レアジョブ Weekly News Article(幽霊屋敷を賃貸に出す)


Family rents out house after experiencing ghost activity

・rent out:賃貸に出す
  ex) We cannot rent out rent-a-car.

  ex) James sometimes sleepwalks around the house at night.

・terrify ~:~を怖がらせる
  ex) The big, barking dog terrified Peter.

  ex) My sister thinks that her office is haunted, so she never works late.

  ex) The house was also featured on a TV show about ghosts.

・live with:耐える、我慢する
  ex) The Clark family is happy that other people are experiencing the same strange activity that they lived with for seven months.

・Do you believe in ghosts?
 → まぁ・・・いるかも・・・しれない

・Do you think real estate companies should tell people that a house may be haunted?
 → 知っているなら言うべきでしょう。黙っておいて入居させてすぐ出ていかれたらまた手間だし

・What do you think is the most famous ghost in your country?
 → えっ・・・・貞子?

・Do you think that it’s better to buy or rent a house?
 → 資産として見込める、そして将来確実に住む場所が欲しいならbuy。でも将来の身軽さを考えるならrent。ってかこれって永遠の課題・・・。

・Do you think that price is the most important thing to consider when buying a house?
 → そうかもしれないが、他にも考えるべきことは多い。環境(静けさ、ご近所、治安)、災害有無とか将来の資産価値とか・・・ assets value

・Do you think that it’s better to buy a newly-built house or an older house?
 → 好みはnewly-built。


・Jefferson [ JEF-er-suhn ]
・ghost [ gohst ]

You said: I don’t want to change the house a lot.
Correct: I don’t want to keep changing houses a lot.

You said: I am always troubling of finding the house.
Correct: It is always a trouble to find a new house.

You said: Some people are sensible.
Correct: Some people are sensitive.

You said: The renter have suicided there.
Better: The renter have committed suicide there.

You said: It is really scared.
Correct: It was really scary.

You said: It was so shocked.
Correct: I was so shocked.



しかも今回は怪談話!いつものレアジョブの固いマジメなレッスンとは違い、Native Campのレッスンのように楽しく大笑いのレッスンになった。