NHKニュースで学ぶ現代英語 2023年6月勉強分④

ランドセル商戦 早くも開始

【 語彙・表現 】


・satchel:肩かけかばん、学生かばん、(ここでは)ランドセル [sǽtʃəl]
・make a pitch:売り込む、買うように説得する、宣伝する
 ※この場合のpitch = sales pitch「売り込み口上」
・enter the first grade:1年生になる、小学校に入学する
 ※= start elementary school
 ex) But a manufacturer of satchels is already making its pitch to parents of children who will enter the first grade next year.

・spring holidays:春の休暇(ゴールデンウィーク)
・the southwestern city of Miyazaki:南西部にある宮崎という市 ※豆知識参照
 ex) Tsuchiya Kaban held a sales event in the southwestern city of Miyazaki on Sunday, the last day of spring holidays.

 ※cf. lineup:その会社の「商品全体」を意味することがある。
 ex) It showcased its new line of backpacks called “randoseru.”

・carry around:持ち歩く、持ち運ぶ
 ex) Kids are expected to carry around their books and other items in the same bag during all six years of elementary school.

・be on display:展示中である、展示されて、陳列されて
・on the inside:内側に
 ex) Fifty-two randoseru models were on display. Some featured patterns on the inside.

・come in ~:~の形で売られる、形式がある
・hue:色、色調 [hjúː]
 ex) They came in 40 colors. The standard red and black were supplemented by trendier soft tones in purple, brown, and other hues.

・carry a price tag of ~:~の値札が付いている
 ex) A company official said popular models carry price tags of around 600 dollars.

【 豆知識:同格の “of" 】

A manufacturer of school backpacks held a sales event in the southwestern city of Miyazaki on Sunday.

(ひとつ前の「アイヌの人たちの遺骨 豪博物館から返還」ニュースより)
They were originally taken from the northern prefecture of Hokkaido and the then Japanese territory of Karafuto, now the Russian island of Sakhalin.

経常収支の黒字額 前年度の半分以下に

【 語彙・表現 】
・current account:経常収支(日本が海外との貿易や投資などでどれだけ稼いだかを示す指標)
 ex) Japan’s current account surplus fell by more than half in the latest fiscal year as the currency weakened and the price of energy imports soared.

 ex) The current account is a key indicator of trade and investment with the rest of the world.

・stand at 数字:(ある数値を)指す、示す
 ex) The Finance Ministry says the surplus for fiscal 2022 stood at 9.2 trillion yen, or about 69 billion dollars.

・the year before:その前の年、前年
 ex) That’s down more than 80 billion dollars from the year before.

・deficit:赤字、不足額 [défəsit]
・in ~ terms:~の観点から
・in yen terms:は「円に換算すると、円ベースでは
 ※e.g. My dog is 90 years old in human terms.「人間の年齢で90歳」
 ex) The trade deficit was around 134 billion dollars. In yen terms, it was an all-time high.

・dividend:配当、分配金 [dívidènd]
 ※一般的な意味では「分け前、恩恵」を表すこともある。e.g. pay dividends:(将来)利益を生む、役に立つ
 ex) Japanese companies investing overseas earned much more in interest and dividends.

・primary income:第一次所得(収支)(日本企業が海外の子会社から受け取った配当や利子などの収支状況を示すもの)
・hit a record (of) ~:過去最高の~に達する、~を記録する
 ex) This led to a jump in the primary income surplus, which hit a record of about 265 billion dollars.

・trading house:大手商社
 ex) Major trading houses posted hefty gains thanks to rising prices of energy and natural resources.

【 豆知識:"rest" を使ったフレーズの例 】

・Leave the rest to me.「あとは私に任せてください」
・The rest is history.「ここから先はご存じの通り」

駐日大使ら LGBTQ差別反対呼びかけ

【 語彙・表現 】
・diplomat:外交官 [dpləmæ̀t]
・embassy:大使館 [émbəsi]
 ex) Diplomats from more than a dozen embassies in Japan have expressed support for LGBTQ rights in the country ahead of the G7 summit.

