レアジョブ Weekly News Article(マクドナルドの創作メニュー)


McDonald’s offers four new sandwiches inspired by fan creations

・hack:〔物事をうまくやるための〕こつ、アイデア [hǽk]
 ex) I love to watch videos about cooking and cleaning hacks.

・mash-up:2つ以上のものを混ぜ合わせること [mǽʃ]
 ex) The song is a mash-up of several hits from the 1980s.

・topped with ~:~を上に乗せた
 ex) I love their fresh salad topped with feta cheese.

・the least ~:最も~でない ←→ the most ~
 ex) The most popular hack was the Hash Brown McMuffin, while the least popular one was a mix of a Big Mac, McChicken, and Filet-o-Fish.

・Filet(-o-Fish):〔魚・肉の骨なしの〕切り身、開き身 [filéi]

 ex) The pancakes that she makes are crunchy around the edges and are delicious.

・Surf+Turf / surf and turf:魚介類とステーキのコース料理

・ Many customers were disappointed that they had to build their own hacks. In your opinion, why did McDonald’s employees not build the sandwiches (ex. because of Covid-19, because it takes more time)? Discuss.
 → たぶん面倒だから。忙しい時にいちいちレシピを見ながら作っていられないから。

・Which of the hacks would you like to try (the Hash Brown McMuffin, Crunchy Double, Surf + Turf, and/or Land, Air & Sea)? Why? Discuss.
 → Crunchy Double。チーズと肉好きだから。

・Imagine that you can design your own McDonald’s hack. What menu items will you mix (ex. French fries with an Oreo McFlurry, apple pie with barbecue sauce)? Why? Discuss.
 → 「The Chicken and The Egg problem」卵が先か鶏が先か問題という名前のバーガー
  (Filet-o-Fish と Egg McMuffin のミックス)

・There are many different types of hacks: life hacks, cleaning hacks, food hacks, etc… What kind of hack are you most interested in? Why? Discuss.
 → やっぱりMoney Hacksでしょう・・・お金を貯めるコツが欲しい。。。

・What’s the most useful hack that you know (ex. using frozen grapes for ice cubes, using toilet paper rolls as smartphone speakers)? Why? Discuss.
 → コップの内側の茶渋を塩でこすると簡単に取れる rub, tea stain, remove

・Do you think that people should believe all hacks that they see online? Why or why not? Discuss.
 → 最近疑わしいものが多いからあまり信じない方がいい。


・expert in the field
・"I don’t know how much it’s popular" → “I don’t know how popular it is."





Native Campの先生と比べてレアジョブの先生はマジメであまり面白みが無いのは知っていたけれど、いきなりコレか・・・。