レアジョブ Weekly News Article(渡り鳥のために高層ビルを夜間消灯)


Philadelphia turns off lights to save birds

  ex) The birds migrate from Canada to Florida every fall.

  ex) I voluntarily gave my seat on the train to an old man.

  ex) I use thin curtains to dim the bright morning sunlight.

  ex) The calm lake reflects the sky above.

・a win-win situation:お互いに有利な状況
  ex) The business deal was a win-win situation, so everyone was happy.

・Other than helping birds and saving money, are there more good reasons to turn off or dim lights in cities at night?
 → 街が昔のように暗い方が人々の体内リズムが整う biological clock

・Some people say that cities have too much light and noise. Do you think these are big problems in your country’s cities too?
 → 大都市は夜中も明るくてまぶしくて、体内リズムが狂う

・In general, do you think that cities are good environments for people to live in?
 → 都会は商業のためにやっていて人々の生活のためにはやっていないと思う

・The Lights Out Philly program asks people to voluntarily turn off or dim lights. Do you think that most people will?
 → きっとそうでしょう。

・Do you think other cities should also start a Lights Out program?
 → 渡り鳥に限らずカラスでも鳩でも人間でも、夜は暗くした方が自然だと思う

・Other than bright lights, what else in cities can hurt animals (ex. traffic, noise)?
 → 高速で野生動物がひかれる、野生動物が人間の食べ物の味を覚えてしまう


・人に使う場合の “migrate" と “immigrate" の違い
 migrate: to leave one’s country and settle in another
 immigrate: to come into a new country or region or environment, especially to settle there

※渡り鳥だけでなく、卵の産卵で遡上する魚も “migrate"

・暗闇に光る野生動物の目:wild animal eyes glowing in the dark


