Native Camp 日記トーク(雪の足跡)



When snow piles up, I can find out what I usually cannot see. That is where other people are walking, by human footprints.

There are many vacant lots, desert fields, and wooded areas here. When I take a walk, I am tempted to step into those areas since I like exploring nature. Yet, many of those places look too native to walk around for me.

However, after snowing, I see human footprints in the snow that shows someone walking around such nature areas. It makes me glad to think that there are some people like me.

【 キーとなる語彙・フレーズ 】
pile up:積み重なる

【 先生の修正】
・When snow piles up, I can find out what I usually cannot see.
  -> When snow piles up, I can notice things that are usually hidden from me.
 ※"find out" は見るというより事実を調べる

That is where other people are walking, by human footprints.
  -> What I mean by that is that I can see where other people are walking, by their footprints.
 ※"what I mean by that is":つまりどういうことかと言うと
 ※"footprint" は “tracks" でも良い

・There are many vacant lots, desert fields, and wooded areas here.
  -> There are many vacant lots, deserted/empty fields, and wooded areas here
 ※"desert" だともっと広い荒涼とした場所(まさに砂漠)のイメージなので “empty" の方が良い

・Yet, many of those places look too native to walk around for me.
  -> Yet, many of those places look too wild (for me) to walk around / for me.
 ※"native" は意味不明だった模様。先生と一緒に言いたいことに合った語彙を探して、"wild"
 ※"for me" は文中・文末どちらでも良い

・However, after snowing, I see human footprints in the snow that shows someone walking around such nature areas.
  -> However, after it snows, I see human footprints that show someone walking in those remote/natural/wild areas.

・It makes me glad to think that there are some people like me.
  -> It makes me glad to think that there are others like me.
 ※"some people like me" だとまだ続きがあるような感じで中途半端(らしい、ちょっと説明が分からなかった)

【 言えなかった語彙・フレーズ 】
・Those places are very fascinating to me.



