多読 20:Dracula (Level:3)
Level3の本は結構色々とリストに登録し、レベルが合っていたのでどんどん読んでいき、前回の「Huckleberry Finn(ハックルベリー・フィンの冒険)」が今のところは最後だった。
とは言え、前回記載の通りエドガー・アラン・ポーの「The Black Cat(黒猫)」が気持ち悪くて大変だったので、大丈夫かなぁ・・・と不安がよぎる。
[シリーズ] Happy Readers
[出版社] Happy House
[著者] Bram Stoker
[総語数] 10625語
知らない or あやふやな単語
ex) Jonathan Harker traveled from London to Transylvania to meet a client named Count Dracula.
ex) Young Herr, do you really have to go?
・interfere:邪魔をする、妨げる、遅らせる [ìntərfíər]
ex) Nothing could interfere with that.
・crucifix:〔イエス・キリストの〕十字架像 [krúːsəfiks]
ex) She took off the crucifix that hung around her neck and put it around my neck.
・for one’s sake:~のために、~に免じて
ex) “For your mother’s sake,” she said before leaving my room.
・quiant:〔考え方・行動などが〕奇妙な、変わった、古くさい [kwéint]
ex) These are quaint superstitions.
・agitated:動揺した [ǽdʒitèitəd]
ex) This caused our horses to become agitated.
ex) The man stammered in reply, “The English Herr was in a hurry.”
ex) I know too much, and my horses are swift.
ex) Then he leapt up to his seat, shook his reins, and we lurched forward, hurtling through the night.
ex) By this time, we were near the far side of the pass.
・snapped to sense:気が付いた
ex) I snapped to my senses and saw that we were in the courtyard of an ancient, crumbling castle, and were before a huge wooden door.
ex) What sort of grim adventure was I on?
・threshold:敷居 [θréʃhould]
・grasp ~:~を掴む
ex) The instant that I had stepped over the threshold, he grasped my hand with his, which felt more dead than alive.
・possess ~:人に~させる
ex) It possessed the same unnatural strength as that of the driver.
・I bid you welcome:あなたを歓迎します。
ex) He bowed formally as he replied, “I am Dracula, and I bid you welcome, Mr. Harker, to my house."
・winding:曲がりくねった [wáindiŋ]
ex) We went up a great winding stair and along a great passage.
ex) I could see two of his white teeth, which protruded out over his surprisingly red lips.
ex) His fingers were short and broad, and they had long pointed fingernails.
ex) When he leaned close to me, I could smell a sort of decay on this breath.
・nauseat ~:~に吐き気を催させる
ex) This nauseated me, and the Count drew back after seeing my reaction.
ex) With a courtly bow, he quickly left me.
ex) He impaled the old ones on long, sharp sticks.
ex) He then made the younger nobles and their families march to another town and build a castle there.
・back up:後退する
ex) I backed up and his hand touched the string of beads which held the crucifix.
・wrench open:こじ開ける
ex) He wrenched open the window with his terrible hand and he flung out the mirror.
・shatter into ~:~に砕ける
ex) It shattered into a thousand pieces on the stones of the courtyard far below.
・peculiar:奇妙な、風変わりな [pikjúːljər]
ex) He must be a very peculiar man!
ex) I found some sense of freedom and peace in the vast and beautiful view of the countryside, bathed in yellow moonlight.
ex) My feelings changed to repulsion and terror.
ex) I saw the whole man slowly emerge from the window.
ex) I thought it was some trick of the moonlight, but I kept looking, and it was no delusion.
ex) I feel the dread of this horrible place overpowering me.
ex) I exerted all my strength to push it open enough to permit me to pass.
