Native Camp スピーキング 1-22 Ask Him


Ask Him

【Q1 Ask him if it is a good idea to try to memorize the dictionary. :サンプル回答】
What good comes out of memorizing the dictionary?

come out of ~:~から生まれる、得られる

【Q4 Ask her if she is tired.:自分の回答より】
“Do you feel" ~ ではなく “Are you feeling ~"

【Q5 Ask her what she thinks about Japanese food.:サンプル回答】
What can you say about Japanese cuisine?

How do you like the autumn leaves?"
2021年9月の回 紅葉の話で)

【Q6 Ask him what he thinks about using a smartphone.:サンプル回答】
What do you think about using a smartphone?

【Q7 Ask her why she came to Japan.:自分の回答より】
“What brought you to Japan?"

【Q8 Ask her what her favorite food is.:サンプル回答】
What food do you like most?

【Q10 Ask her if she can come along with you to the department store.:サンプル回答】
Can you accompany me to the department store?
Could you come with me to the department store?
Would you like to come with me to the department store?

accompany ~:~に同行する

【Q11 Ask him what kind of music he likes.:サンプル回答】
What is in your playlist?


【Q14 Ask him what is the best way to cope with stress.:サンプル回答】
How do you handle (cope with) stress?

【Q15 Ask him if he knows the best way to stay healthy and fit.:サンプル回答】
How do I stay fit?

【Q17 Ask her if she can go out with you for dinner tonight.:サンプル回答】
Are you available for dinner tonight?

こういう風に人に対して(ホテル予約みたいに)"available" を使ってもおかしくない、とのこと。

【Q18 Ask him if he reads a newspaper every day.:自分の回答より】
“part of your routine"

【Q19 Ask him if he has ever given something to a beggar.:サンプル回答】
beggar :物乞い

【Q20 Ask her what she does when she is tired.:サンプル回答】
What do you do to feel relaxed?
What makes you feel relaxed?

【Q21 Ask him how he asks his girlfriend to forgive him.:サンプル回答】
How do you say sorry to your girlfriend?
How do you make it up to her?
How did you get your girlfriend to forgive you?

make it up to ~:~と仲直りをする、~に埋め合わせをする

【Q23 Ask him how many days off he has per year.】
“How many days are you absent from the office?"
は、"absent" だと病欠のように聞こえるので
“How many days are you taking time off from work?"

【Q24 Ask him why it is important to have a good education.】
How do you think about having a good education?"
で、"how" はフィーリングを訊いているニュアンスなので
What do you think about having a good education?"