・the time is now to ~:今こそ~するとき
 ※= now is the time to ~
・be seen, heard, and counted:立場の弱い人たちの権利や主張が社会で認知されるべきだと訴えるときに使われることがある表現
・be seen:(存在を)認識される、関心を持たれる
・is heard:意見に耳を傾けられる
・be counted:存在を認められる、価値があるものとされる
 ※stand up and be counted「堂々と意見を述べる(もしそうすることによって問題が起こるかもしれなくても)」という使い方もある。
 ex) The time is now to ensure that everybody is seen, everybody is heard, and everybody is counted.

・ambassador to ~:~に駐在する大使 [æmbǽsədər]
・foreign mission:常設外交使節団、公使館(員)(ここでは「大使館」の言い換え)
 ex) On Friday, the U.S. ambassador to Japan posted a video with messages from 15 foreign missions in Tokyo.

・envoy:(政府に派遣された)特使(ここでは「大使」の言い換え)[ɑ́nvɔ̀i /énvɔi]
・the European Union:欧州連合
・speak in favor of ~:~に賛成する発言をする
 ※cf. speak (out) against ~:~に反対する発言をする
・anti-:[ǽntai / ǽnti]
 ex) Envoys from Germany, Canada, and the European Union spoke in favor of equal rights and anti-discrimination.

 ex) Under Japan’s G7 presidency, we hope to see concrete steps towards equal rights for the LGBT+ community in Japan.

 ex) Gender-based discrimination or discrimination against the LGBTIQ community is wrong.

 ex) We need good legislation to prevent it.

【 豆知識:"or" と カンマ付き"or" の用法 】
“Gender-based discrimination or discrimination against the LGBTIQ community is wrong.

ここでのorは、A or Bの形で「AでもBでも(~である)」という用法で、andと意味が似ているます。
 ex) I don’t like coffee or tea.「コーヒーや紅茶は(どちらも)好きではない

 ex) Gender-based discrimination, or discrimination against the LGBTIQ community, is wrong.




“Listen as closely as you can, and embrace mistakes when you talk."
embrace ~:〔進んで~を〕利用[活用]する


【 語彙・表現 】
・thatchedは「わらぶきの、草ぶきの [θætʃt]
 ※動詞形はthatch:藁を吹く [θǽtʃ]
 ex) Local community members at a UNESCO World Heritage site in central Japan are repairing the thatched roofs of a 200-year-old temple.

 ex) Houses in the Shirakawa Village district are known for steeply pitched tops that must be re-thatched every 20 to 30 years.

 ex) The participants put around 9,000 bundles of grass-like sedge onto the roofs without using machinery.

・entrust A to B:AをBに任せる、委ねる
 ex) Nowadays, more residents are entrusting re-thatching work to professionals, as members of the community are getting older, and the work requires many people.

・due in part to ~:部分的には~のせいで、~も手伝って
 ex) Saturday’s work was the first such re-thatching in five years due in part to the coronavirus pandemic.

タイ総選挙 野党2党で過半数

【 語彙・表現 】
・opposition party:野党
 ※cf. ruling party:与党
・be set to ~:~する用意ができている、~する構えである、~することになっている
・coalition:複数の政党などによる連立 [kòuəlíʃən]
 ex) Thailand’s two opposition parties are set to begin negotiations to form a ruling coalition.

・victory over ~:~に対する勝利」
・backed by ~:~に支援されている、~の支援を受けている
・general election:総選挙
 ex) This comes after a stunning victory by the progressive Move Forward Party over parties backed by the military in the general election.

・electoral officials:選挙管理委員会
・come first:(競争などで)1着になる、(ここでは)第1党になる
 ex) Results released by electoral officials on Monday showed the Move Forward Party came first with 152 seats, and the Pheu Thai Party came second with 141 seats.

 ex) The Move Forward Party’s leader says it is seeking a completely democratic parliament to replace the current military-backed government.

 ex) The current parliamentary rules were drafted by the military after the 2014 coup.

・incumbent:現在公職についている「現職者」 [inkʌ́mbənt]
・lag behind:(競争相手などに)遅れる、遅れを取る
・the opposition:野党勢力
 ex) Incumbent Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha lagged behind the opposition.