

・When you hear that a TV show had over 62 million views in just four weeks, do you want to watch it?
 → 観た。面白かったがそんな社会現象になるほどなのか・・・? social phenomenon

・In your opinion, are Netflix shows that are popular in the US usually popular in other countries too?
 → イカゲームなんかも同じなのでそうなんでしょう

・In your opinion, what makes a TV show or movie accurate (ex. historical costumes, realistic science)?
 → 専門家のコンサルかなぁ

・In your opinion, is it more important for TV shows to have accurate details or a good story?
 → もちろん

・To make sure that details are accurate, should TV show and movie creators always consult with experts, or can they look up information by themselves?
 → そりゃ専門家のコンサルがいいのでは。



“I’m convinced that she is great because characters in the drama say, like “She’s amazing and incredible!" I felt like both the chess explanation and the storyline are on a halfway."



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