Native Camp スピーキングテスト日常英会話対策 Part2-3

Part2の模擬問題(イラストを見て質問に答える )復習

<Clue Box(ヒント)>
・call her daughter
・at grocery store
・to buy salt and eggs
・need salt and eggs
・at the supermarket

She’s calling her daughter because she needs salt

She already asked her to buy some eggs at supermarket
She already asked her to buy some eggs at the supermarket

but she asked one more thing at Salt
but she forgot to include salt in her daughter’s grocery list.

・最後の文の “her・・・list" の前の前置詞は “on" ではなく “in" なのか?
 ⇒ “list" に限らず、"write" の後ろが “on" で “include" の後ろが “in" (一般的に)。

“The mother sent her daughter to the grocery store to buy eggs. However, she forgot to include salt in her daughter’s grocery list so she called her to buy some."

“She is calling her daughter to ask her to buy eggs and salt at the supermarket."

<Clue Box(ヒント)>
・advice on ~
・to lose weight
・fruits and vegetables
・to keep healthy
・healthy living
・proper sleep

This woman is giving advice on the guy that he should keep healthy
The woman is giving advice to the man about how to keep himself healthy.

to have fruits and vegetables and having Healthy Living plus proper sleep then he will lose weight
She recommended eating fruits and vegetables and to maintain a healthy living would help him lose weight.

“She is giving her weight loss advice on exercise, diet, and getting enough sleep."

<Clue Box(ヒント)>
・when he grows up
・doctor or scientist
・what he wants to be
・decide if ~
・think about becoming ~
・in the future

The boys thinking about what he want to be in the future when he grows up
The boy is thinking about what he wants to be in the future when he grows up

when he grows up he can’t decide if he should become doctor or scientist
He can’t decide whether to become a doctor or a scientist.

“if S+V" より “wheter to ~" の方が知的に聞こえる上文をシンプルに出来てオススメ。

“He is wondering if he should be a doctor or a scientist when he grows up."



昨日の今日なので(しかも今日も雨降りだったので)、昨日先生から習った “These days, we have been having rainy days." と “pluviophile" を使って見せたが、ちゃんと練習していないのでとてもたどたどしかった。残念。
