Native Camp 文法中級の総まとめ ⑥ 接続詞


 ~ that ・・・

<教材:中級16, 中級18>
“They had evidence that my neighbor is the killer."
“I have her promise that she will be there today."
“I know the fact that Japanese food is healthy."


① ~ when ・・・:・・・の時に~
② When・・・, ~: ・・・の時に~
③ ~, when・・・:「するとその時に・・・」「そしてそれから・・・」となる

・while ※後ろのS+V部分は省略可、または~ingでもよい
・as soon as
・the moment

<教材:中級19, 中級25
① “I could play the piano when I was ten years old."
② “When my wife came home, I was watching TV."
③ “We got up at six, when I took a shower."

<教材:中級39, 中級45
“While they were facing one problem, they found another problem."
“You shouldn’t use your cell phone while driving."
“She often wore a coat while in Canada."

「as soon as」
<教材:中級39, 中級45
“As soon as the hurricane left, he went to the farm to help people."
“As soon as I find out about it, I will let you know."
“As soon as I smelled the milk, I found it rotten. “

「the moment」
<教材:中級39, 中級45
“The moment I saw her, I fell in love with her."
“The moment she saw the stalker, she started screaming."
“The moment I called him stupid, I regretted it. “


・S is so ~(副詞か形容詞) that・・・
・S is such ~(名詞)that・・・

「so that」
<教材:中級29, 中級31
“I was so sad (that) I couldn’t talk."
“These jeans are so loose (that) I can’t wear them."

「such that」
<教材:中級29, 中級31
“It was such a great book (that) I read it twice."
“He is such an ideal man (that) I can hardly believe he’s real."


・because / just because ~, doesn’t mean ・・・
・since ※理由の意味が弱いので、相手が既に理由を知っていることを前提にして使う
・as  ※asはあまり使われない。since同様理由の意味が弱く、相手が既に知っている前提。意味が多いので理由を表すときはなるべくbecauseを使う。

<教材:中級33, 中級38
“Because it was raining today, I stayed home."
“Just because I’m nice to Lisa, doesn’t mean I love her."

<教材:中級33, 中級38
“Since it was raining today, I stayed home."
“I need to replace the battery soon since it’s getting old."

<教材:中級33, 中級38
“As it was raining today, I stayed home."


・even if:例え~だとしても
・as long as:~しさえすれば、~する限りは

「even if」
<教材:中級35, 中級38
“Even if you need money, you must not steal it from others."
“You must not hit women even if you get very angry at them."

<教材:中級35, 中級38
“Unless you study hard, you won’t pass the exam."
“Leave me alone unless you know how to solve this problem."

<教材:中級35, 中級38
“Once I get there, everything will be okay."
“They promised to call me once they get there safely."

「as long as」
<教材:中級35, 中級38
“As long as you stay with the police, you are safe."
“I won’t sue the company as long as my family is safe."


・whether:"or not" を付けても付けなくても良い。付けると強調の意味になる。
・if:whetherより口語的、ただし意味が紛らわしい場合はwhetherを使う。"or not" は不可

<教材:中級36, 中級38
“I don’t care whether they like my idea or not."
“I wonder whether or not he loves me."
“Whether he is coming or not, it doesn’t make a big difference to me."

<教材:中級36, 中級38
“Let me know if they agree with you."
“I wonder if your parents like the idea."
“He is not certain if he explores the world by himself."

Native Camp文法

Posted by Ally