多読 38:The Wizard of OZ (Level:4)


ヒマ過ぎる登場人物たちの行動がとても苦痛だった「Sense and Sensibility(分別と多感)」からようやく解放されたので、次の本は慎重に選ぼうと思った。
そこで皆知ってる「The Wizard of OZ(オズの魔法使い)」を読むことにした。


[シリーズ] ラダーシリーズ
[出版社] IBC Publishing

[著者] L.Frank Baum
[総語数] 23300語

知らない or あやふやな単語

  ex) If there was a cyclone they opened the small door in the middle of the floor and went down the ladder into the small, dark hole.

・dearly:非常に、心から [díərli]
  ex) She loved Toto dearly.

・wicked:意地が悪い、危険な [wíkid]
  ex) “We want to thank you for killing the Wicked Witch of the East, and for making our people free.“

・wonder:戸惑い、疑い [wʌ́ndər]
  ex) Dorothy listened to this speech with wonder.

・freed:freeの過去形・過去分詞形 [frid]
  ex) “If I was I would have freed the Munchkins myself.”

・reach down:下に向かって手を伸ばす
  ex) She reached down, picked up the shoes.

・pass someone’s way:人の手中に入る
  ex) She would make you serve her if you passed her way.

・notice board:掲示板
  ex) At once the hat changed into a notice board on which was written:

・ worse off :より悪くなる
  ex) “Even if Oz will not give you any brains you will be no worse off than you are now."

come along:やってくる、現れる
  ex) “By good luck, you came along and took me off the pole."

・go in:入る
  ex) “If this road goes in, it must come out.”

・oil ~:~に油をさす
・tin:スズ、ブリキ [tín]
・woodman:木こり [wúdmən]
  ex) “Oil my neck first,” replied the Tin Woodman.

・woodcutter:木こり [wúdkʌ̀tər]
  ex) When I grew up I also became a woodcutter.

・with all one’s heart:心底から、いちずに
  ex) I soon grew to love her with all my heart.

・all the same:それでもやはり
  ex) “All the same,” said the Scarecrow.

・now and then:時々
  ex) But now and then there came a deep noise from some wild animal hidden among the trees.

・coward:臆病者、腰抜け [káuərd]
  ex) “No one would think of eating such a little thing except a coward like me.”

・cowardly:勇気のない、臆病な [káuərdli]
  ex) “It seems to me they must be more cowardly than you are if they allow you to frighten them so easily."

  ex) “Very likely. Well, OZ can do anything so I suppose he will find Kansas for you."

・Dear me:おやおや、まぁ!
  ex) “Dear me,” said the Voice, “Well, come to me tomorrow for I must have time to think.”

fool ~:~を騙す、欺く、煙に巻く
  ex) “No, you are all wrong,” said the little man. “I have been fooling you.”

・lead the way:案内する
  ex) He led the way to a small room behind the Throne Room and pointed to one corner in which the great Head lay.

・balloonist:気球に乗る人 [bəlúːnist]
  ex) “I became a balloonist. One day I went up in my balloon but I couldn’t come down again."

・china:陶磁、瀬戸物 [tʃáinə]
  ex) To their surprise they found a high wall which seemed to be made of white china.

・not a bit ~:少しも~ない
  ex) “Not a bit of it,” answered the Lion.



特にこの本のシリーズ、「IBC Publishing」社の「ラダーシリーズ」は、文字数が異様に多いけれど語彙は非常に簡単で、サクサクサクサク読める。
ひとつ前に読んだ「Sense and Sensibility(分別と多感)」とは大違い。

このシリーズで読んだのは、確か「A Christmas Carol(クリスマス・キャロル)」、「Beauty and the Beast(美女と野獣)」、そして「A Dog of Flanders(フランダースの犬)」だったと思う。







“Seeing that the Witch really had disappeared, Dorothy threw more water over the floor. She washed, cleaned, and dried the floor."

The Wizard of OZ