・sanity:〔精神・考え方・判断などの〕健全さ[性]、正気 [sǽnəti]
ex) I swear I am not mad, but there are things here that put my sanity to the test.
ex) It is maddening to think that there are foul beasts here worse than the Count and that I must trust him to keep me safe as long as I am useful to him.
ex) It seemed like a dream because the ladies cast no shadow in the moonlight.
ex) Two were dark and had great, dark, piercing eyes that seemed to be almost red.
ex) The other was fair, with great masses of golden hair and eyes like pale sapphires.
ex) All three of them laughed, such a silvery, musical laugh, but also inhumanly hard.
ex) The fair girl shook her head coyly, and the other two urged her on.
・in agony:苦悩して
ex) I lay quiet, looking out from under my eyelashes in an agony of delightful anticipation.
ex) The fair girl advanced and bent over me.
ex) She was both thrilling and repulsive.
・foot ~:~を歩く
ex) I heard the cracking of whips and the pounding of horses’ feet up the rocky path.
ex) I saw two great wagons, each drawn by eight sturdy horses, each driven by a Slovak, with wide hats, great nail-studded belts, dirty sheep skins, and high boots.
ex) In one of the underground rooms, I saw about fifty great boxes half filled with newly dug earth.
ex) I saw his dead eyes and in them such a look of hate that I fled from the place.
・regain ~:~にたどり着く
ex) Regaining my room, I threw myself panting upon the bed and tried to think.
ex) I knew there was no escape at night when such creatures as these roamed the woods.
ex) There lay the Count, looking as if his youth had been half restored.
ex) His mouth was redder than ever, for on his lips was fresh blood, which trickled from the corners of his mouth and ran down over his chin and neck.
ex) He seemed like a fat leech, resting after gorging himself on blood.
ex) I shuddered as I bent over to touch him, and every sense in me revolted at the contact.
・doom:破滅、死 [dúːm]
ex) Shortly before ten o’clock, the stillness of the hot and humid air grew quite oppressive.
ex) The waves rose in growing fury, transforming the flat, calm waters into a roaring and devouring monster.
ex) A sea mist came in, cold and clammy.
ex) The foreign cargo ship spotted earlier before the storm was now much closer and in terrible danger of running aground on the reef.
ex) Then came another mass of sea fog, greater than anyone could remember, which cut off all sight of the impending disaster.
・droop: 垂れる [drúːp]
ex) Lashed to the wheel of the ship was a corpse, with a drooping head that swung horribly to and fro at each motion of the ship.
・awe:畏敬(の念)、畏怖 [ɔ]
ex) A great awe came over everyone.
ex) they did not know it until they reached puberty.
ex) I learned about Jonathan’s ordeal at Castle Dracula.
・vigor:活力、気力 [vígər]
ex) Jonathan has recovered much of his previous health and vigor.
・plague:伝染病、絵企業 [pléig]
ex) She did not show any signs of the tiredness or weakness that had plagued her in Whitby.
ex) This learned man was gracious enough to come at once after he heard the details of Lucy’s case.
・ghastly:不気味な、青白い [gǽs(t)li]
ex) She was ghastly pale.
ex) The red seemed to have gone even from her lips and gums.
ex) The bones of her face stood out prominently.
ex) She will die for sheer want of blood.
・transfusion of blood:輸血
ex) There must be a transfusion of blood at once.
ex) With my blood coursing in Lucy’s veins, she showed a marked improvement.
ex) He was gravely ill.
ex) Reluctantly, I left Lucy in the care of Dr. Seward and Dr. Van Helsing.
ex) They seem capable of bringing Lucy back to good health.
ex) She almost pooh-poohed the idea.
・vigil:寝ずの番、徹夜の看病 [vídʒil]
ex) I made preparations for my long vigil.
ex) I tackled the subject at once.
ex) She never stirred but slept on and on in a deep, tranquil, life-giving sleep.
・asylum:養老院、精神科病棟 [əsáiləm]
ex) l tended my regular duties at the mental asylum where I work.
・take a toll on ~:~の負担になる
ex) This schedule began to take its toll on me.
ex) Her gums seemed to have shrunk back from her teeth, as we sometimes see in a corpse after a prolonged illness.
ex) It beats, but feebly.
ex) I never jest!
