NHKニュースで学ぶ現代英語 2023年7月勉強分④

北極海の氷 2030年代夏に消滅か

【 語彙・表現 】
・the Arctic:北極(地方)(北極点(the North Pole)とその周辺地域)
 ※cf. the Antarctic:南極(地方)[æntɑ́rktik]、Antarctica:南極大陸 [æntɑ́rktikə]
 ※e.g. stress-free:ストレスのない、a nuclear-free world:核のない世界、tax-free:免税の
・as early as ~:早くも、早ければ(~には)
 ex) Scientists are warning the Arctic may become ice-free during the summer as early as the 2030s.

・underscore:(ある文などの下に)下線を引く →(物事などを)強調する、重要性を示す
 ※= underline
・impact A have on B:AがBに持つ影響
 ex) Their research underscores the impact that greenhouse gas emissions are having on the Arctic.

 ex) A team of South Korean and other researchers published their findings on Tuesday in the science journal Nature Communications.

 ex) Arctic sea ice typically shrinks during the summer and the fall.

unprecedented:これまでに例のない、空前の、前代未聞の [ʌnprésidèntəd]
 ※cf. precedented:先例のある
 ex) The researchers say if an unprecedented ice-free Arctic climate happens, the warming could accelerate.

・impact ~:~に影響を及ぼす
・ecosystem:生態系 [ékousìstim]
・the ecosystem:自然界(全体)の生態系、地球(全体)の生態系
 ex) They also warn that would greatly impact human society and the ecosystem.

米国務長官 習近平主席らと会談

【 語彙・表現 】
・meet with ~:(話し合いなどの目的を持って誰かと)会う
 ※meet ~の場合は「(誰かに偶然)出くわす」の意味もある。
 ex) U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has met with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

 ex) Their meeting was the highlight of Blinken’s visit to Beijing, aimed at improving U.S.-China ties.

・play a role:役割を果たす、役目を担う
・stabilize:安定させる、一定に保つ [stéibəlàiz]
 ※e.g. play an important role:重要な役割を果たす、play a supporting role:脇役を務める
 ex) “I hope your visit to China will play an active role in stabilizing bilateral relations.”

・bilateral:二国間の [bailǽtərəl]
 ex) The Chinese foreign ministry said Xi suggested bilateral ties could be improved, by saying China wants healthy and stable relations.

 ※計画や気持ちを変えたり、乗り物などが方向を変えたり道を外れたり、会話の中で話題を急に変えたりすること。e.g. veer off course:進路からそれる、外れる
 ex) “I stressed that direct engagement and sustained communication at senior levels is the best way to responsibly manage our differences and ensure that competition does not veer into conflict.”

【 豆知識:"veer" の語源 】

 ex) Suddenly the conversation veered around to his resignation.  「退任のことに変わった」
 ex) The satellite veered from its orbit. 「軌道から外れた」


【 語彙・表現 】
・not merely ~ but ・・・:単に~ではなく・・・
 ※= not only ~ but also ・・・
 ex) Many visitors to Japan’s arts and entertainment events are not merely watching from a distance but becoming part of the show.

 ※動詞形 immerse ~:~を没頭させる、熱中させる、浸す、immerse oneself in ~:~に没頭する e.g. She immersed herself in her studies.
 ex) Venues have been introducing digital technologies that allow immersive experiences for anyone who wants to take part.

・art exhibition:美術展
・plunge into ~:~に飛び込む、没頭する
 ex) An art exhibition in Fukuoka in western Japan allows visitors to plunge into the world of masterpieces.

・mystery:推理物 ※豆知識参照
 ex) An amusement park near Tokyo is inviting visitors to become part of a mystery drama.

・unfold:(折り畳んだものが)広がる → (物語や状況が)展開する
 ex) The setting is a restaurant made to look like a dining car. Scenes out the windows change as the story unfolds.

・prompt :刺激する、促す、駆り立てる
・prompt +人+to ~:人に~するよう促す
・take on a role:役を演じる、役を引き受ける
 ex) Actors prompt the visitors to take on a role, sometimes as one of the suspects.

【 豆知識:"mystery" と “suspense" の違い 】
・suspense:不安な気持ち、どきどきした気持ち、気がかり [səspns]

“Isn’t it kind of mind-bending?"

“I feel like it heightened all of my senses — and that can be exhilarating and terrifying at the same time."
exhilarating:気分爽快な [igzílərèitiŋ]

“what worries me is it might be difficult to distinguish the game world from actual reality."

“I can imagine people visiting conventional museums or going sightseeing and thinking, “Meh. I expected more.”"
Meh:期待したほどではない [me]

ロシアの戦術核 ベラルーシへ搬入

【 語彙・表現 】
・nuke:戦術核兵器(=nuclear weapon)

 ex) Russian President Vladimir Putin has seen Western leaders unite against him since launching the war in Ukraine.

・grow close to ~:~と緊密な関係になる
 ex) He’s grown closer to those he calls “reliable partners.”

・a round of ~:一連の~
・Belarus:ベラルーシ [bìːlərúːs]
 ex) Now he’s delivered a round of nuclear weapons to his closest ally in Belarus.

・deterrence:抑止(すること)、抑止力 [ditə́ːrəns]
・inflict a defeat on ~:~に敗北を負わせる、~を打ち負かす
 ex) “This is just an element of deterrence, so that everyone who is thinking about inflicting a strategic defeat on us will not forget about the circumstance.”

 ※通常は数えられる名詞だが、ここでは文脈から、ロシアのnuclear arsenal「核兵器備蓄」を集合的に表している。
 ex) Putin announced plans to move some of the arsenal to Belarus months ago.

・has now been ~:今はもう~された(完了したばかり)
 ex) He says the first shipment has now been delivered, and the rest will go by the end of the year.

【 豆知識:"month" の複数形の発音 】
month [mʌ́nθ] の複数形 months は、本来の発音はmonths(マンスス)となるが、英語の発音の傾向として、子音が3つ並ぶとき(この場合は、母音「ア」の後に/n//th//s/)には、真ん中の子音を脱落させて発音したり、/th/から/t/に変えて発音しやすくしたりすることがあるので、months(マンツ)となる。


【 豆知識:"circumstance" の語源 】
circum「周りに」+ stance「立っていること」=「周りに立っていること」

stance と同じ語源から・・・

・distance「距離」=(di(s)「離れて」+ stance「立っていること」
・substance「本質、実態」「根底にあるもの」= sub「下に」+ stance「立っていること」

・gas station「給油するために人がいる場所」→「給油所」

世界の難民・避難民 過去最多に

【 語彙・表現 】
・UN High Commissioner for Refugees:国連難民高等弁務官事務所(略称 UNHCR)
・persecution:〔人種・宗教などの理由による〕迫害 [pə̀ːrsikjúːʃən]
 ex) The UN High Commissioner for Refugees says the number of people forcibly displaced due to conflict or persecution hit a record 108 million as of the end of last year.

rage (on):(戦争や悪天候などが)激しく続く、猛威を振るう
 ex) It said around 6.5 million people fled their homes in Syria, where a civil war has raged for more than a decade.

・take power:政権を掌握する、権力を握る
・multi-:多い、多数の [mʌ̀lti]
・multinational forces:多国籍軍
 ex) The report also said around the same number left Afghanistan, where the Taliban took power in 2021 after U.S. and other multinational forces withdrew.

 ex) The agency added the conflict in Sudan between the military and a paramilitary group that erupted in April has forced people to flee as well.

 ex) The report said the responsibility for hosting displaced populations should be shared more equally among nations.