レアジョブ Weekly News Article(早過ぎクリスマスデコでトラブル)


Family in trouble for putting up Christmas lights too early

  ex) My only availability tomorrow is three o’clock.

・a homeowners’ association:(住宅などの)管理組合
  ex) My wife is the president of our homeowners’ association.

・threaten to ~:~する恐れがある
  ex) I threatened to talk to the boy’s parents if he didn’t stop yelling.

・holiday spirit:お祭り気分(イベントを楽しみにしている気持ちを表す)
  ex) Wow, look at all these decorations! You must have a lot of holiday spirit.

  ex) My company regulates when employees can take breaks.

・put up the decorations:飾りつけをする
  ex) Their homeowners’ association threatened to fine the family for putting up decorations too early.

・keep ~ up/down:上げた/下げたままにしておく
  ex) He offered to keep the decorations up but not turn on the lights until Thanksgiving.

・Do you think Moffa should be fined for having Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving?
 → まさか。ばかばかしい。明かりは付けないのだから人に迷惑もかけていない。

・In the US, some people keep their holiday decorations up all year. Do you think that’s okay?
 → そんなの人の勝手。ただし照明は不可だと思う。

・In your country, do people decorate for holidays more now than when you were a child?
 → なんとなく、反対かな。今は電気代がめちゃめちゃ高いから・・・

・Do you think Christmas should be a national holiday in your country?
 → 経済を考えるとアリ。でも国教でもないのにそんなことしたら世界にみっともない

・In your opinion, what is the ideal Christmas meal?
 → 特別感があれば何でもいいのでは。

・In your opinion, is Christmas a holiday for families or for couples?
 → 日本ではそうだし、それで消費が増えるならまぁ好きにすれば・・・


tacky = having a cheap and ugly appearance; not tasteful or stylish
 ex) We got rid of that tacky old furniture/wallpaper.

YOU SAID: It sounds no problem.
CORRECT: Sounds like it’s no problem.

YOU SAID: We have to follow to other people.
CORRECT: We have to follow other people.

“Please refrain from using filler words." とのこと。


いや~・・・今日の初にしてもう2度とないであろう J 先生とはキツかった。