・deck ~:~を飾る
ex) You shall help me deck the room with garlic.
ex) He rubbed them all over the sashes.
ex) Even if the air feels stuffy, do not open the window or the door.
・be blessed with ~:~の恩恵を受ける
ex) What have I done to be blessed with such friends?
・fit of ~:発作的な~
ex) But just as suddenly, his fit of despair left, and he jumped to his feet.
ex) Her throat bare, showing the two little wounds looking horribly white and mangled.
ex) Van Helsing came to my office and thrust last night’s “Westminster Gazette” into my hand.
ex) when Van Helsing moved the stone slab over her coffin, Lucy’s body was not there!
ex) He reacted in much the same way I did, calling Van Helsing a raving lunatic.
・pursuade 人 to ~:人を説得して~させる
ex) We persuaded him to visit Lucy’s tomb that night.
ex) Van Helsing leapt forward and brandished his crucifix.
ex) Van Helsing handed a hammer and wooden stake to Arthur.
・peasant:小作人 [pézənt]
ex) When peasants found the bloodless bodies outside the castle, rumors were started.
ex) During the daylight hours, he is confined to his coffin like the truly dead.
・sacred:神聖な [séikrid]
ex) He put a sacred wafer, the same ones that are used in church to symbolize Christ’s body, in each coffin.
ex) There was Mina standing limply upright next to her bed.
ex) By her side stood a tall, thin man, clad in black.
ex) His right hand gripped her by the back of the neck, forcing her face down on his bosom.
ex) Her white night-dress was smeared with blood.
・leap into ~:~に飛び込む、~に飛び乗る
ex) The Count turned his face, and a hellish look seemed to leap into it.
ex) the professor wan chanting a prayer.
ex) He cowered back.
・go forth:出ていく、出発する
ex) We go forth to finish our terrible task.
ex) Are we all armed, as we were on that night when first we visited our enemy’s lair?
ex) Van Helsing seemed quite dejected.
ex) Let us go and destroy this monster’s last refuge while the sun shines.
・vice versa:逆もまた同様、反対に
ex) She can experience what Dracula is experiencing now, and vice versa.
・hypnotize:催眠術を掛ける [hípnətàiz]
ex) Van Helsing hypnotized Mina.
ex) She slept so soundly that Van Helsing could not wake her.
ex) He had found a wonderful spot with an entrance like a doorway between two boulders.
ex) He brought in our furs, made a snug nest for me.
・wag:しっぽや頭を振る [wǽg]
ex) In the midst of them was a long wagon which swayed from side to side, like a dog’s tail wagging.
ex) He shouted in glee like a schoolboy.
ex) “They are all converging,” he said.
ex) We were accustomed to watching for sunrise.
ex) We knew with fair accuracy that the sun would soon set.
ex) We could clearly distinguish the individuals of each party.
ex) One was my Jonathan’s, the other Mr. Holmwood’s strong, resolute tone of command.
ex) The Gypsies may not have known the language, but there was no mistaking intent.
ex) Instinctively, they pulled their horses to a stop.
ex) Nothing seemed to stop or even to hinder them.
ex) Neither the levelled weapons nor the flashing knives of the gypsies in front appeared to even attract their attention.
ex) Jonathan’s grim face and singleness of purpose seemed to overawe the Gypsies in front of him.
ex) He parried them with his great bowie knife.
ex) Blood was spurting through his fingers.
ex) His red eyes glared with the horrible vindictive look which I knew so well.
ex) I shrieked as I saw it shear through his throat.
ex) Arthur’s bowie knife plunged into his heart.
・desert 人:人を見捨てる
ex) Those who were on foot jumped upon the wagon and shouted to the horsemen not to desert them.
ex) The blood still gushed through his fingers.
ex) He must have seen the anguish of my heart in my face.
ex) He cried suddenly, struggling to a sitting posture and pointing to me.
ex) The red gleams fell upon my face.
ex) To our bitter grief, with a smile and in silence, he died, a gallant gentleman.