レアジョブ Weekly News Article(バーガーキングがミシュランの星を欲しがる)


Burger King wants a Michelin star

・deserve ~:~を受けるに値する、~の価値がある
  ex) You’ve been working so hard this year. You deserve a long vacation!

・a food stall:屋台
  ex) When I went to Taiwan, I ate at a lot of food stalls.

・criteria:(判断・評価などのための)基準 <criterionの複数形>
  ex) My teacher scores our projects based on 5 criteria.

  ex) The harmony of colors in this painting is really beautiful.

・consistency:一貫性 [kənsístənsi]
  ex) Greg needs to improve his consistency. Sometimes his work is good, and sometimes it’s bad.

・anonymous:匿名の [ənɑ́nəməs]
  ex) Michelin responded by sending two anonymous reviewers to the fast-food chain in October.

・acknowledge ~:〔~を事実だと〕認める
  ex) Burger King acknowledged that Michelin stars and fast-food burgers don’t really seem to match.

・Is it good that Michelin does anonymous reviews, or should they announce to restaurants when they’re coming?
 → もちろん匿名の方が真実が分かるからいいでしょう。

・Do you think reviews help customers choose good products/services?
 → 基本的にはそう。でもヤラセ・サクラも多いから何とも・・・。 faking

・What should businesses do when they receive a bad review (ex. apologize, offer discounts)?
 → 謝罪して改善を約束する、とか。

・Do you think burgers or other types of fast food deserve Michelin stars?
 → 素晴らしければいいんじゃない。

・Do you think that Michelin Stars are a good guide to find the best food and restaurants?
 → 実はそう思わない。自分が一番いいと思う店が一番だと思う。

・Currently, there are 5 criteria for a Michelin star: quality, cooking skill, harmony of flavors, consistency, and how the dish shows the chef’s personality. Should more criteria be added to the list (ex. uniqueness, price)?
 → どれも抽象的すぎるので、もうそれで十分。 abstract


フィリピンにもTim Hortonsがあって値段が高いということを知った。



明らかに、Native Campの先生よりレアジョブの先生の方がガンガンあくびしまくる!