多読 40:From the Files of Sherlock Holmes (Level:5)


一つは、前回数行読んだだけでやめた「The Scarlet Letter(緋文字)」で、あとはお馴染み「Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland(不思議の国のアリス)」だった。

この2種類、「From the Files of Sherlock Holmes(シャーロック・ホームズ傑作短編集)」と「The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes(シャーロック・ホームズの事件簿)」で、どっちもタイトルが似ていてややこしい上に、文字数等の詳細もそっくりで見分けがつかない。

[シリーズ] ラダーシリーズ
[出版社] IBC Publishing

[著者] Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
[総語数] 26600語

知らない or あやふやな単語

The Reigate Puzzle


  ex) One indirect result of this period was a new and difficult problem for my friend.

  ex) His work was successful, but he had no strength left.


・fire a shot:一発撃つ
  ex) One of them fired a shot, the other dropped on the ground.

jump to one’s feet:いきなり立ち上がる
  ex) He jumped to his feet from the chair.

fool ~:~を騙す
  ex) William was fooled by the letter and was then shot.

The Adventure of the Devil’s Foot

・vicar:《カトリック》司教代理、教皇代理 [víkər]
  ex) The vicar of the church, Mr. Roundhay, was also interested in the history of the area and so Holmes had met him.

・watering can:じょうろ
  ex) I remember that he fell over the watering can and all our feet and the garden got wet.

・whilst:=while [hwáilst]
  ex) “Whilst l have lived here I have come to know the Tregennis family very well,” he said.

・throw up:放り上げる
  ex) “You threw some of the stones up at the window."

The Adventure of the Golden Glasses

・on the whole:全体として、概して
・be of the opinion that ~:~という意見である
・bring together:寄せ集める、くっつける
  ex) Most of them are wonderful stories. but on the whole I am of the opinion that none of them bring together so many points of interest as the story’ of Yoxley Old Place,

  ex) It was strange there, in the very depths of the town, with ten miles of man’s handiwork on every side of us,

  ex) It was young Stanley Hopkins, a promising detective whom Holmes had helped several times before.

・throughout ~:~の至る所で
  ex) “If you were to look throughout all England,” said he, “I don’t suppose you could find a household more self-contained.

  ex) At the same instant, she heard a noise that sounded like someone falling to the floor, then all was quiet.

・Tut-tut:ちぇっ(舌打ち) [tʌ̀t tʌ́t]
  ex) “Tut-tut! Well, then, these tracks upon the grass, were they coming or going?”

・from without:外側から
  ex) I knew that someone had entered the house carefully from without.

・from behind forward:後ろから前方に向かって
  ex) “The cut was on the right side of the neck and from behind forward.”

・ namely:すなわち、ハッキリ言うと(人の実名や物の名称を明かす時に用いられる)
  ex) “A lady whose sight has been this bad all her life is sure to have signs of it in her appearance, namely in
the forehead and the shoulders.”

  ex) so I gather that the lady went back to the same place for the second.”

・do the rounds of ~:~を一回りする
  ex) “I was going to do the round of the London eye specialists however."

  ex) After a long and tiring journey, we alighted at a small station some miles from Chatham.

・pick off ~:~を掴み取る
  ex) She would have brought a weapon with her, rather than having to pick a knife off the writing-table.

  ex) “She advanced along this hall, leaving no marks upon the mat."

・no means of ~:~の手段がない
  ex) “We have no means of judging."

  ex) The blow is a grave one.

  ex) A cigarette was alight in his mouth, and the room was full of the smell of smoke.

・trouble ~:~に面倒を掛ける、煩わせる
・lengthy:長くて退屈な [léŋkθi]
  ex) “I will not trouble you with any lengthy questioning, Professor Coram."

・be sweet on ~:(人)にべたぼれである
  ex) “It is possible that these glasses belonged to a woman whom Willoughby Smith was sweet on."

・by all means:〔承諾・同意を表して〕ぜひとも、もちろん
  ex) “By all means, take another cigarette."

・in no time:すぐさま、一瞬にして
  ex) “In no time he had got the housekeeper’s goodwill and was talking to her as if he had known her for years."

・ light-hearted:〔物事が〕楽しい、愉快な
  ex) “I must tell you this is too grave a matter to be dealt with in such a light-hearted way.”

  ex) “I have looked at my answer most carefully, Professor Coram, and I am now sure that it is sound."

・it is only ~:~なのは目に見えている
・cut off ~:~の進行を妨げる[邪魔する]、行く手を遮る
  ex) “It was only when it was too late that she realized that she had taken the wrong one and that her escape back was now cut off.

  ex) “We were reformers—planning to overthrow the state, you understand."

・salt mine:嫌な仕事を強いられる場所
・this day:今日、本日
  ex) In this he failed, but Alexis was sent a prisoner to the salt mine, where he is to this day.

  ex) “I am going! I charge you, sir, to remember the papers.”

  ex) “We then returned to the room again, and, by upsetting the cigarette box, I was able to get a good look at the floor."



