Native Camp トピックトーク23 Money


・deposit (money in the bank):(銀行・金庫などに)預ける、預金する
 ex) I deposited my excess money in the bank.

・投資する、(…に)投資する、(…に)使う invest (in something)
 ex) We’re investing in overseas real estate.

・waste/squander:浪費する/散財する [skwɑ́ndər]
 ex) He never squanders to leisure.

 ex) The real estate in this country is overpriced.

 ex) I’m looking for an affordable apartment to rent.

 ex) The bank turned down to loan me for buying a house.

 ex) He’s a bankrupt ex-millionaire.

 ex) My budget for buying a house isn’t high.


・deposit (money in the bank):(銀行・金庫などに)預ける、預金する
 "Please check if the money was deposited in your bank account."

・投資する、(…に)投資する、(…に)使う invest (in something)
 "It’s safer to invest in treasury bills than in stocks."

・waste/squander:浪費する/散財する [skwɑ́ndər]
 ex) He never squanders to leisure.
 → “to" ではなく “on"
 "Spoiled rich children just waste/squander the fortune their parents left."

 "Most products in 24-hour stores are overpriced."

 "Cars became more affordable when oil prices went down."

 ex) The bank turned down to loan me for buying a house.
 → “turned down" の後ろは “loaning"
 "Rick got a loan to buy a new car."

 "The company went bankrupt due to poor investments."

 "Let’s stay within the budget this time."


“Children who are born in wealthy families could gain more knowledge than others through cram schools or after-school activities."

“be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth" 「裕福な家に生まれる」という意味の慣用句


Native Campで習っていると、大抵の先生の発音は問題なく聴きとれるので、こういうのは久し振りな気がする。
