eステーション 文法とチャンク <休日編>



I catch up on my sleep.
※catch up on ~:~に追い付く、~に遅れずについていく、〔遅れ・不足を〕取り戻す、取り返す

【 バリエーション文】
・On Saturday I caught up on my sleep.

・On Saturday I caught up on my sleep. / I slept till after 12.

・I was really busy all week, / so on Saturday I caught up on my sleep. / I slept till after 12.

・I was really busy all week, / so on Saturday I caught up on my sleep. / I slept till after 12. / I felt completely refreshed.

・I was really busy all week, / so on Saturday I caught up on my sleep. / I slept till after 12. / When I woke up, / I felt completely refreshed.

I heard I shouldn’t catch up on my sleep on weekends, so I keep a regular wake-up and bedtime routine.


I go to Oze to go hiking.

【 バリエーション文】
・Last Friday night, / my friend and I went to Oze to go hiking.

・Last Friday night, / my friend and I took an overnight bus / and went to Oze to go hiking.

・Last Friday night, / my friend and I took an overnight bus / and went to Oze to go hiking. / We were tired.

・Last Friday night, / my friend and I took an overnight bus / and went to Oze to go hiking. / We were tired, / but the weather was perfect.

・Last Friday night, / my friend and I took an overnight bus / and went to Oze to go hiking. / We were tired, / but the weather was perfect / and we had a really good day.

Someday, I want to go to Cape Breton to go hiking.


I do a week’s worth of laundry.
※ a week’s worth of ~:一週間分の~

【 バリエーション文】
・On Saturday / I did a week’s worth of laundry.

・On Saturday, / after lunch and a nap, / I did a week’s worth of laundry.

・On Saturday, / after lunch and a nap, / I did a week’s worth of laundry / and cleaned my room.

・On Saturday, / after lunch and a nap, / I did a week’s worth of laundry / and cleaned my room, / which had gotten really messy.

・On Saturday, / after lunch and a nap, / I did a week’s worth of laundry / and cleaned my room / for the first time in quite a while. / It had gotten really messy.
※ for the first time in a while:久し振りに

My husband said he did a week’s worth of laundry today.


I go to see a Cubism exhibition.

【 バリエーション文】
・On Sunday / I went to see a Cubism exhibition.

・On Sunday / I went to see a Cubism exhibition, / but it was really crowded.

・On Sunday / I went to see a Cubism exhibition, / but it was so crowded / that I couldn’t take a long look at the paintings.

・On Sunday / I went to see a Cubism exhibition, / but unfortunately / it was so crowded / that I couldn’t take a long look at the paintings.

・On Sunday / I went to see a Cubism exhibition, / but unfortunately / it was so crowded / that I couldn’t take a long look at the paintings. / I should have gone on a weekday.

On Saturday, I went to see a Harry Potter exhibition with my husband.


We take the children to a theme park.
The kids were begging us to take them to a theme park.
※beg someone to ~:人に~するよう懇願する

【 バリエーション文】
The kids were begging us to take them to a theme park, / so we got in the car and went.

The kids were begging us to take them to a theme park, / so we got in the car and went. / We got an early start in the morning.
※get an early start:早めに出発する

The kids were begging us to take them to a theme park, / so we got in the car and went. / We thought we’d gotten an early start in the morning, / but there were already a lot of cars in the parking lot.

The kids were begging us to take them to a theme park, / so we got in the car and went. / We thought we’d gotten an early start in the morning, / but there were already a lot of cars in the parking lot / when we arrived.

I used to beg my parents to buy new toys.